The Landswoman November 1920 | Page 17

(jarde n TaJks.-(f ulltmu,•d from /'a!:t' r . . :'l.l·) I I )11\\ lw p ctllt('( out 10 thl'ir tlo\\er' 1 ~ •. d.,, Jwroa( ('Olh t)()rdf•J s, rodcf'ries qua:rcr ... in th''' c~n· wnnlNI to bloom in the eo: ., \\~crc\cr 01ng spnntY t-· \ rHM Lrr.IHS m:w !),. had ·, 0 flO\\' • er earl Y ·r h 1 t ey 1 , 111 h(· Ki\'f'll a IC'mperature of eo df'u n • " r,· to f>o ON• Bt J)<; A'\ I> nur HS.-I•lowf'r l)!>ds !'>' mav n ,, 1 . l·lcarcd up, an d Wf• 11 dug, and bulb ... · h 0 . I<: tulips 1 cr<>d wJ,. · 1 , 11 ,. to bloom. re I hP) (' \R:-< n ro,s.· Root(·d la}·cr~ may now br· lift('{! put in a fr.un~ or thev ra b ' 1 10ttf'(~ ' nnd . •· d b , '- < n f' p 1 an ((•d di rrr t I y 1 n ul' ., or ordPr-. but '>hou Id b,. • J' 1 I' ' protect(•d ,, 1 th ., 1tt <· ')trawy Jttf'r or fall"n l<'d up for A~!> OTII.I-.R LtLIP.S ffid\ ~ pro rll rf'd, pot t r~l. _an~l plunged thf' as hyacinth.... - Ro<.,J s.- 1 hh '" thl" month for planting. 'l RF.F') AND SHRUB<., may br plant~. .\-.. -'li:'\T i-. onP. of the plants e:-._r.eciall} dedicatf cl to tht<> month, I thought I would tell "OU h<'r f 1 •• J "' I natt • ng h. l'>tory. Pluto wa~ not :1 df'ity to in-;pirc love, e\·,~n in thf' hrart of h is wife- when, aftrr long waiting, he wa-. al.;lc to steal on<'. -'lt-n figured him as a dark and .tngr} god, who llourish~>d a -;taff a" he drovr u'1r 1 1\ spirit to t_hPir. last. abodP-; of gloom. Pluto '>f'('nt mo-;t of h ts ttmc 1n the undr·r-world \'Ct h~ did vi-;it thC' light occa-.;ionalh· and on' on~> of hi .. . ' t>mE>rging-; hP saw and lovNI th<' nymph :\lintho. Now h is wi fC', P ro<,crpine. watched him morf' clo<>ely than h e- km•w, not that she wa~ fond of him, bu t, bC'ing a woman, she could not endurf' to dividf' t h<> a ffectionc; o f hf'r lord. Hcncr, at tlv· first opportu n ity , c;hc rrvrng('d thf' ... tight he had put upon h('r by tu r ning lwr riva l into a herb, in which gu is<' c;hE:> loc;t '\Ome outward beauty, yet still attrac ted m en by her freshnPc;s and fragrance. Of the sevt> ral variet iPs of mint, the cat mint, or rat- nip , commends itsel f espcdaltv to the felinP r herb will not onh· makf' C, b tt it<; root. if <:-hewed. make the most gentle person fier('(' and qttarr<> lo;ome-quite a thing to know, that. ThP rni nt c'\llf"d P ennvroyaJ, wh ich has valuf' in th~> rm al ma teria medica ~causr it purifi~ the blood, also d ispcr"es tl('as. and c;mcared on the fac~' Vvith vast-line nnd tar k~ps o ff mo~quitoes, gnats and flies. This was used by witcht>c; in a mali~nant m(.s which the idle man wttl n~'Vf'r know. ('HAR I RS • Kt ~ C.<;! f \' • 'J HE L.\~ 1>:-, \\ 0 ~I \ :-.; :\1} W ild Gnrde n.-r( (1 11 :"' 14 ~d jrom J)a .,. - \\ood , \\'Jth the· I 6 .z~, ' th rout•h Jt pur P <·-rrd, late :-.~111·, TJ\ ltltcuu.! 1 t> • \\ ' ' orw of th" ' ~ r<·mem~r. e rno .. l perf et thing:. to \\'ith the blur bell outdo in , onn h' ldllle the m~ rn httl• t,u\\ ~hp h .. anot , r 111 thl·t · • . r "·•t;crn~.:~ .. to dJnt,. J ()11) t;.trh-rn~ . o \~·r!ll tl;at lthrnmg, ~porttng folk, and lo\'Jllg' lal ' t'} rL~nt k .I I h•·i r , 1 to . pac "<•u ,tn( 1 JX.htcd I lul'belb. '1 ~ r enJu)'l_ncnt b long~.;r than th "1 .tre d1 llctou:. fairy pt'OJ>Ic • · J ~w·rv lan~ J,.adi 1 d . bt aut • w· ' g to an from thi!'> g-a rdcn of pink ;,d .t:.l ~'"land I'd with rose:., llli.l:..,n~ uf them nr 1 w lite. And while )OU could on I) gasp fo; th eat • the hone) suckle leapt and climbed towanl ~ '>Un. It ••mbrau·d the tret·-.., smothca·d hedg•::. an tr.nv 1 t·d half-ht'd""'n alon th h h ~ h ' v.. ' g c ~at eagerly ..,oug t bj he• s, who hold high rnrls in its' n~>t~ls .\nd deepest 10 · , .. _ · · h . n1} m.nd, and pt>rhaps placctt 1 _ug t:-,t •n Ill) lwMt, and maybe will remain Ion ......... ; l ~ m'.nlOI')·gardcn, wa ... that wonderful m~'IO~ of lf'ath~r .tnd. gorsf'. ~~''lutiful at dawn, a mi ... t .,uftcntng .wuh?ut ,blurnng outhnf' .. , mysterious and nlm~st enc \\'Jth tb morning musac, a I ght "ind t~r~,n~ t~~ heather-bell') into a thousand mutf'd \'JOhns. r~xquisilc at noon, a gold n :.un making :l wonderful, gloriou ... purple world. But mo-.t ten- clr·r, mo<.t lovclr. most -.ilent at E-ve-ntide in the "dimJh") -li_;;ht," the· wind of the !:>ol.lth' hu ... hing ·• . ~oft lull.tb~. If )OU are a moorl.1nd lover. you \\tll h.l\~ • nough music to r«'mcmb4>r into <.t<-rnit\ . ·~ h(' gttrd~n i~ ~till th••rc, and I ,..hall go b u k ')on;.-