The Landswoman October 1920 | Page 12

• Cuttin g and T~ in~ Turnip Seed. [.\ po!/ l-. G 11 rul.- I arm I t. ' ~Folk Lore in Our Village. Q L R Second Prize Essay. I \ ill ag·~· j, a lilll• nt -.t uf ~rt'~. tu m I -d \\ n ltl .lJ::'t'"• c hhlt:rt·d round .1 tunh <•Id :'\or 11.111 p rit of tht• P,t,t -.till r fl,b undi'- turbnl, th ough tht ('fl em v, t'hang-<•, ht \'('r-. on the ;'ut-.k.irt~ and ('\"••ry II-thi-. -;pirit. T h< qliPC'rc·~t of tlH:m ('lll~lnat• · from tht' :.tlnhhou'"" lltt l•·. hov<•l, f,vrdl•ring- tlw d nm hyard whkh wr~tll•l horn f~ " sunitur} jn,pr 4. tot, hut re joke tht he art. of ·Ill ~tr t ht- with tht•ir rntmhling- wa ll ~.; 1lrno't lf'antng- 1~"."" fht• gTu ., . . -grown ~r a \ t'' • :111d with tall wh it•· lt.ltP, :>.tanclin~ St•ntind .tt tl11· doorway ... , lik• gu.~r­ dw"~ or the dead. In t h('~f' littk s:tn l'tu tri<-- HIU m<~\' l('.trn the t ur~ ~t·r all ilk Corn ... on the fe"t·t mu.;;t be tn:atro with 1 ''.\' le.t \'e:, g . t tht. r<'d from t h1· tombstone-. b~ moon- Jiuht, nd ... t£'• {M d in \ in1 • tr 1\rr • tk pm 1 H. hinb b de, sn.ti).. nr(> <.:oil d• d. bu . I, and t I li~Jllid u~u ,., ,, k>tiun. I h• r m· m tn\ 1ll r 1 h r• nwd'( , f:'qu alh "Iran~ 111d ll rrif~in!.:. tn