The Landswoman October 1920 | Page 5

1 HI I \ '\P"\\ d:\T\ '\ Garden Talks. F.R.B.S., Principal of tbe College of Gardenin By Eisa More, Glynde, Sussex. g, th<' t.dh•n I• ,t\'<'s, OCl ODER. \LCI ::\ lc:.IVC!i c\'CJ) wht.~rt tnd l)('( llOW\!I":i \\ arn u that 1he bc.llrt\' nncl dt.u'lll of our • g rIl gr du:tlh cnt nng uno 1ts long tX:ItOd of 1 « -..t; ,tml H:t the words o oft n ... pokt:n, one m u t d c to b • btauuful arc tru ,.,urch t)f the wc.1rld ut ;\.,tun. 1 • • \U!Uillll IS tO JIIC r.rr nnd ::J.\\,1) Ill) f,\VOUril' titnO < 1 )f'flt, I lo\e it. 1l1c"e thought'> f1 om \\ nit F \\ hillll Ill • - " ( . i\: t' 1111' tiH~ "i>J,•ndi!)rlll~ lt' \\hhh ' 1lwrc ,tll the ti011· ~~~ tlw poll•t where the •• Id h .1f lt11 n J,, us it f,all-., how l1o1rd it ha ~ \\or }.:{'d .tll ... uullllf'l l1111g", hrl~thin~ m tlw bon f1 om I h« : t it .111d 1 omc rting- it in tu fuod, not '>0 mu~ h for it..,, If l•ul fell tl1( huildirlg (,f th 1-. JH. w IC'J>IIIlglllllf' !OJll('<.,, ' I IJCil nothing P\'t:l' w, 1 11 d . they dt'~ .1) bHolliC ttcher th.tll CVt'l in ; 1 lhr "' ·•~ I 'flt I i,til)' the lt ,IV(S Of lhc bt;l't h l lfl( J 1 oil\( l, lh i\ lt}(ltj I J ht (' !. l hHI I l I ,I ll L'IC Cl.\1 \'full) \\'I pi C 11,11 and put into a, llwr\! nlluwt:d\1~ ~\ 1 •r y •t,,, b\ o•-,tllll-1)\ C lO fornt leaf lllUUid \\ hltliO , ot, 11 llflcJ . l . wgst.:uu:nh -··· the mu-.t . 1 ..... nua 1n tlw ll\1 11 IS 0 • I !l'r th ga cc nhousc and g:ud(n \\uti ,, :>.: t 1 1R lt: uf ll Otl., ,lt· [)t P;tt d( ll ' - C\RROT!:r "llllPt tb1'. I laH• .1 rmsy be lift• d and ston'ff H I ll .... ' I' I ~ ... pruut.. .uld nil wintl'r gn en• ((t't Go 1 ounll '"ur patdH, rcgultrh on C(> a '' t"<~l> • ( ('olllfllll t'ci Cutting 220 <.1 held or oats in Arran. [" F11Y111 aud /l omc.•. "] pllgt' 011 21l )