The LEAF March/April 2016 | страница 3

This newsletter continues to go from strength to strength, with a mailing list of well over 200, made up of Businesses, Politicians with the majority being the general public. As I research Medicinal Cannabis related topics and medical reports from all over the world, I like to then share this with you DOO$V,OHDUQPRUHHDFKGD\VRKRSHIXOO\ZLOO\RX« Marilyn and I thank you all for your continued support, as education will continue well after Medicinal Cannabis is legalised. From the massive amount of positive feedback we receive, the following says it all.. " Invaluable in spreading knowledge to underpin essential public health policy changes " I would like to thank those who have contributed to this edition, and those who have given permission to share their own personal journeys. All very important in our quest to have this natural growing "herb" legalised for not only our suffering loved ones, but as a health benefit for all Australians, as a 'preventative' treatment for most ailments. This of course will substantially help to reduce the pressure on our health system. I would also like to sincerely thank the reader who thought this newsletter was worthy enough to be sent to the National Australia Library (Canberra), and under their terms 'legal deposit' it is currently being classified as a serial. Hence, it will then be available in every library through out Australia for all those researching Medicinal Cannabis.. This is of course is great news to have it recognised in this way, and a further step in the right direction for the legalisation of Medicinal Cannabis for all Australians. Andrew Irving - H usband, Primary Carer and Passionate Advocate for the Legalisation of Medicinal Cannabis for all Australians All submissions / feedback for the magazine can be emailed to - [email protected] (Personal stories can be anonomous if you wish) Deadline for May / June edition - Mid April 2016 We thank Senator Carol Brown and her staff for their assistance in printing this newsletter, which has allowed the Doctors and Specialists to have hard copies in their respective consulting rooms. We also thank them all for their continued support in the legalisation and education of Medicinal Cannabis