How can someone be charged for being compassionate , and ‘ freely ’ assisting others who are ill and / or suffering ??? Wake up Australia
Big Pharma is Synthesizing Cannabis to Make a Patent-able Pill and It ’ s Killing
People By Matt Agorist January 19 , 2016 Researcher ’ s due to a variety of healing properties .
Throughout the bodies of every human on the planet is a physiological system that plays a crucial role in establishing and maintaining human health . The endogenous cannabinoid system ( ECS ), discovered by scientists unafraid of studying marijuana , is made of endocannabinoids and their receptors which are found throughout the body : in the brain , organs , connective tissues , glands , and immune cells .
The goal of the ECS is to maintain homeostasis within your body .
While the human body produces its own version of endocannabinoids to stimulate these receptors , scientists have discovered that Phytocannabinoids , plant-based substances , can also stimulate these cannabinoid receptors . The most well-known , and most psychoactive phytocannabinoid is Delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol , or THC , which is derived from the cannabis plant . However , other , non-psychoactive cannabinoids such as cannabidiol ( CBD ) and cannabinol ( CBN ) are gaining the interest of
There are over 20,000 articles searchable on PubMed detailing the effects of “ cannabinoid ” ( s ). New research has shown that cannabis is an effective treatment for a myriad of ailments ranging from cancer , to epilepsy , to PTSD .
These seemingly miraculous benefits have gotten the attention of the pharmaceutical industry which is likely interested in profiting from said benefits . The thing about cannabis , however , is that it doesn ’ t need Big Pharma to produce it , package it and distribute , as it can grow in your backyard .
But , when government-connected industries wish to shut out their competition , which in this case is a plant , they lean on the state ’ s ability to stifle competition through claiming a right to the intellectual property behind a particular set of ingredients – otherwise known as a patent .