Our father started growing medical cannabis for us out of necessity because he wanted to ensure
that our medication would be coming from a reliable source and grown organically. On the 8th
of December the police knocked on our parents' door with a search warrant for the property.
They seized our medicine and ripped all of the plants out of the ground. Our dad was taken to the
police station and was held for 7 hours.
He now faces a trial with costly legal fees that our parents can't afford.
We are hoping to be an example to show the Australian government that our laws need to change.
By Katrina Mosley
Twelve months ago laws were changed
in Australia to allow cannabis to be
legally prescribed as a medicine.
Today less than 300 people around
Australia have been able to gain access a
legal cannabis medicine - tens of
thousands are still waiting and cannot
access it still - this needs to be fixed as a
matter of urgency.
Your input into this survey will allow for the issues and frustrations being experienced to be
collected and presented to the federal and state governments with the aim of making medicinal
cannabis more accessible to those who need it.
This survey is being conducted by members of the medicinal cannabis community who have a
shared interest in cannabis medicine being more accessible to people in Australia.
We believe the priority is to get the most vulnerable in our community the medicine they need to
ease the suffering and distress currently being experienced by many who are sick or have sick
loved ones. The debate regarding legalisation we acknowledge is an important one, however is
not the specific purpose of the survey. Thank you!