The Leading Deacon- Summer April Leading Deacon | Page 5

The student leadership challenge presents: ENCOURAGE THE HEART         Courage. Encourage. Two words,       We need heart because the struggle same origin: Heart. You gotta have heart. to the top is arduous. Our research tells Miles and miles and miles of it. There's no us that is we're going to make it to the bravery or boldness without heart. There's summit we need someone shouting in our no spirit or support without heart. There's ear, "Come on, you can do it. I know you no sacrifice or soul without heart. Nothing can do it!" It's not something we easily great ever gets done without heart. You admit-a lot of times we think we can do gotta have heart. it alone. But we all really do need           And at the heart of leadership is encouragement. Encouragement boosts caring. Without caring, leadership has no performance, strengthens our resolve, purpose. And without showing others that and improves our health. Otherwise, why you care and what you care about, other perform to an audience? Why not just people won't care about what you say or sing to an empty room, play to an empty what you know. As a relationship, arena, or sell only to yourself? We need leadership requires a connection the applause and knowing that we're between leaders and their constituents connecting to others in order to do out over matters, in the simplest sense, of the best. We need the enthusiasm and the heart. It is personal and it is energy from others. interpersonal.