The Landswoman November 1920 | Page 4

I H E L \ '\ 0..,\\ ()~1 \ '\ 1 920 Poultry Notes. By W. Powen-owen, F.B.S.A. D L ( .t K ~ are mag nihu:nt la} er s , and all '' ho Xture water , gra~:.Jand and Ill of )W\ t \\Odd'> ' hould k t p a fl ock o f thc-.e ever) d~) la) ' r.., Choice of Breed.-:\l an} read of the \\ ondcr tul • 'tng of duc.ks and th1nk ( r ) t h<'lt it a pplic-. to n · r) bn d .tnd (2) th.H dm k'!> are <'•'"' I) h.uHih' illtl"' ti'~Jttd 111 thl' 0 < tobu numbt·r of L1 11 l. \S' ot,\\ 'O'i ' ' ' I hf \\hit<-. .tr< c,'l'!>lc r to br• NI ttut. and c n.tblc ' ou 10 g- .> out for <'gg--product ion ll\ ..,t l<'<'ll' c breed- , .,~ \\' thout I>< ;ng held l ,a(k b' <'<'lour-po n ts Support Self Coloured Breeds.- I ,tl\\ a \ :. advi . . l' he gmm r... to ... upport ~lf-rulour• d brttds· hkt' tlw \\' hat<· \\) :lndot tt', \\ h1t£ Leg horn,. ~tnd \\ lllt •• Runn••r .• 1nd do "' not und thl'"' ' ·n bn"<'<.l' r £,;hl nth<> front r.lllk amo•1!.!' ht•.t\\ l.tHr'' .\ b •g Jn · • • mr , ... olun tcmptc<.l tn kct·p .1 blct-d th.u "lotlk . . • prctt) " and illtc upon ..,ome ~uch \anet ~ ('lltan 13utte r< up oa th<:. Rou<>n duck. l h~ ~' 01 the • • l .tll<') " {lrucle ... et.n .lt the D :'l lr)' or .ln . '-h •' d a-. ... t<' t..,ho w 1s n ptcturc for . bt>au t), but> 1 1 oth r i)('f'n bJ<•tl ma1nl~ for colour-point~. \ QU cl'i . ha~ gan nc-a wall fi nd u t altty ~p<'c•men.., tr ue. 1 I ) o u ta "I I "..., of ::.Cl<•ntific maung and br<'Nimg for colou r of )flm., , "t , kf't'P ~~ pen o f fnmy fowls a-; well anrl c•~l~lll­ 1 1 ) ou r lull..,h ed prodte t~. O r wan until ) O\l do k '' t ... onwt han~ n hou t <.olour-poanh .md how to 0 now t hem : t ht>n tr~ the Fawn :md \\ hitc R unn<'rbt.un th<. Bi\rrcd Rod < a-. .tn .. t xtr.\ " 1o \Our 1 . :lnd ._plf - l o lo u red bru·d<'Ciall) b) " a) of plant a~~- 1 1,\bou r . l·or tn..,t.tnC<' th<'} can be confin<·d 1 r high JH'll ang .h .lgal ll')t of~. for hen s. l lw~ ~:,;· 1 c th t·JlhE.>I\'l''!> u t home 1n anv di sla...<'d '>taht ... hNI tlw t io; \\- <.' 11 \ l'll t ll.ltcd, light. and roonn • 1\ or .•rt• too l r cf· rangt-a., il ' )) o f th<' R unn<·r t, . :V. <-~. , .. , anu d unng t I H.' 'u!nnwr \\ 1 p~hc; b~ a br ('ak la-;t ul 1 (C ontuwt!d on Pagt• 258.) 0 '' • Central Bttcks. Sh II Marchioness of Liocolnshire milki ng " Premier's Siher Queen .. at Ro,al and Tbe • [" F arm L~ft'. "-. pori and Gentr• 2-44 • l