The Landswoman October 1920 | Page 6

( )1 foUt't, H)lO Ti ll. L\ ~ l b\\0~1\'\ Poultry Notes. ( ) l 1 f JBI R By W. PoweU-Owen, F.B.S.A. r 1•gg M '"011, ,;r• ,Ill<.;( HI UIIIS,\e Winh:r tlw rommrul ·mcnt of th,. ._.· , r 01 \\ h n r gg- produ<'tion Lr in • ._ In the l .gJt~. llu n n'iOn ''"' ))ri , \\111 .dw.t~ n m.un I 11g I l d ur • ng thr (' rnomh., , .. 1 th tl th,. \\: llll<•r ,.gg is t lu '"· \nd it ,., 11 tonlln~"· 111 IJ 1 n whilr pcnrltr}·k• r t"'r fW"'t'si l 111 h. 1 r 1 Junl! 0111 th ir JHriiPI lnr,. yc::11 aftrr )' , 100 whif, ll~<.lll· •'I·~· llll lll of lhl' I•)~'T& i ll(ll ' 'n thr• oo;r)lJildt'lt"S l't. 11 ,. 11 11' lou lllllllY JK•trllr)-Jc,..q)!~ r who j;LJII lolliH\ llto f.u'rllt'l''" llll'thrW"I , l11 """iug lh.u )'Jir h:n; 1 hut lo lhrow dow11 n h.rnMul ()f ~r.t•n for , ,tC'h bird JH'I dit•Jit and lh(•fl IO tollfll lh• t•gg-. f h 1\1• nt \'l•r Ill!' I ;1 Jll I .,Oil Who 'if'CUrt d plt•fll\o of WJntt•r c·gg., J \ 1 I,J/\ · Ill d 1111 I hod"; hut I h,tvc known lhou'i.IIHI I•J f, 1 1f h\ 'W h 11WI hwi'S. •1 Jtj.., 1 flm.t(t• uf • gg., ~ J lu Suo; • ~ gr,.un lllt•, and \'3rirt} j lhf' k(')OOtc:! tO 'UCCC c:fut {('('d- plnr• d in wintr·r tJ1r.Jrt 1 •r-. to Ill\' chf'dule, and th n , 011 must f, C ,Hh i~· nJI Ill)' rt .tdt>r-. llut lC> bo• m. ,J, d b) 1 h< , who t'ff omrnt nd cht'>.tp f >Njj "..!'. ·1 o ~< t t·g~ in pit Il l \ ' \Oil mu t {cui fur lhem-bmh ,, l"-' h• :trld Wt•ll. F<.r« fore• th.rl whnt \almt· pl.t (' ... Ia..,t ,..,., (•nd avour lo put fir,t on thco Ji..,t. \11 1 ( ,tn ,,n thf n•forf' '"• if 'ou nt·:d f'f{g" '." plc>ntv vmt nH•"l fN·d for th••.m . 1 h(! td<•.t , ... ~<'lll'f', ll Lhnt potnt{'!d) per bird on good f (!d~n~. Get! 10 Ill\' four ('gJ.!' I c .tn set one a ... ulc· for f .. dm,... anuthM' for lnbour, and .still h,t\'t• ~1 balance to 1 ut inlf') the " profit " ba,k;t. Jh(' li ~~ ,.,,c> ing-n dient of a nw .. h " a . ba ... ~ ~lll