The Landswoman October 1920 | Page 21

1 II E J..\~ D'-'\\ October, 0~1 \ .~ " I \ n mClnth \\ h n rhc· mag.1.d11r.' :trrh· 1 l H't• lo . ou ar tl h 11 \ i1U how I Jm ro it. and \\h. t n JU\ I · ... , .tnd at In l 1 h.tV~' plutkNi up !u\nag e>. 1 h :'..: .. lHI1111f r month, it ha-. ~n mnn pu>t inu~ rh.111 1'\ r, and 1 111 ,rJ} \H'~p \\'hc-n it :1rri\ ("·· b.\ .w-.c· tt t• llo; so nmc..h ,f lh,.. \\'nrk 1 -.IJVuld hc• tl", • h ... kn• w (?') ''' \\Hu ld Jxo no ~ooJ; '0 \\C ro c-h.tr1g-,. Ju-. up'n'on •• and \H • n dn· all lhi., wet k, tnd ,,,. hml' mad• 3 ~lu:.d ... )w". \\'.· havf' < ight Nll . . tnck up, two m.11l harlf y, and one wheat, ~ torn) 'i hP,tt st.lrlNi I \\fi~ on lilt.' hindl'r thr.oc dn .... I -.t week; \\f' fini .. htd nil thf' culling l.t ... t Frid:w night, n ow ,.. art able t(l• all horY's lc,r , trtin •. r\11 till• lMil j, r •r f'd honH·, the "tack .. ~Jr oliJ t.uiJt in thl" M~H k\'rlrd quilt• llt' ,Jr thP. farm. 1 la.11d from h t•lllf' thi;.. IIH rnin~. and thPy ar<' fins hf'd Hwr<-. \\·,. c;Jt 11l hf' quilt ,, furtnight ) N, f\'Nl if th,. Wf',llh~>r i::, ~(H»tl. J 1 h:t ... n 't lw·~' n :u1y IO(I \' •lrm IH·rr; I'm nol nr,trh .. o I>1 0W il a-.; 1 wa~ • lt"l ~Nlr ·• • 11 I 11 '1 it a ptm• dt•light to "ll':'ll p l1tr11" T ha\' nnt u-.NJ f'ith<'r )cl, hut 1 dr• ~.. patt rn, nnrt-, nnd }I(IW T long ltl ~I) oul in •h·· lif'ld<:, ~rwd:.dlv firo;:t hing in th rnorni11g-.... wlwn the -.un i-: ~hininjZ glu i• u h : hut on nl\ lmlf-dn"' I gPt into thr- ti 11 . out I'm onlr :lllm,~l "'" th~> footpath' now ,. t•. I c r h !pin~ with :1 lond. "till. I 'm thnnk· rul I r. 111 l iv ' in 1 h cnuntn·, and not b<' roa.;t('d • in IIH\ 11 \\',. h.nt" a rommon hMP, and juc:;t now it', un rro•d with lhn,• · d tillt • \ nl\\.\\" hring M lllll' honH ,, lh 11 th• re'' 192 (1 liltl(•··hr·llll; 1 1 go fur a wall" lrp i(· " ~inc T . . ta~tc tl h:\\'ing- ·111t L:\Nllswm 1 \N 1 h.l\t lx•tlt ntr.rrlll.lg' to wntc to }Otl to sn,. how r' much I like• 11, nnd look forward tu itc: 1 omin • c '"n month., it is rath1 r lat" to -;ay hu; ,~.:l.ul T am \llU hmP n~t n . . ouccd it in .tn) \\av~ t nlw.,~ ~ ••njn_,. th quotat•on<; \OU put in, nul-of. .., Ull go,cts l:llt ly goal' :m m\ "J*<·i:llit\ : ju"t now I ,tm in tJ~ trg-P of l\\tlll)-rtinc .t gn•at man}, &ut "''""r- tlwJ,....,, thr) .u• 1\lO't rntNlaining ,md .t ~n grv.rt .. p I ',1!-UII' i( .. " 1 .., nl fnr ,t p.tir of P:tt ll'r on ·~ boot" whi, h \\t re.· oldY•·rt"•'cl m th<' Jun,. mag., and thP) ar Wf:'.tring c::pl<'rHiidly." * * * " 1 hank:. -.o mmh for lettf'r n·lchP<.I thb morn- ir;g. Gue..... you '11 !>f. glad when I 'm gone and utn 't worr.lf )Oll to do my shopping. If )OU on!~ know how grntdu l I am-\\<'11, never mind. '' .\m evt-r so bu-.;y at tht- farm. We have ju~t fini ... hf.'d haying, and are now mangold, swtde, and turnir> hoeing hard: alc;o hav<' three acres of tab· hagc to plant out during this next thrcr- week~. th n we start harvr-.t! .wd to crown everything ()ur head carter is ill, and T ha\'f• a sow, c..alf, thh- \t' ilr', colt, a yearling and a two-) ear-old (th" Boss i~ handling thf" latl<'r, but I get lh(' fudio);' to do), all to gN re-udy for a show, and the sow's c·oat and 6ki11 will fltot (.'<)l.le (')(>an in i>pit' •A .tll tlw oiling and scrubbing ~"'Very d, J',•c -.till a fortnight ll1 (Wl-: aw;ty at it, ;-~nd hop<' for th~ hest. She ic; a dt'ar, .... wt-el thing, dOf'-.n't mind whnt J do to hrr, atHI talks in hl r grunt and squP~k lang-unge lh<'_ w~ol( tinw I'm wa~hing hf'r, but sh" ha!. grr-:tl objl·rtiOO., to strangt>r" f'ntcri ng hC'r bungalow, and follow~ round llt tlwir h• <•1-. -.mar king h ·r lip<; as 1hou~h -.lw would like a rbunk, and 1lwn givi'S :t VPfV 'llti,fic'CJ grunt \dwn th~· door has cloS4·d on thP intrudPr." * * * .. \\.f'll , de nr EPt -.IH'f'J>. I took a Ill<~~~ l., tlw"•' t \\'n J.amh... \ \'ht n t hi'\ Wf'l'l born, t houg · I ...... id thf'\ wcrr· the two uglic:.t l.tmb-. I had ~~· 11 1 r '('('Jl. 13, · th,.,r name·' Funny Fm:c and R·• h 1 • . '11 ug I ), u F.t(r· -.ou would think tlwv nrf> ... ,. . . l th<'lll ti.Pv m<' th(: -,.,wetrst l.amb'5. l u~·