And 29 states allow some form of medical
marijuana. San Francisco recently dropped
thousands of marijuana-related convictions.
And Seattle plans to do the same.
But this doesn’t change the federal
restrictions. And Attorney General Jeff
Sessions seems Hell bent on enforcing those
federal rules.
“Good people don’t smoke marijuana” he
Kansas State Representative
Steven Alford made a case
against legalising cannabis by
referring to the racist rhetoric
of the Anslinger era. Saying….
“And we’re still seeing a lot of
They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing
crime, they’re rapists”
So while some things have changed on the
state level, some politicians are sticking with
the fear mongering and racism playbook.
Even though Pew Research polls show that
61% of Americans now approve of
nationwide legalisation.
Up from 16% about 30 years ago.
Popular opinion suggests it’s high time to
reconsider federal laws.