The Landswoman November 1920 | Page 3

\ f,ovcmbc r, 1920 The Prince or Sllliles and Land Girl. a n_one of us forget, &.s W L a c;hall et rtalll even ing n"arly Ion . g as we hve, 1 \ery delightfu l cvcnin'g indeed a /etar ago now, • hght · r u I st1 11 t. uy t I lC pn• f nee of ' " uu Our made fl• p . morf; . .. , .., we call' d her that day. nncf...:., Our J· in:d Rally W&:. .t pcr.)()n t"ff aH· . nilicl h er day · from Australia a 1 ett,·r, ,, luch arnve< .· 11 be n:ad With pleasure and priclf· by cv<.ry girl :~ ~vcr a mem bf'r, of the I: and Army, 1 he lett•·r If Jb Jts own <;tory .tnd reail· t!'fd,ty, and we are trytng to settlf' Jown ag.lin. lie had a wond.<·rful welc<>m<' and a great tmte, und everybody WISbC'<.I he could have stayed longer 'llwy cttll him the r .rincc of ~mlies here, and he vcrv popular, e~pct:Jally with the ex-service mt·n 111 a;1y of whom he met in France. I saw him at ,; litd(' bu-.h st c<-serv1ce gi rl in this .di:.trictJ. The Princl' rf'S )fan· was prht·nt. H e a lso signed my autograph album, which wa.., a great honour, for one of his strirthl rults \\ ry envied person , I can assurf' you." i: A Legend of the Chrysanthemum 1'\on~mber has o ften been spoken of a~ Chrysanthe. mum Tim(>, and these )0\·cly winter flowers h.ave now reached t he prim e· o f tlwir beaut} themum-t he C hr is t F Jo wcr-<.IC-;('endeJ from Brllis ~rennis, the wh ite star dai-.~. The chrysanth\.'mum \\,,-., born a t the same time a' t he Babe of BNhl<'hem, and wa<> the tok <>n to t he wi~e mt>n that they had reach<·d the s pot whithe r the ~tar h..1d bidden them, for <,(•arching a lo ng the narrow '"a~:. of tb.~ ' llag-e tow: rd-. the fall of nig ht, the-.e rul~r ... of tnbt·-; .1nd f•xpounder~ of d<><:trine wond«>rrd greatly what. -..h~uld be di~lo...<' c\:ent : thf"rj) were no W<'lcominu '>Ounds of mus1c, d like the s tar t hat h as g uided u .;, a nd whkh " <'V('n now hanging above our heads. 11 A" :\la!dwr bent and plcked It, the sta ble door openf'd of tt . . ,.tf and t hev e nte-re d in , Malchl r placed the' ehry .. an- themum · in the ha nd cxtend<'d to r<.x~'iVI' it-th<· h.u~d of a little, ne w-born babe a nd all went to .t~<·tr knet·-;--.o ru n., t he leg end -before the shtmng · tood • pr(;S(!no, bearing 0 white Jik ll<.'s~ ~~ •'--, ~ a. sceptr. th• wint<:'r fl,,\\ Pr- J h V1 u~<~ gu1de tar ;, ve told }'vu this 1 u. ~-. __ ignifi('.ant that th C ••gen ~'\:mbr•r of first birth~eatton-th ~ ltttle. h>J ing flower child- Hi .. b b y pr~nt-and g'J\4'n, not bv a poor man u:n Y 31 adn cartlll~ niQn:tr<:h, alcusto~ed to •• 11 th~ 1 ~ P 1 magmliu:nc<.: v.hkh "Urround~ a king ~lU..,l ~~~e st ru(k the man a., bemg rath.,r "Iran"~ (J to vw1·r avc <>me- thmg that rob~ i\ov< mber of' of thf' gloom of it'S 1 ' uP'' d lt:-rrc r, Wf t, fug, (rr ,t, c~r,d murk. 1n t<:r~t1n h' g h!or Y, h' but 1 now . c- .,ureJ E. R. ~l. What the Fairies Wear. I f ntly pas ... ing b'< · I ~1 11.1 do\~" .tnd d1tche.,.~ 'here and there, ) ou 11 find th<> clothr·~ that th~ fairie5 \Har. golden and "ih: t-ry frock In Lady\ .\Iantle and"mock: ! :hcrr:'s L:td)' (Jart!'T (\\hi 'Oiemn fa' r'r... \\ ho ridt:" on owl., Shn ud th~>ir f.tce::. with ~Ionksh<>od cowls : \r I th1 t• ' ot lv•r thing., ht>-.ide .. fair\' d rc ,~s­ 'J 1 r '., l..uh • ·,. ,\I irror und I. a \ l rr,. ... e~ . You t;.ln S<'t' each 1 B.H wlor .. ' buttono; mu!.>t be for clvt:s W h<> have to do up their cl< the:, th~ nN•J\,., ; \nd the tailor fairie.:. use Fain ~h ar-,, LonJ cutting·gra:-..;1'' that g-rm\: h\· m•·res; .\nci thq· mend their thing., '' ith th,.•'r- ~l itchc:•, F.tint "hit•. flow ers that vou find in due ht , \nJ "" h('rd\ i\ced!e wl1ich you'll "t e plain ln \ \ mt adow .tnd fit· Id and lan0 ; .\nd \\ h~n th<') 'vc H.:.• d th<:m the~ ~row .tga n. If onl} )OU walk with an open ear \nd \\ .tt\ h \\ ith an open e' e, Th re'... \Hutd rfu I - q•rn-.. to ... ~ and ht ~r };,· ... ilropriNor., •Jf .. PrmclJ. "l Land Girls in Switzerland. At a f.tnll on the Alp . . near the Italian fron~ier thr daught1•r-; of the holhe get .up ev~ry morn~ng at two o'clock I;ST · •