The Landswoman October 1920 | Page 7

flU J 1\ I> \\ Euston Prattler. E l"'( 1)'\ PR\ 11 LtR \\.l a pc·drgT(V' R• I Pc I hull . ndv nturt :tl J..u ... ton, tlv \'illagt> of lus } h, w kn " n th1ng : but hi lwught) l \ • gnH "' t urdrrt nd that h~ \\a u">('(! to lwtttr f.Ur- rt•un In g .. thnn thw. we hall prov dui for lum. J h ... Lo(lk in gO rdch d, fur lhf' " nr fit or th "-{ plic :ll, tl ( numhr r tlf g llflll .. f n11lk h" adm r tblt me th r h,td prochu' d rn 1 n• \ I \(,Jr. l'1 ttll•r tlu)llghr lH I ' tUI"r-lJr t 11 \ I (I 11 tl Ill sh .. I' 1 I h l\V• v r I th• 11t~l•• nl(,-.1 ,,,n,inf'lll • th• I hi .. d f•·lll tit '' ho ,., r r 1 rt• ( ultl n t fuil to b irupH ... , thOlwht d ffocnth : lu \\ 1 t'> an .unllfH) 1 111 111. ng IOfl g 1< •I lt•r that hull, he ( t I 'fl n I h u 1 1 1 all) , 1 n ' ' 11 I ou l t ' IJ 1 • I 1 re \\ 1 •r .. r I lh nd 1.!1 • d h 11 1 \ l1d1 l'r Ill r \\,1' f 1 I• d n, ' r tn n. \ 1 • \\ h t n \\ • ' n 1 1 c I J l,uiJ f•\\, or 1 h 1 t h '' •tr 1 '" .1 -.If)\\ h ,o.llong thr< ugh H•••\\11 ',.. ~I rnllg" bootc:: 1'1 tltlr•r'., • Ooll \\ l"' p.. ,fl, "' 1ti11, .md th• hnr 1 h uJ tlf h.w n th~" \ill ,,,ul•l not tulllp trf' \\ 1h h \\l'lll ru h d t;~il. I lr ,.hiiW gr w lit tr r tllld nr·.ur r .• 111d .1 th 11\tllth• r of d:n o l wuiting- gi~"V. ..,Jwrt••r PrOf.. ll n I i I I hr \ I ;ol<• '<.1 lsJ.:r Jt<•li lieu hof) : h• I~ g.rn In fih th 111 11 tu th~ rr quu• d ;.ha pc:· 11nd ""'·sin("'· \nd lw w,,, • l1111A o\ r r th(• br11 )llllJ:!' and c wing- (If hi., c lr 1 gr '., r.til rh 11 l'utltk·r. mm rng unc· hih frortl si1l lo .,jd , ( 11111 In I ltf• ((ollf Ju io11 lh I th< rt 1'- ,, 1111111 10 llll tirn,. "JK'III on a g • nrl•·m.tll'.., to'l 1 .• uul l'.lin \\:t r•Xt IIO'><, ,lflrl '"' it"'d lli1n Ill fc p thwugh th Hlld, out into thr .JUd) lunr \\hid1 lt<.l loth· \JIIngP. l'r.llthr grn iou lv nrr.tptPtl his invitattO!l, for it j,. Jli.K•r h111 to bf' hut irt n (lo~rk stall Hll clt\ : trrld h t•flt 11 l011~· d for thr ~un, • \('11 <11 1I1P ri-.k t\f poiling hi b(\ wttful 'o.1t I I '' 1111-: 1ru11nJ throu~h lh,. vlllrg4• nnd dui\ Sill· pns ,.rj rh• \i!iitur . Pr.rlrlr·r, with grr·o~l dignil\, ,, 1urnrd .rncl r lir•l(l fvt th" ni~hr ·r hi \HI ., 1 tlld t'\'N)' r•v .. ning, ft r ,.,, nd \\• rk" hr for thP how Jhr gJt 11 •In' asrhnl :•t ht,l, whr·n Putlll•r, \\ith on• or 1\\o oth r inlr•rior spf'C"i<' nf hi 1.1, 1', w.t-; put rrllc tht> r.ttlh· true le which wn to t:tkt• the rn 10 the ~<:rt •l how 1 h' fi,...,t night nt lhf' show wa spent lw P1nttlu !'\ot """" thP !':OOthingJ)' iu gtc '' d' rumfort. ., . .. ., -~ 1 11 Jtl( r mrli:.r \Oice of Pain cuuld m, 1 Jc~ i f ll p f I 'r r 1 mtpc( I qu.1rt• r , am or th•• pi 1 llllr• b II I hi 1 If rh :do.;, "0 01 ar ;1( h:md. 1'3 ( IJ\V \\ lwn the fntchtl day .,,, la l d.•wn d 1, \\ lis f'd nnd unhapJH, nnd quih· unt) • r •tr Jll('t'l lh( f(tll. Of lhe .t<.Jmir ing JJUblst.. \\ ll(rr JHr d lt ~ .I I 1 [) \\ r rr r trllrng- I h ~I ounus. :.x IOU (Id IH hr ff' 11 ol!\l 0 111 J tlw \ • ry I• ngthy toil l of ,;, hie h h7• ' 11 td Rill th• 'I• Ism that rnor nrng, th•· bull ,,. 0 1 d b 1 rh r in~ 111 no \NY pH-a ... uH fr<~m~ u( lllind r 1lto ,,,r, 11 \\,, ... hnlm to hie; ~h.ttr£>r rd n•rv• Jlow . . I d , I 1 ' 11 I 1 "1<. \\ll!ltllll hr..,ll.tron pttL<' ut tht• h•ad u( ll Jjj., dr O<•ping pint... IJcgan t(t H'\ i\ ". 1J 1• , ~~ lrn h ught) t ) l pit\ingl} on th f,ulls hrl 1111 d h 1111 l lu tu -.NI l11 ht>:td p1 c,u<.Jiy, 'OO that the 111 1 ' IIHJ . I 11 I y on I liS . l npprr 1 in g. " ' ' hI ~I .till Ill Ill I' I lflg l'lwn 1h1 ~utnlll•lll'> • :~me• lnt him 1 • • ll) ho• 1 ll llltllh t i'lllr•' •>f the rrng, ... o thal th<' Judg s mtght 1 1 11 hi111 from t \I!) nng!P. 11(' ..,1()(1(1 thr•rc• J'fl •ll~;: ~ h .. h(ad h·ld h1gh : hf' lnfcrrr~l togcthE r in low lonr n~t' 1 .. u long- th tl Pr.dtlt•r gT•' W impalif'nl. " r f h" mr n IIJ>I rior 1 ty m tl 11 .. ,. nth r bull-.. 1 le• ~hiftr•d hi., ff'r•t unPa .. il •n 1 ~ dr do ing hi" one dr>ft et, d.·ci<.led h 's fate. ' Fu111in ~ ill\\c.trdl), bul out \\'ai(Jiy <'tl> proud n , , r l'1.1lll"' took his piHt • th'rt.l in thE• lin••. • 1 t w,,..., .dtogE•thcr Pain's fault, he n•nt"Ctrd th rt'd ribbon wa ... tak(·n down :~ntl th' inrrriQr on•· pinn• <1 in it-. plac~'. For tlw 111 ... 1 time Pratth·r w.1 .. glad of thf 'n· ,.,J.,ping d.r1 kn""c; nf hie, c:,t~J!I. l l r h.1d faiiNI, ,tncl h• h<' (;ould nrvror hold u~· hi.. h~tcl .tl-{ai n. Tlw ( ow~. comi n~ in for millLing-, hut no an..,wcring 1 nil < .111u frr)tll bt himJ t h{\ clo~ d door!> ~t:uing him in thr ra<." \\a ... tlu: n. m~ or h is illuc;t riou.., fath t'r : hio; moth r • "g.dlons" ~Cf'lll' d mon· than th(•y hnd ('\'« r br 1 l'f'for,.. \\'ith a groan Prattl• r turnr~l hi ... f,Kr to th \\ tll I • nli ~I· l lllJ.{ no , ... lolr tu b4: <.'Vndrn c:onH' l(l I)(' lj(lb~· ' •tl 1 hn1l (r rm•·d with nl:11 r if\• nn(l rhN·r fuln('C:'O. • <' h . . . . . l'k~' • '"'' ot r r) r •'PP I lf':tlron hr·ol('nl • u S Ill l S. I' I 1 l Wl th Lr 1 nn\' l:to,k hf' und rtal