The Landswoman October 1920 | Page 17

tinrden Tai~~.-(Cot~LmucJ from l'(lge 22o.) . - FRUlf (;olhctwg is th•. prinrtpal task ou t-of-<.loot..,, ~nd ju-t a word :.oout thts. Du be can ful whPn gatht>r- ang .tpj)lcs nr pears, but p.trticularly appl<':.-do. not p lll the frutt off the tree::., tf )OU do )OU arc ltablc tc) t~•k~ nc•xt ye:tr's fruit IJud with }OU, and then \dML will h.1ppcn? Lift up the fruit cardully, nnd il it Wt>n 'L tome off cac;ily lt:!avc it until next oft matr:r ial, h.t) or woochHK>l, at lht bottom o( lht· lt ug~ )OU .tr• ph king into, and do nnt own:rowJ youa hug> fruit ... o , ,,..,ilv )Jrui..,,~..,. ~toro ~.·nrcfully in their kind ... , rtnd J..:O through your fruit -.hcJ., ('\Cn day, r..t~:ug .1\\ 'l: .Ill) ua,...,>und fr uit nt onu•. K <'I> \Vllr ""'d' an cw n tempcr.atur<", 3dmitting plt nt) of air, I1UI 01)1 damp. .\ppl1' growing I" om of my chi••f Ju.l•hir ... , und 1 knt•\\ tlv .... u< ,,.~.., of th • Raggt'(l fruit ha c.l(!'pt-nf'i from which thr· fruit h.l" bu·n ' lr arcd m. a\' now have the later.d.;; c;horlf:n<.'<.l to half • their length. J· arli<·r vine; m;J)' be hnrd pruned ~TK\WIUIHHh:-o 1n pot ... for next )CUr's fon.·ing "l10uld lx· !'.l,n;k(•d on tlwir ~icll':-. lucin~ north. 1 hi ... i" th• m onth for g rc,'h>c-h:l.nclin g fruit tre-es 1o c.nch th•· fc>malt• coulin-moth which doe-. !-O much . \ R ,~g-< cl \\{· h.l\t· l<•uncl, .1 p11 p.n .ttion Ci.tllcd 7 augll'juot, much the b st thintr, nothing could <:Vt'r c l.••P• its .;ticky clutchc ... .FL.O\\" £1~ S. il1;c..;o:.; a .\.S ... hou Id be li f too tul>d in snwdu .. l from frosts nnd mice. CALCJ'UI \IH \S 01 dried off, .111d the S.Uld tc.> kN•p tlwm•, an cl ln • OUlj • llll i:'S· C \1,-'l>ll'M" ut- uuw graduall) gu to r~st, but a filii) little wat<'f should bl givt•n. m:•y Le got into tlw huu-.1 ~ th o ·n ns J)(""'t.h:, gh ing lhcm full ai r t1t fir ... t. Sht•l11d milch w app<:ar, du . . t wit h llowPr" of ,uJ- phur. Keep ,, h.trp look-out for can\ ig!'. To hunt b) m an~ of n 1<111t(Jrn .1fll'r tr..'l wh•·n 11 j... ju~t dntk ts the only c;ati ... fo rninL~l>l) cruel I >Am 1 \S p ... t hotlld • ht> lift, J wlwn bluck• necl h\ • '''' (;d f<•r wintt•r. 1 ~ 1 ~s maj !Jr> graJually drii"X.l off. lh Ul<> IIM)' c:till hl' bo~f'd, 01' Jl-.l madt! UJ) of nnd (" n, (HiSl nit t' rieh .. oil: pack round th~ from~.::. or•tsidP with "'' uur • h• J.wt•p thou nk,. und warm . K t • p the ligJH, ofi for :tl h ast lWo \\'CI'k-. 1 l)lli nft•·r lifti ng fnun mtru.nrs, unl· tlu•re is n {ro~t. then (()\t'r a t n"ght and t.ak oiT dUJing the da). I op-dr ~: .. In' 11 with fuur OllllC!-. uf lxmt nH al r r qutr 'trd and n thin lo~yr-r ut si l ted du t)rd m nun~ S\\t~ J) thl' i)\• 1 o ll l:~' ::4 \\ f"~ k t o d1 tdbut• ·H•I II I ~l" l , and th 11 giv•• u good rolling. La"'" in( t•d \ith rno c;hould h•• w 11 rak4id to t.1 tnch thf' 1110 i ' c ~l thi .. off. then appl\ - ... LADIES' LAND BOOTS 42/- ~ 45/- Made in b lock a nd d nrk tan " N ugo " calf in Derb) shapc>, wit h unlined leg, o f -;trong )et pl iabl~ m a t~ ri a l wh ich lies softly to lh~ foo t. T h is boot ic; gua ranteed thorough!) wa tertigh t a nd trustwo rthy for th~ roughe~t service. l he sole.., arc made double thidn c> piece rig h t along to ths who are work ing on th•· lc.t nd, or as po .. t- • wom,..n , railway workf•r , , ' tc, tlw boot 1.., im,ralu abJe. In F ull S izt.; o nly : 2, 3, 4, S· h, i. Ko E1212 , 42/-, Black No Et211 , 45 / -. Brown. ' i?.<' S, •1- mon•. All po . . t fr('(•. Send for our lllu strait•d ('atalngu t• t'f '\to t11 sh Footwear. Wm. PATTERSON ~ SONS L93. Overgate. DUNDEE ('lVIJ tuuf :.ZJ2 • • •