The Landswoman October 1920 | Page 9

I \~J)t..,\\01\l\~ 1111 \ ou'll unl) fag )ou n:.d f 1r , lfwJc nnd wh:tt'5 tlw goud t Jf lh 1 t! ,\ fu.., ... }'• hus tli ng , \1 l'lr>" .,\lr ,.· 1 lh•· fanl\1 1 <; Ccl rl iH >l hidr•, H e (HIIH tu. tl , plr•rl:'>.tn t, k•' 11 l<> 1 , .un, 1 clllc.l doll t ~ lUW clll\ ich• • IJon't hrtlJ.t, or S\\ •rtr, '" 1 h, ·IJH sun\,. h.l\ r> dun•· 1)1 r,,r Bu 1 pi <~ y t I \I' \\ om 111 n 11 ou 1 111 t ' j u'it ,tll( l nuthing 111or•. m. tn, " Don 't ,..h irl~ I h• tl is.tgH'.Colhlf' )UI < ow m an 's h u r Js wh k h an tlw Hu t th ink \',. hr ... \ I r su rf·, i I ll• i • I . I ..., \\'Ofll:\ 1) <, {) cl(f ' I'• tlo 'f(•, ;h ... I ~· pu n< o n ,, \\ int• '' <1 11w 11 d c.., p i t~ tlH ft n.,t o1Hd ... now ' A.., whf"n a jo ycHI '> t..,lllllttll't m or'n M·ls a ll thE' fi< tel-. agluw . Ht' braw to fac r tiH hill "' wi nd , thr• rai n n n d ... now ollld -.l(•(•t • • \ nd b r.lVi' to c;tn ) on ~ nur \\Ot k j 11 ... h <'l d• l ·:-,.., ... ununc r h1 .tt. lh ... ~'Ortl 111<'<111, or I }o>n 't , • \li ... f , 11 n l 1"\• n I our"' to brin~ h<'r hur ... to thf' \\on no hing but oil ... nulrd. 'lound , 10 I rh n ~ ' [" Darly \lute IJ . ") A Land Girl's Advice to Beginners. -J FLLO, 1 )Oil thf'r", )OU new rcrrurl . :1 ntl \\ I ( OIIH' lQ the f<.~rtn", l'ul 11 n ) our -.trtlflg'C".t h(Jh-narled toot-., .snd<' 1 hu-.< nuw\ rum . 'lit• v h "'' tn sirug~lc-, fig-ht and· \\Ork, \\ho \( nlttr<.- • I lo 1~ gtn, 1 hn j11\ Will of it c onws afterwardo,;- to thos,. of " ! f('( 1 rlr ro. ou s of rh•• c;tut k, but don '1 give w :t) tv funk. l phvld 1 hP hunour of your ... ,,~, k, .llld how )OUr Bri1 1 h punk \nd if Lh•· milkin~ ·.tt: IH• amount 10 c 111(."- th ng more than puin, \\'(11 , rnak~> bcli f it d()(-.n't hurt it ', uS('It.. to C<•mpl.1in. \nu \o.;ho ~ ou 1 wor I<, ho\t.;l•\ r di rty, h.trd , ollltl dull, Bur tell ~ our ~· If " I m i ~hr h .t \l' he 11 a '>f'\\. ' mar(, bu t cJOil 't hP cl,utdifir d • abovf' all , nc·vr r ' • l.tH," :\ nd don't g o ' tkking- c lw mi ... t'o.; ... ruff in pia h •h

c," and you th,.ir .ti t in all. But don ' t you t hink yo\Jr blooming self a h( roint or s::u • nt, .\ ltho ' }Ou 'v~ seen your du ty m~ g irl, you ain't! through, blen }Otl fir t corn,.. hdT, hu-.} "'JUI, lht I I " Itd., r• c h•· k) on th '' huJ,., rlw oldN nwn .tn• rough. Hut \\Orm,..r h· ~tr l nntl trurr frif'nd, arc h rd ind ~ d to find, S if th \ In HJll nO\\ and thr>n, ( pr.n 'ou n• \ r m · nd ' ()un 't t ru h • t \\Ork, \Ou ba HanH;i)rk! n r r rush r t. Tethered Cow$ In Denmark. [' ' Agrirt~ltu ral Gaccttt.'']