The Lar May 2014 | Page 14


1. When you walk into a room you ______.

1. Pick up a book and read

2. Turn on the T.V. and watch

3. Scout for girls

2. My favorite thing to eat is ________.

1. A nice healthy snack

2. A bowl of cereal, maybe a pop

3. RAMEN!!!

3. My favorite color is _______.

1. Black, the color of my soul

2. Green, like plush grass

3. Orange, I love warm colors

4. My favorite subject in school is ______.

1. Math, English, History. I love to learn

2. P.E. or Gym


5. I am ________.

1. A nerd, i don'r have many friends

2. I have friends but none real close

3. Everyone bows down when I walk in

6. My favorite sport is _______.


2. Football, Baseball, Frisbee

3. Wrestling

7. I feel comfortable _______.

1. At home alone

2. At a crazy party

3. With a few friends at a bonfire

8. My biggest fear is __________.

1. I am scared of a lot of things

2. The dark

3. Heights
