The Landswoman November 1919 | Page 21

THE LANDSWOMA N Noocmbcr, 19 1 9 Gr oup Leader Days Pembroke .. coULD you dort~,;t. m~> to :::.lcAthan F~'<>nU, pl· n-o?" I <;,\td m~kly to tho:l stalwart ou or the 11011 who fll"llled to hnw ,ep to the rf~ht." Wa~ he merely pointing out the rule ot tll1' road for 1 •{]<>$,t.rJAO'I or dlrl th"' road fork and I h.•d to hkP tltl' ra~ht ·hand hr.tnch, or Wt: re thl're cro-... !H'O:\ds and I hf\d to turn to tltt' right, or \l'hHt ? On an•l on I mlnt. The road, blr .. ~ 1t, ·• kept" now to th~ ns:cht, now to th~:~ lo>ft. I clung cl~ly to the rJ~ht·haml r•l .. , tcMhll of wh~t ml~ht bcfnll1f I cro•qed thP rotl.d, tlaough I "-•k' "lJl'l\ it would be sbort.l' r roun•l "Ome of tbo bcncb 1f I w~nt to tlte l"ft-hAn•i slde. Another threo·qUA!Wrs of an hour and (what luck!) 1 root a ID<\D drlvang a trap. I asked lum if I were gom~:t rl~ht 1or Sloathau. and h · snrcl I was l>ut at w.\.!1 a •• longt~h way." l'hl3 «>mecl br~td•• th•• )lOlnt, though dtstlnctly tllsoou rAgmg. tio\V\'\.'l'r, hll ~···d wtlh tht> cnrhl'r guld/1 that I m•nt ~tmight 1)0 3nrl kept to tb,. rtght l>ut ndde man-.lon," t'Aid the fnrm<'r'" wift "llut I h!ld ~~d no mnn•ton" "I mnst hn,·o dono. Ha.d I not ~l:'n <\ whl~ gate 1\nd a houSt' b3ck among the tf'e(•s ? " " Ye<~, I hNl." And my vl~1ons of Burkm~tharn Pnlaoo foll to the ~rround. l:)o tl~~rt Wll! a m.nn 100 in these parts 1 \ litth.• ordinary counl.ry 'ilia I ~ I rdrl\.O("d my st••P'I nn1l " turned down by thl' man'>ion " and tourulmyfamt an.! ·allc"toept.n httl~ m:ud nuda couple of u\ ·n in the tl.elds "gon<· to mnrkPt," and 1 must ntocds ootnl' ot D.o~lltv h~ :tr,:pin I Flag Day at Ledbury in Atd of L.A. Comforts Fund BY lA:dbury l.~Ant Hereford D ~ ... y,I, Hihh Jll~\f'i, .,.'{ ,, Chrld '. J~\o•lyn 0 \Vu'"• Xtlh ,<~, \nntt• llcy,,ood, ~ e lli<' Hnrdin~. StP.ll,\ Km~t \ 10 ~ t 1,•11, Chri ... ttn~ Patcbell, )[artina Rol>~rt.,, \cl.\ Robtno.on Xf'lllr Weldon. Em m~ Shannon, J)ulclr Wnrge nt, l'ntrlcln "· .. r: ~t'nt, \nolo .licL"ny, L1ly Jon~'l 'i·•IIJl' c;hel.SUI. Carev, Fronce'l, Trecefrusnf, Pen l'ark, Carrl1gnn Edwind~. Uary, Tyn~'Cfu"', Uhycll"wiR, HPnllan • Evans, o~-endollnc '{, Talgnrth, Rhyfllc\W~. UPnllan. RAy, Dorot hy, Pont4;arreg, Ncw- -;. ptcmber 16th in ntd of tho Land Army Comfort~ Fund. ~rr. l.'ill..,y ll•nt a room to u~ M nn omoo and helped con:.idl·rably m m:~.kang th" day n gt'E'&t success. A 11um of £14 1<~ WM rcllll&'d, murh to the delight of all conccrnl'll . The follow! ng is a littt of the collectors : lt{ts'! J Trii••J, '1I"3 Hobro, 1\!JM Wntkin11, M.i~~ Tl\ylor, 1\[Jss Isaae~~, ~1'"" 111. Smith, J\lass Ik'all'y. and the ll.l&:;(''> Howard-Smrth. TAn•! .\nny : ?tfl"' 'lorril'lon, 11flss Wargpnt, :llis.' Lunt and )!t!IS Hnr.cld1ne, Annic, The Onrdcns, CrO'l~­ wood . J eokins, .\~nc:< 'faud, Casl;(>ll PrHltch by two L. \ .'11, violtn f>Ol~ hy ' Liss Cobbold the Group Il'l\der, thl\'1' very ex olcl d{ll>t on the club was cleared off and it start.q with a cJPI\n llhPf't. Dr CrAwford very kindly took th~ cha1r. ·wanh'Y I<~ flUitl- A Land Amly stron~hold, ns we have ht>tw·r<'n nrt.y and 11Jdy l{trls workmg In tha.t nPighbourhood, and nil the-.(\ aro able to m:\ke uso of tho club. Good Service Ribbons Cornwall Blll, F . B llC·) ~k, A 'f D wiell, D Fanchman, 0 . A Hnrrat~, L Ja~h"tt. L KniJ:(ht. A L'\mmln, R. L . Nacholac~, E Northc.'lte, B Owoo, P. Ow<' n, A Oat.J'A, A. P<'arce, C. Richard, M. Spurm , o l:ltt>o·oo. 1(ary Hharp, F. f!hMp, ~r Rrnlth TN•~. 'f Wll.!'on, l~ddy .lL WOOl I• ,. R \\ 11too, 'L \\Jib J) , 264- . K l'3p r H. (irhlin \ \(nr, \ \lntm, 1-: Smtp~on, '£. it ph•n•on, \ • l'lllllfh , CtLstlu Emlyn. T:ln~~s, tle Emlyn. Jon<'~, Elizabeth, The Garth, Llamo Bridg~J. Jon~><~, )!nry,Bron · \\iOo,Xowra:.tle Ern- lyn. Jones, 1tary K , Llwyncadfo r , Heoollan • Lewls, Gwt'ndo· hne, Ddol, Plump, Rhydlew1s, Henllnn. 'llirodlth, .l!ary C .. Llysfacn, Uchaf, Llnmrnen. Mulllns, Gta