The Landswoman November 1919 | Page 26

THE BOOT FOR LIPTONS take a penonal pride in the excellence of everything they supply for the table. QUALITY FIRST ia the principle on which Lipton'a buaine11 la conducted. Judge for y~uraelf how well that Ideal ia maintained in all you buy from Lipton'a. Lady Land Workers \\(' Aren'>W in a posu on to au n supply the ' Yid Boot wh1'Cb has so delight d lho .~nrl ot \\ orn n \gr cdtur.ll Woe .ken. fo thn • l I'~N dull i:alt, fuUv cbrorue tanne•l: full h~llllw<; ton>i(U~ to top: lolll jockey out· !!de back :;trap \fa le on th" hand se ..-n }lrintlple, gh ln~ ease 11n ,1 pl1an, y o..,ot-. of ~t quahty I atb r 1u. inb· ~tanoe. Pr•ot 3 1 6 ~ize 8 t 6 e't trL lllullraltJ Calalo1ur f' rrt on ~cc ,, o/ a pod c•rJ ERNEST (Dept. L.W.) DRAPER & C O ., L TD. "All-Dratish" Works, Northampton. •