slowed down so I introduced THC and
together they work a treat. We still do other
biomedical treatments that have helped
immensely. It took 20 minutes to destroy my
child's health and will take me many years
more to come to restore it. We still have bad
days but who doesn't. Our bad days are a
couple a month as opposed to a couple every
hour. For anymore who has heard of this and
has considered it or has never heard of it I
urge you to do your research. Please fell free
to send me a message or ask me any
questions I have shared my story privately
many times and the beautiful parents I have
meet can't believe the change in their own
children now. Add me as a friend I am
happy to connect with you. I can add you to
some great groups to learn more about it. I
hope this helps xxx I want to reach as many
parents as I can as Autism in Australia now
is looking at 1 in 10 children being
diagnosed. I have a very close friend who
works at Monash Children's Hospital in the
development delay department where they
conduct all assessments and they are booked
out for 2 years - this is the latest figure she
shared with me. 1 in 10!!!
The writer (who wishes to remain
anonymous) is a loving mother who only
wants the very best of treatment for her son.
It is written with passion and emotion for
which many of us can relate.
How much longer do we have to wait for our
Government to stop burying their collective
heads in the sand and have the balls to do
the right thing for the people of
Everything Petroleum Does, Hemp Does Better«« By Becca Wolford
Here is a simplified example: A country has
good currency and a strong economy. It
sees a population growth and economic
growth. More programs are implemented
(public works, healthcare, public housing
assistance, welfare, Social Security,
in influence in economic issues and
gets channelled into a huge military
fund/presence. The military is then utilised,
and enormous expenditures occur (funding
wars). This transfer of money, or wealth, is
the cause of economic pain for most of the
population, and results in inflation and the
declining value of the dollar.
Here are the main reasons for our economic
state today:
1. Housing Bubble
2. Record amounts of debt
3. Oil
If you look at history about 100 years ago,
when the big oil boom started, that is when
the economy surged and the population
started seeing an increase. And, when you
think about it, almost everything you have is
the result of oil. Clothing, food, homes,
household goods ± all are/were dependent
on oil, either in the manufacturing of those
goods or the transportation used in getting
those goods to you.