Without new vessels, the tumour couldn’t
expand. Thus one of the best ways to combat
cancer growth is by limiting the ability of the
body to generate new blood vessels.
That’s anti-angiogenesis. And cannabis
happens to be particularly effective at that.
New blood vessel growth is regulated in part
by the body’s endocannabinoid system, so
when cannabinoids enter the body and react
with that system, it interferes with cancer’s
ability to force new blood vessel growth.
By taking up room in the protein receptors,
commandeering and directing the body’s new
growth functionality — at least to a point.
In this study, tumour growth was significantly
slowed, although not completely stopped.
And, amazingly, this happens to work against
cancer cells, but not against normal new blood
vessel growth.
Cannabis Stops Metastasis for All Tumour
As tumours grow, some cancer cells acquire
the ability to escape the primary mass and
proceed to invade surrounding tissues or
migrate to distant sites, where they found new
colonies. This is known as metastasis.
It’s what responsible for most human deaths
from cancer.
These rogue cells invade healthy tissue, grow
new tumours, and limit the body’s organs
form fulfilling their life-preserving duties.
So the best way to prolong cancer patients’
lives are to ensure that these cells don’t escape
tumour masses and find new cancer sites.
That’s where CBD comes in. Cannabinoids
play a key role in cell migration, invasion and
Specifically, CBD has proven anti-
proliferative effects on glioma cancer cells by
inducing something called apoptosis.
From the Greek for “falling off,” apoptosis
can be best be understood as a cell’s self-
destruct sequence. It’s how the body rids itself
of bad or non-performing cells.
Cancer can fool the body into thinking that
tumorous cells aren’t bad and shouldn’t
undergo apoptosis, but CBD has been found
to mess with that ability and allow the body to
kill the cancerous cells.
CBD Can Lead to Tumour Shrinkage
Studies have also shown that CBD aids
tumour regression. One found that cancer in
mice was reduced by 70 percent in 18 days
after they were treated with CBD. Again, this
was glioma (a particularly nasty type of
cancer that starts in the brain and spine), but
the researchers suggest that the anti-tumour
activity associated with CBD could be carried
over into other cancers.
The way scientific research works means that
cancer treatments will be approached whack-
a-mole style — one at a time. For example,
cannabis has to be proven to treat lung cancer
and brain cancer individually.
So the only way we’ll know if cannabis is the
panacea against cancer that we all hope it to
be, is to find that out one disease at a time.