The Landswoman October 1920 | Page 4

'I ll J. I \ :\ I h \\ l ) :\f \ ~ Garden Talks. By Eisa More, F.R.H.S., Principal of tbe College of Gardenin Glynde, Susse x. OCIOBI R. \LJ.I ~ le:J.Vt!> t'VCI~ wh~ •rt 1nJ oolt:1g1;lt:d flower:: ,,. trn us 1h.1t the ht.t\ll\ • and rh.u·m of our • g 11 d• ns 1s :;lo\\'1} di ... tppt .\ring .md \ ~b~ I.H 11111 gradunll: (•nt•'rlllg into it-. lung p..•r 100 Clf n•-,l; und }Cl the \\ords ... o oftt 11 pol r>:lr. i:s lO me (.If ,liH.I . .L\\<1~ Ill} {,1\0UI lt [ Ill• < :lllh full I.'\ I t :tllh pul Jnlo ~\, lht re altow~..u l } tla1 1 ln •·-.1nd-bye to for n1 lt.•.1 f muuld "1 11 1 ot, tnu . I . • ( l I!. 0 tlw mo~t r~ ... ~. nlla 111gt ed ttnh 1 n tht• tl • ''' t Jf 11 :\1 11~ I ° \VIIIiarll ll1 IVt;ll C.uauth :..a\ • ... :-- \ ht~7c• on du l:u hor11on, I h1· inlinit( l• nd, r ~k), 1 11•· 1 ip•·, lt'd tint-. of the \OtnfidJ-.., \nd the wiiJ KN..,. • ..... tiliu~ high: \nd .dl OHr upl,ulli .10d lt,wl,mtl J ht: d~oarm uf tlu gvltlt ll 1 od- s~HlH' o l u:-. <'pring lt af \\ h11 h , ... tiH n .tll the timr· m tlw J)()II•C wlh;re the c.ld J, .d "" •• k .... ,~ it f.dl:...: how h.tru it hnc:; worlUIIllllf'r lortg, brc .llh1ng rn tlw carbon from th1 <~11 .md 'om·• ning' it inru food, not ~o muU'\C ctlld g.ud<·n \\uti,. ~lt>tlit·. tl~~r to thts month .erl. .- ~tllltlo\\ 1 r Jlncic. M Jng\>lu. ,. I, iv•• Or .1" g, !':lw& l P•'H. 11~ 1 \V•·r., c.: G "~<'/. /) c pa r ftUt'. \l u h.ct'lnta-. D .t"') . /• ornucll. l n Otlolxr we bt g'lll ag.tin lo build u , fhunclat10n fo r lhc t.mning }<'at. \ ft•w Pd~ fr,. h h IV<' tir .... t to be clt ared aW,t), , 111 J then '"~k, <>ll<:t' mon• to pr<'• fo r our rwxt )far's er w~ 'lctrt;c.. .t portion of \lothcr E;1rth tulcJcr o?" \\ ~" • r~t<·, and by the t•xer~ i::,,e o f our own pt..•e sonu[ •nO,t- \\Ork W1.. l.lll douhk Jt . . productivtnt'":s. D 11 t•dr. o: )Oll who ttr(' • • g.,uro.,, n•.dizc thtl lh~' - l t~ . • • < ~Ut,;ces 0 f OUI ll(':\( \ t ~I 'i C.. rOp'\ - In fttl t, lht ~Ult'(.., , of o; "hut(• garckn -d<:'pt nJ ... upon the :sort of fo 11 d f>Ur ° '' t •' rt prt p.u i ng now. n a t1on '0\\' fm tht' more ~riouo., work in the OttolH>r gurdt•n : V ECRTJ\IJLES, _l3£UI MW C·\t~Ro1~ may be liftr d and ston~ for u-..t'. I l .tV(' .t (~ll'(• \\h{•fl IJft &nv (u I . f I ' l'\ ~ I Out • I < o et wrth .a 01 .:, don t put the fori\ too near tll; b I I. ,tll lllj Ur\ • \\111 < .I U~ · u)r-'4·dinu- · rl\• • 1, • • "' • • ' •• 111/~ uiT tlw tops of the bettrooL with :t twi -.t of \'Our h.1nd, Ht"Vt r cut them oJT. • Go through your carrots t areful/y, do not store any <'ntt>n or un. S<>tand one:, \\lll(f'l' n Csu R't . - h~. r • • earthing up wh1 11 n~h.sar y. J\f'•·p opr·n (<~~ 1 he 11li4ggot, an 1 1 • an ~ye ron lm ue tn du~t with ·oot. L L l' K s nJ,l\ hciV<' :1 drco;sing. flJl,.! f, T I 1 l l C. l. ~ -Plant in fr.•m" for \\ ilrt• r if not a! n •,t<.h • don• .• tl...o on a -.h. h··o•tl bord ~'r whf rt• tht ) can lx: pn•t•~tnl from fro'!. ~ p R n t ' 1 !- - J\f'<'P de ad lt>:i\C~ ofT U r u ~ .. • I ' :...proul' .uHJ :Ill win tr. r grt 1 '1l' I Go tound \llur pJtdlt., r• gul,trll CuUing a Oell.l of oat 220 in ,\ rran. one~" :t 1\ ~~·k · (('rill fl IWt'd (I ll po {.:t' :zJ-' )