The Last Storyteller (First Edition) | Page 75

At last Rumpus made his particularly loud bark , which meant Hemlock had arrived to preside over the session . All dogs fixed their eyes on Hemlock . Hemlock arrived with his dignified personality - the dignity of not being touched by any bitch . Many years of aloofness had made his face very serene and solemn . His colour was black with white patches on his fatty neck . He had all the qualities of a pure dog , because he kept himself away from the human world . He was walking slowly with his graceful gait . When he arrived on the highest grave , all dogs stood up to say welcome . He slightly moved his tail and sat down silently . This time he seemed to be very dejected and gloomy , which might be due to his worries ; he had no suitable alternative .
Feeble Gimlet started the programme by the permission of the leader of the house . Too much talk was not desirable , yet he kept on talking , saying again and again that he would not waste the precious time of noble dogs . As usual he uttered few words in praise of Hemlock . Hemlock looked at him with angry eyes . In the meanwhile Rumpus , who was very straightforward , asked him to come to the real issue . Gimlet realized his mistake , as it was his wont , and told them that they were not gathered for any ordinary matter , rather it was a matter of their honour and survival ; they had lived with human beings for time immemorial and they had forgotten their own natural living . Once they were quite different when they used to live in jungles .
Jack was the special guest of that meeting . He was an intellectual dog with his empty belly , thin legs and dirty hair . Most of his life was spent thinking about the welfare of poor dogs . But he could not get any solution to the problems of dogs . In his disappointment , he came to the conclusion that dog ' s brain was limited and could not go beyond certain limits , therefore he left himself to the will of time and circumstances . He could not even spend a normal life . His intellectual thoughts stopped him from sexual pleasures , because he believed that to run after sensual pleasures was a human act , not a dog ' s . He had heard that man ' s sexual lust is never fulfilled , he even keeps on it with pregnant woman - it was very strange and disgusting for Jack . Jack used to spend his time out of the city near the hut of a poor peasant . He was in favour of the liberty of bitches and did not like the absence of bitches . This dual behaviour had made him very controversial . He was respected and loved by bitches but not more than this , because dogs were also like human beings and only the powerful could enjoy it . He was not in favour of such sessions but Gimlet convinced him to come and say something at that crucial time . Jack did not believe in such intellectual gatherings . He believed that great minds pass away silently , without stirring the surface of the sea of life . He believed that those who got fame and praise were not the genuine thinkers because they did not have the taste of depth .
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