Messiah Returns As all Nations
Gather To Destroy Israel
This report was found on a tape
recorder next to the body of our
correspondent in Jerusalem. God rest his
This is John Parsons, Last Trumpet reporter.
I am in Jerusalem near the Wailing Wall,
looking east toward the Mount of Olives and
thinking over the events of the past seven
years. The President of the Federation has
brought about stability in the world but after
his seemingly miraculous recovery from a
mortal head wound, he has acted in a purely
satanic manner. He broke his defense treaty
with Israel and has wrought terror throughout
the land ever since.
The Jewish situation has not looked this
bleak since the holocaust. Many were put to
death for refusing the “666” mark and public
executions were common but the Jewish
people refused to say die. The Israeli
underground has responded courageously and
has dealt serious blows to the Federation. The
underground is believed to be directly
responsible for the assassination of several
Federation henchmen and the liberation of two
prison camps near the Egyptian border. But
now it seems the whole world has forsaken
Israel. As I stand at the Wall, I watch the world
go to war, probably for the last time.
The Chinese have amassed a huge army.
Satellite pictures estimate the Communist
horde at nearly 200,000,000 men. They have
marched over the Trans-Himalayan Highway,
across the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and are
gathered on the plain of Armageddon. In the
distance, I see the armies of the west under the
Federation banner, mobilizing to do battle with
the Chinese. It seems inconceivable that in this
age of nuclear warfare such a tremendous land
battle could occur.
The roar of the jets, the rumble of the tanks
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and the thundering of the cannons is earshattering. The armies are on the move and the
carnage is unbelievable. Helicopter gunships
are everywhere, landing troops and reserves.
The tiny Israeli army defending Jerusalem is a
pitiful sight compared to the nearly three
hundred million men battling at their doorstep.
Wait! It seems as though the armies are
unleashing their fury against Jerusalem. My
God! This is going to be wholesale slaughter.
No one can stand against all that military
might. Lines of tanks have broken through the
Israeli defenses and are rolling up the narrow
streets. Not only is the holy city being
devastated and bombed from both sides but it
is being plundered and looted by savage mobs
of crazed soldiers. Fires have broken out all
over the city and women are being raped and
murdered in broad daylight. Jerusalem is being
ravaged and the streets are filled with mangled
corpses. Through the dense smoke, I see old
men and women carrying horrified children,
screaming insanely and grieving at the
destruction of their city. Hundreds of
thousands are fleeing to the desert to avoid the
massacre. It seems as though all hope is lost.
But wait! What’s that sound! It’s louder than
the clamor of battle, like a thousand volcanoes
erupting in the distance! It’s growing louder
and louder, but I can’t tell what it is or where
it’s coming from. This can’t be! The sun is
growing dark. A brilliant figure on a white
horse is bursting through the clouds and
storming to earth. My God, it’s Jesus Christ! I
can see the nail prints in his hands and on his
robe is written “King of Kings and Lord of
Lords.” Behind him is a great multitude of
angels and saints, also on horses, charging
through the air toward the battlefield. The
armies of the world have turned their weapons
against them but to no avail. Their tools of
destruction have become useless against Christ
and his heavenly army.
There is a deafening roar as Jesus descends
to earth and sets his feet upon the Mount of
Olives. The ground is shaking and the whole
mountain is splitting down the middle from
east to west as the surviving Israelis hurry
toward the chasm. They are rushing into the
valley, crying and wailing and proclaiming
Jesus Christ as their Messiah. There is a deadly
silence as Jesus raises his hands and a blinding
light engulfs everything on the plain of
Armageddon. This can’t be ... The soldiers are
falling to the ground but before they do their
flesh seems to be rotting off their bones.
Millions and millions of soldiers are falling
before the fiery sword of Jesus Christ. He has
come again, saved his chosen people and the
world is at his mercy. God help us.
If I survive and someone finds this tape,
they will think I am mad and this is all science
Editor’s note: We found this tape near his
dead body. We’ve had many reports but
this seems to be most accurate.