The Landswoman November 1920 | Page 6

'JIII 1. \ ~D~\\() \(\~ Wattle Hurdles. For tbe Landswoman. Iiult' n hurJ . ... <00101on l) •· .• n_c·d '' ut~h­ hurdle-. j.., onE' c 1 , l•' lll .111d poultr) m en find th«'m ')plt•ndid for d vidlllg ,.. ' .and mak1ng ~un .1nd wi nd-:..h<.r... I 11 ' Fnnt grO\\ Crs hav<' proved that t hO\ c anoth,·r ur 1 u-.t built up w1th lmat deal of a nxiNy O \ er tho..P ('arh laborate staking which i-. aiW.t) " so tire., omc with wir<" ll<'t ti ng. T o both th<>'*' who u"e the m , a nd also to t ho," wl o do not. we c;trongly ad,·ic;c 5- ~' ndi n g a po-;tcard • 1 Hurdlers a t Work in the Woods. of our cvuntu .... , ll i-. now Lrin~ n \' in J in \.tnou-. clbt r it t ... Jla/cl j , mo-..t t>' ner.tlly us\-·d, but or her ''ood-. '' hich 1 ivc or split wdl C\rc 1·mplo)eci, it r is u-...•d , and m.tkt... un t•xccllcnt do-;, fcncf'. Thf• m ak er... bt.:- com<: wond(·rfulh dexter- <' 1-. and turn out th• ·--c· u-.du l g cocJ., .tt ..t \l' f ) r.~ p id p.t(<', l.trg.-. nu lllb( l''- o f di"< ha rgen lif<' of th•· ,,.o<>.cd Down<; in tllf ~ ou t h o f Engl and, 1h1·1r u 1 ' .trc now ifold . .and with th,.. thou..,•t nds of u .. crs a ll o ver thf' co untn· • t hr y M I' ot"i ug COih t a n lly fo und of -.Nvir<• in Ull<':\- 1 • lt:d Wcl)'"· ~f. am of t h<: 1 .tih\ t) f' u c;c the m for l,uilding up and retaining 'oc,._,. f',trth ' 'monnkmt nt-., .lilt! for pn•\'cnling .Uld- dri ft , a puq>O .. <' for which ' ·• rJjf' qu:•ntitic•.- art' r('quin-<1 b) -.unH' of tlw lc •.•d ing "''·' idf' go I ( duos. From th e f:nmer'~ point .o[ \ it\\' their lht'" .\l'f' leg ion . J\s fcndng. ei ther• •nt or for port.tblt· r "nning. for' in lv dg<>s, th<>y are i•w.thm bl<'. "'"'l - :'·I " Instead of Peasticks." to th<• organitt•r-. of thi ., impo1tant i ndlhl l j Rur•.• 1 J ndu-;tru•!), L td , of C h<>ltf'nham - and obtain thctr ·· Book o f the Hurdlr, " a nd a copv of their " \\'.tttlr <~Mden ing, ' ' both of which M C ... ent g-rat i" a nd ( Oll- tain m uch useful inform ation . I •