The Landswoman November 1920 | Page 23

be quite useless. After each a 1 • kill still fastened to the bo·trSP •catiOn, bring thL ~ ' 'l'h en .w h en t h e a lum ' trcatme ' •nto a . wa rm, dry ro<>fil· T liT: £.. \ :-.; 1 , :::,\\ 0 \ f \ '\ - dt•wch the -;km from the board and h~ 1" ~nJsh~"ntly with punta· e :.kJn Sldf; c 1 1 . . If IChtOnl" for . cJ, 1 ys m sucn ss10n. , fc 1 r On(' n•asc s• VI tiHit is not dT('ctiv<• th('n drc'is tl 1 m or ••n()thcr e P'·lt, ()11 th<' skin sJdP, with a little sweet oil. ' Soft Cheeses.- (Continued from l'ag" .;.8.) _ " mallholdu.•· 2 'r· . t<>ll"cquc:.ntly become <1 1 y ~ 0' I 'r twr} h~o l < urcl 'I · dd' · · a 10 l ,. w h1 ~ I '' ' c, . tn a ltton, gn-.-firoduci . J • d h. certain h ,. ng orgam._m., .lit c. {·nchouragt<'h . w dtc cause minute hole~ to occur t troug out e cur ::.o that when th h . · h f ' e c eesc t" < u~r~n ~\~o. t o sur a~e h~ds' nu!nrrou~ holes in· it. , c cvc opmc~t o . ac1 tty 1 n soft chee.,e-making ta 1 {Csbp 1 ace m dt e. mdk after rennet is addrd or r.ll) e S<'t up unng the process of drainin ' 0 hc•for<; the curd ha" been salted \ "e g, r f · · · • • T) sma 1 1 arno ~nt o rhenn~t ·~ used in the process of .., 0 ft chl'!f.:'-C· n·a 1 nng; ot ewt~ tt would bt" impossible to pro;lucc a soft, tE:>nder curd . As already remarked thP milk ~1 ~~'~ ?e pcrfec~Iy fres~ before rr~neting, 'a!> .,hould • H t~lty be dev~e.opeult. .\<, a rule, milk is richer in fat toward~ the <'nd <•f the season, in consequ<'nce of whkh it will bt- necessary to use a little more rennet while ::.hould thf' atmosphere of the dairy be lo\v a~d the '\Hath 1 r l old, the milk must be set at a somC'what highf·r tl·mperature than \\ohen thf' atmosphere j..., milder. T n the case of varieties ripened before being salted, <:u~h for f'xample as \anwmbe-n. Pont l'Ev(!qw•, Brrc, etc., particular care must be taken to that the curd i'i rca~onably moist und fairly acid without ;tpproaching any <-Xtrerne of dryn~ss or wetnr . . ~, '>\\'C mav tx-. \\'hen thf' chCbC'S ha\'1:' d rained and b fort thf'ir rf'moval to. the ripening room, they must fir~t of all be plared tn a dry store until the" first gro\\ th of mould h~s startC'd, t.he atm~1sphere of thf' ri~ning 'oom bctng kC'pt fatrlv motl->t. C'<'rtain mould" of ltu1goid growth will &'velop o n the surface of lh<' chC(>o;c in the rip<·ning room, and which arc reft·rrc'<.l to a~ " aerobic," which term indicat('c; lhrv bm·e thC'ir orig-in on the out<>id<· of th<- ch(>ese, an;l "Ptf'ad toward... the inside, resulting in th(' nml b<•roming gradually softt>Md and m<"llowed through- out. The final process is the ripening of thl" <>emi-liquicl cor(' in the middle of the cheese. lt m:w bP assumrd that the enzyme.; of th<' rf>nnN con1- m ence to digc~t the outer layers of curd, and ... o that the latter gradually change into a soft, bt,ttery material, which fin,tllv imp::trt.... this con: dition to the whol(• of the' chf'<'"f'. The art of .::oft cheese-mnking undouhtt·dh li1 c; in !)(>ing ab)(' to makf' th("se mould:.-~ grow prop<·rh. and it ic; impossible to do c;o un!Pss tht · curd i-, -.uflicientlv ac:d beforr <>alting. A ""tarte-r, '' or 1 • • QPSt\1 Q8 enocola.tes !he, imptyiog quality ro the. htgh~t degree, accvr, a\ descrtbe.s lhe contents of this dainty box of choco, tales. E.ach separate • chocolate rs a~ . ex~uisile. produdioo, fioe. io flavour, pwe., dJshocbve, delightiul. 6 • _.r lb. Of In Con/~etlontrs lib. affd 2 lb. ioxts, and loos•. ~lrptJMrt • JAMES P~SCALL, LTD .• LONDON, S.E • Alsotr1PtJkall Crmutk.lltnlllt"(N••Aicoliolic) 16 (1 z 10 Tiru. pur~; rulturr Of laCtiC .l(.!d, n·u-,t not bP U"f d •n the ~e procr ... ~, the at id being allowed to develop n.tturaiJ~, althou~h in th1• case of n C'o.tmrmbt·rt chrc~sf'. it is advi-;abl~ to inlrrt pound d up into very :>mall pieces, and mix~ \\it!~ svme hot, ... wef'l whf'v. • '' I>11iry Farming," J. C. :-...Ew::;u \ t (l't!oiTStms.) National Association of Lands women. BR \~l.ll. Th<' Executive Committ•"' nwt on October t "'th at \\ trwkk, Lady Ilkeston in th(' eh dr. R"-.ig~a- t ion~ '" t>re r<>el~iwd from L.1d~ Rowc>n.l Pat.-r . . on. Rugb) r•·prl'~ntati'i•, .md :'.1i . . ., \\',tlk"r, hon. tr.-rh<'tnf' for training girl.; in farm work i n()\\' in hand. The Sfcretary b grl"ath in rryu..-.t, .1ncl ~m~tll socinls will be ht'ld in diffH(•tH p.1rts o{ th<' count) this winter, to cnuhlc. h•·r to Jnf'f't nH mbt rs. \\'.\R\\ It K''l IRl. •