The Landswoman September 1920 | Page 2

THE LA OS\\OMAS Open the Windows . • J T in ~a ~nnocticn nmarked the vtht~ day, at a <•~nf• rt ne~ with the hou ing probl~>m, th~t • of ucq uiring u s1 (u l k rwwl(ld•'" ( 1( . f h . I .., , t~"nd r r 111 ~{·rv• '''• 1 1 rr·t n .. .. 1• Hit) • . 1{ !)( • ( • . :•rmg p ''as:tnt ' I " ,,,, of ' ornung Jnt•·r,~ts. ' All lhis is : '" 1ri,r tht· ~tat~ can provid!..: wtndow.,, but onl) ttll' llldt- .trou nd us. But W~"~ w ill nc1t ~~~~ n < 1 ' ."l t h, ' idual can opt>_n them. ours t..e<.om~" a very t u f( y a 1 trHJ pll~rr Wmdow ·~•r "I nf,..s have ~en told <)f •• pictur•'"'>qUl' old c ouag~'> .. " t()' us y.t wn, \\ hu h l•nd~ in thh and that par t o! th4> count ry, tht· window:. The O n,•-who- Li vf' ·bPh ind-Shu l - \\'" l fii() of v.Ai ich w~·· n<1t made t() oJX n. !-){)metim~' s :~ ti .. tales have ~n forthcoming of how who!•• to, ... n o r in th~ lit tle• ~h, r:uh; <; t !n tit •. bi~.; familie, havf" •• died ofi from d dine '' b, hind thO'-C on ·' k nowing nothing of wh tt ,,. 1 / Jll ttl{ h, r •If dumm~ window-. while round about th1•ir habitn- . t ... '! ( ' J " '. r(•lJnd tion h·.cw " tt:e fin<>,.,t air in England." It ;., a{., • bo ut h ~~. ~ Sh 1• 1 t w lo-.;(•r fo r s 4 > 1 1 .lb..,orbing intr·r('S( b :tl Wf hl y 1 "',. ·- .., .., ' <·w n i 11 . nrg suppo..,f'>d m ost hurndrurn wh<~ t allowed thu., t('1 ' offend ag.tin ... t th,, lrm ... of h~ g1enc. 11 But soirue the .Engli ... hwonwn', hqnw (be it ~.ver ~o corm r!'> of the world . h >r ~;wry corn ... r ~f u ' \ • fll(of holds human h opt ~. (I' lr '> , lo \'( .,, h a tf ~ h'. W(nld ·• modd ! ") i .. h1 r castle '-till-with her n ""' the 1 lwre a r(' young Iov( ,., ·' Jr~' \\ I '>-'. But <·hildrt n, unobtru -,i vf' ... tint -; shrf•wd ho 1 • lattte ' p h "l I O'>Op h rrs, a ne I many othr>r p. oplc• tn<:> wl r- tc 10 kU• d \\hat about the individual who dN't" to k<~·p th' .. am~ henn('tknllv -.( akd? I ht•rt' are ... Hh ndh idu:tls l mmon pl lCC' till you ha v<" h a d a pc(•p ~hlc? SNm • ....cen<"'-. •nd th" c:tiU; thnding- th,.,ir whole liw.., behind cl thing appli1 !' to \\ indc ,, . .., of th1• bf" found in Op<'ning w indow'>. ·\ nd if \o<' nf'r:ttion 1 n r ))( r'tap ... , had . . ur \\tndo "\ :unpl1 r fncilitif' .. in thi-. rc"P" et. On 1 wr) <;idP our n••v1 . r must b e OJ><'nf• d , ~-- ~-c a u se th<' wind th opportunitic ... 1bound. Th<' \\Orld to-rl.n whnln'f r th~ " bl:1cks " ma .l ~ c nt<'r • and • vou m , ·t'k (' (' a damp, ff r 1 h it-. d(•kct..., t-.Uftt•r:. from lh) ),J('k of vi;alit\. It o ( ~("U r neath-hu ng white curtains wdt · hr{'('dh .im ite..; u-. to join thi ... or th tt org.tni.t.ttion. ' on(•r o r la l<'r t' •• • r our uman (From "Thr l .lldy.") 1 - htn - Interior of Cow Sheds at Mr Debe h , Friesian Cattle befn~ .Milked. n am fs\ Bladen Dal~y Farm , Briaotspuddle, Dorches ter. port tlttcl C·euna/- ,, J•armt>r alld ~/0( 1~-Hrt't' d 1 r. ']