The Landswoman November 1920 | Page 21

\ ovcmbcr, 1920 1HE L.\~0::,\\0~1.\~ The Landswoman at the Dairy Show. lh tiH 111Vltat10n of an old fnend of the m 0 . L·"~D.,WO\fAS on !>how at ~tanloy ~dlr~.. ' \\ho \\,1~ l f I f'n\ n t .., • roup .c·.t ' r an \\ elf are OITi< rr I · \\horu JJlm~mbf·r with ' afltc- an( tion. ll<' wa~ full of '>torH s of her fir,t da)~ on th' l:lft on her motor hil ~nown as L tttlc I_J1 ctor. IJf• wa-. loud 111 prai'>C' of h1!> pn· ... ,•nt land g1rl 1rd.., in tlw 4 cl.l'i:-.t·-., :•n an r:tgc of n~>arh Then• '' rrp .54 bil d... in thr \\'hit~ 4 n JX'r {la._., \\, .tndoltl pullet c l,1s..,, wh1ch mthl ha\e t;.~kf n ..,0 m, ... ort1ng out, :'1"1 J onl) could ''in. .... .. -{- th,- bri ht ''rf' Latf'r in the g d 0 ~n a her maUl of th" tnf' tdow. some of their 1 ~~,.st 0 '~ ".tme f'\m.., ha\ing lost ~tanding ou an turned the r• "t to bold , a th h t hagam ... t the brill ant blue ~k) look .., oug t C\1 are hun,. . h h ' ~overei 1-{lh. • b '~ 1t t ous..t nd~ of 1 h.wc alr~>,HI) f c., h • 1 • or got t '' t e w1ntcr and am lt\> mg Ill t te. S>nng, for my gardrn i:> to be full of tlO\\tr:. ~:~~~ ... ) ~Ve have planted literally thou ... ands of 111 • • • t ~'re MP "till more to go in. Crocu~f" ... ~tit Hll ()~er the gr.ts, bank .... , bluebell.., and lox- ~ ovf'..,,, P~llllro ~s and Ph('a:.ant 'E)e, dv\\:n th•• • lon~.., \\ ,\lk, llll )ou g~t to the wat('r, and th~o dancmg ) llow daffodils both ..,:des o£ the g1 a-..., all round thr·• ·. In the garden proper, \\:lll- fiow<•r.., .md forgN nH -nob will ~ e .. en wh<'r+>, ,1nd tht• g'cJ)·toloun•d Darwin .wd \fa\ tuhp.., fill .Ill thf" "Pa< , • .., th,tt an• h ft . . ' I ho;P ar(' r~>~tll) gf'ltlllg loo fnendl). I h•') follu\\ nw ro~md mo-.t of the· da), chatting aw:l\ .111 the tim~ .tnd th••\ l'\('n , am" "'0 f.rr 41.., up tht: loft -.t.tir-. thh \\•·ek~ hoptng to .ttr<>SS d <.t tattoo on th•· food p.til they corn• ... c.l np.:nng to ) t.ur fect - 1 know waddling j., the r.ght term for n • T he Weather. \\ a gloriou ... Ottobt•r! I think there j ... no month '' h<'n bt' tutlful WPath~r 1::> <..() \1 lwnw, tXLept, perh.1p~. tho!>e <'arly W.lrrn :.pnnt: da)' \\'htch \\C '>Olllf'lltlle-. get in 1-\•bruary Th~::>, \\ ith !>UC h \\alk, but m10e are :>O full Gf fun ' l ampC'r i ~ much thf' bcottt-r word. I heY have 1 Mr ..... (' ·>f humour, tw l'h<.!\ di ... to..,:ercd, • nltllh to " their di gust, that l f~d the fowls before 1 go dcwn to their me-adow, ::.o now they alwa)::. a..,semhl ... round th•• fowl run.,. t'l ... 1-e I don't givt aw~) tot) much. 1 he other da\ I found the' • had leen having qu it,• a good ft eod out of the f atten 1ng coop trough \\ hil<• 111~ t \Ck "·'" turn('(\ , and l promptly drt)\t th•·m olT ,md -.tart<·d :l\\a\ fur their meJdow, gaih t.tpping tht pat! for them to follow \nd -.o th.-~ dllck \ lob of work to be done in the g-ard• n, the~c l0\1'1) ..,unn) da)-; -.o rl~t to win er h~l\e ht·ln "1mpl) \\'OndC'rful. It j.., the only ti~e of thC' too, whf'n one h.1., a cham · of ~f't>IOg thl' r1-omg -.un ..,hininu through thr trunk-. of thf• t•Jm ... tn th• ~lonk-,' \\~Ilk, great -;haft... of ro~~ light lh ru\\n • • ....... ,.. ~ .. .- • • ' \ . .. • • • • . _. Oxen are still used for ploughing in Sussex and Hampshire. r r Mill u ud 11 o rlh' "1 z6t