The Leaf THE LEAF July-August 2019 | Page 22

...and the leaves are for healing." Ezekiel 47:12 – My Story By Cathy Rogers would take effect. If that didn't work the next plan would be Methotrexate. Unfortunately after each course of Prednisone the symptoms would return and the Plaquenil and Imuran combination failed. Thanks to Medical Cannabis I am off thirteen medications and in remission from Crohn's. I no longer go to the bathroom 30 times per day and I no longer suffer from joint swelling and muscle pain. My name is Cathy Rogers. I have Crohn's, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Asthma and a history of multiple blood clots. To treat the Crohn's I was given all of the conventional drugs and when they failed I was given a biologic drug called Entyvio by intravenous infusion. There was no sign of improvement and my health was declining fast. My gastroenterologist made an unprecedented decision to start Remicade (another biologic) with Entyvio still in my system. This combination worked to achieve remission and my gastroenterologist did a formal presentation of my case to his colleagues in the hope of helping other Crohn's patients. Unfortunately, I developed drug induced Lupus as a side effect to the Remicade. I had severe swelling throughout my body. Normal protocol would be to stop the Remicade. However, in my case the threat of losing remission to Crohn's was greater than the threat of Lupus. The decision was made to stay on the Remicade and treat the Lupus with Prednisone, until the Plaquenil and Imuran My joints started to seize up if I sat for any length of time or when I lay in bed. I barely made it to the washroom one night. Once there I realised I could not stand up to get off the toilet. I dropped to my knees and crawled back to bed. I was terrified at how debilitating my disease had become. The following day I was given a jar of Cannabis Salve. My friend rubbed the salve into all of my joints and I thought nothing more of it. The next morning, I received a phone call from the person who brought me the salve asking if it had worked. Only then did I realise I had slept 7 hours straight and that I had no pain. Since I was used to getting up every hour or so through the night this was a miracle for me! I had already made an emergency appointment with my rheumatologist, so I had only two days to do my research on Cannabis. I decided that I did not want to proceed with the plan to go on Methotrexate due to all of the risks involved. I told my rheumatologist that I wanted to try Medical Cannabis instead. To my surprise, she was very supportive of the idea and made the referral to the Cannabis Clinic. While at Life Labs for my regular blood work, I told the phlebotomist my story about the salve. That same week another patient told her that Cannabis had saved him from bladder Cancer. My phlebotomist shared my story with this patient who then suggested I call him. Upon receiving the message I did call Jack Kungel and we agreed to meet.