A message from Jessica Mountford (NSW) –
a Cannabis & do Terra Wellness advocate
This can unfortunately at times deter individuals
to try and empower themselves by trying a
possible alternative in the effort to heal
themselves or their family members but often the
case is that they will do whatever it takes to save
their loved ones and bring relief despite the
Everyday cannabis is improving the lives of
individuals. It is happening and it is occurring all
over our country! Unfortunately, though we have
a law that states that it is now a Cat A drug and
the 'drugs' are allowed to be imported have to be
run in "ground breaking trials". These laws are
limiting and blatantly ignoring the benefits that
come with the use of whole plant medicine.
Every day I answer the phone at work I am told
that patients of GP's, Natural Therapists,
Oncologists, Neurologists etc. have sent them to
the Ubuntu Wellness Clinic as "they seem to
know what they are doing", "I have a few patients
that are receiving positive results" or "I can't
prescribe it but you can go there to source it."
They are telling their patients that they believe
that cannabis may help with alleviating their
symptoms but I don't know where you can get it,
"I am supportive of the choice you will need to
ask around and let me know how you go." There
are still a lot of Dr's that would like to know more
about it I am told.
Then there's the other side of the spectrum where
I hear that Dr's are referring individuals but turn
a blind eye to it, they don't want to know,
although if you receive benefits when taking it I
can no longer assist you. The stories alter slightly
but you get the picture I'm sure.
The two things that hang over potential client’s
head when trying to source a reputable option is
the fact that they could be pulled over by a MDT
or they are worried that Child Services will be on
their door step because of the legalities around it.
This fear is created by a regulated system, a
system that ultimately criminalises an individual
if they use a medicine considered illegal and
when something is bringing someone quality of
life this does not matter, "it's unsafe!" These
people are every day, often conservative families
looking for any option that may assist.
We have a system that will condemn people for
making choices that will potentially bring relief.
These 'ideals' need to change so that this ongoing
torturous fear discontinues.
Fortunately, we have brave families that make a
stand and shout out loud about how they are
achieving this quality time with each other, but
they too are often still controlled by the system,
made out to be 'conspiracy theorists', "mentally
unstable", or are used for what it can only seem
to be political gain...
This medicine is grown freely throughout some
countries where they respect the plant as
medicine, they respect the fact that it was placed
on our earth by creation. On the other hand in our
country some politicians views are the complete
opposite, "if it's not a pharmaceutical drug then
it's unsafe", "bags of weed will be imported" (as
opposed to pharmaceuticals). They want trials
done in collaboration with other pharmaceuticals.
We need all Dr's, Specialists and Therapeutic
practitioners to stand up for their patient’s
choices when it comes to natural therapies, and
not condemn the choices that can knowingly
create better quality of life for humanity!
To explain that the evidence is not just anecdotal.
The need to advocate and educate themselves is
critical so that we can all do this together and we
need to do this without fear of being discredited!