The Leaf THE LEAF January-February 2018 | Page 15

Earth Expo - Launceston October 28 th -29th There was a constant stream of visitors on both days. Thirst for education is massive, requests for herbal medication even greater. Had several people in tears from pain and the need for relief from medicinal cannabis. We discovered people outside, who were unable to afford the admission into the expo, but came along in the hope they could talk to us, fortunately we discovered this early on the Saturday. Over 500 newsletters distributed, and we need to thank many of our Labor members of parliament for printing up so many hard copy’s for giving away over this weekend. "the leaf" newsletter continues to be extremely popular. Many business cards handed out. At this point we would like to thank the organisers for "donating" this expo site to the Little Green Trailer project. This was a massive boost for us and greatly appreciated. The little green trailer project is just not possible without this sort of generosity and support from all over Australia. Our team is small, but passionately active in this cause. #WESUPPORTJENNYHALLAM #WEWANTPERSONALGROWRIGHTS