The LEAF March/April 2016 | Page 7

&DQFHUSDWLHQWµ,KDGWREHFRPHDQRXWODZRUGLH¶ By Kendra Nichols 26/10/2015 A Midstate man diagnosed with a terminal cancer says he was faced with a tough choice: break the law or die. He chose to break the law. ABC 27 is not identifying him. He says he was diagnosed with a rare cancer and given a two-percent chance of survival. While he decided to move forward with chemotherapy to give him more time with his family, he says he was presented with another option after the cancer spread to his lungs and liver. ³2QHRIP\GRFWRUVKDGVXJJHVWHGPHGLFDO FDQQDELV´ KH VDLG ³, ZDV D VFHSWLF 1R way is this stuff going to work. It is all K\SH,WLVDOOIRUWKHSRWKHDGV´ His wife started making cannabis oil for him. For almost three months he has been eating the oil containing THC daily and VRPHWLPHVYDSRULVLQJLW³,GHILQLWHO\JXHVV I would be high, but if I was on morphine, which is what I had to be on before, I would not be talking to you. I would be on WKHFRXFKGURROLQJ´KHVDLG³:LWKWKLVRLO I am completely off pharmaceuticals and I can function. I can get up in the morning and make myself breakfast and walk my dogs. So, I think this is a lot better than VLWWLQJRQ WKH FRXFKGURROLQJ´ +H VD\V KH was even more convinced the oil was working when he received his most recent CAT scan results. ³$OOWKHFDQFHULQP\OXQJVLVJRQHDQGDOO the tumours in my liver have shrank, are JRQHRUUHPDLQWKHVDPH´KHVDLG³,ZDV shocked. I dropped to the ground. I could QRW EHOLHYH LW´ ³, WKRXJKW LW ZRXOG EH D PLUDFOH GUXJ IRUKLP DQG LW KDV EHHQ´KLV PRWKHU VDLG ³, GR QRW FRQVLGHU LW something illegal. I think of it as a PHGLFLQH´ +H VD\V KH LV RQ KLV IRXUWK round of chemo and the oil has allowed him to keep his hair and gain weight. ³The nurses at the oncologist are asking KLPZKDWKLVVHFUHWLV´KLVZLIHVDLG³,DP sorry it has to be a secret. It shoXOGQRWEH´ #StillWaiting has become the most recent battle cry of those fighting for legalized medical marijuana in Pennsylvania, but this family says waiting is just not an option for them. ³, WKLQN LW LV D FULPH WKDW SHRSOH DUH NHSW from this medicine,´KHVDLG³,WKDVKHOSHG me so much. It has given me an opportunity to have some hope and it has lead to extremely positive results for me, in conjunction with conventional medicine, as ZHOO´³7KLVLVP\KXVEDQG¶VOLIH´KLVZLIH said. ³>/DZPDNHUV@ FDQ S lay ga mes on their own time. If I have to be a criminal, VREHLW´