The LEAF March/April 2016 | Page 14

Oil versus Chemotherapy - What are the main advantages to this treatment when compared with chemotherapy, radiation or other chemical medications? ³+HPS RLO KDV WKUHH PDLQ DGYDQWDJHV RYHU so-called conventional treatments. First, hemp oil does no harm, second, it works, and third, it does not kill the patient. Chemotherapy, radiation and other poisonous chemical medications do extensive harm to the body and, in far too many cases, lessen our chance of survival. In addition, patients enduring such treatments often end up with other medical problems caused by these treatments themselves. I cannot really compare hemp medicine to what the medical system provides, since I do not consider what they are giving us to be medicine. Chemical medications are liver toxic. Which should make it obvious to anyone that such chemicals should not be in our bodies, since they are poison and present a danger to the patient. Chemotherapy and radiation are both carcinogenic which means these treatments are not only poisonous, but they can also cause cancer as well. Often, the size of a tumour can be reduced with the use of chemotherapy or radiation but in a great number of cases, it simply allows the cancer to spread. Due to the carcinogenic effects of such treatments and their poisonous nature, they ruin your immune system when you need it most. In my opinion, it is ludicrous to call chemotherapy or radiation a treatment for cancer or any other condition, when obviously they should not be used at all. -differences-between-hemp-and-cannabis/