The Landswoman May 1920 | Page 21 'd • a r t)(•nny . 1. for I . it. If I the} onh J l vo untary work ,nn I ~"> I • 1 . ' l , ,. g-ivl"ll up ong •• go. .ove for a JOb takes Onf\ h.t~ , 111 "' 111orc stiles than p;•y for it. But tht·r"' o\tr 111 J d'fl' I · h' h h' .,. , of our 1 1cu lies w Jc th you too :-.omr· 1" one Id l'k k . now how VHy ' mw h r ou. and l shou 1. ~ you to 0 1 ·, ppxtd~, wlwn Pith• r '' r • 1 nt , to .,c•nd t h rm o I I an . I .1rgc parcC'I'l to thf' Count'-· 1 w • ., ...,, rr,.wn, who VPr) k' • 111 d I y <,(·nt tht>rn on to all th(· J THE L \:'\01.\\\'0\f \~ 1 in her county. 1 hen came dc.mobili,wtion and ~·j• were faced with the almo'!t impo'>c,iblc ta~k of gr·tting out a complf•t,... of subscribPrs. Li~t<> P''urf'd in from t ht cou ntt('s, and wt>n• copied into , 1 big hook by. ~ { lt'rk- n. vr·r}' dear J)f'r.,on indE>Phf" W<..L'> in a hurrY, ronv«·)'t'd ~amply uothmg eJthf"r to herself or ,101 ont' ebe. If }Ou only knf'w of tlw hours we hnve ~~nt pouring over the addr<:!>ses she has writtron out, and with the ht'lp of maps and classified din•c- toril's cnd(·avouring to find <>ut what -;.h.-. mf'ant th~ adbrf'viations, which ~he usemendou~t ru!.h of th.1t la ... t month at headquarters, wer(' intended to repr€'Scnt. Then again some counties c:.ent in the correct li">t,, ,ome sent in old ones, and in order that not onP of our rc-:ldt r,;; should bP IE"It out we havE" sent copil"', rathe-r nt random J)f'rhaJ>!>, to CV<'ry name on even· li~t; and when you rt-aliS<' that thPrt- are 6,ooo o·r ;,ooo of thosue of THE L.\~DSWOll\N is pubh ... hN~ we- shall have chungcd our addre ... s. One of Ill) httl1· dn:.,m... which ::.incc I have had an\- thing t <~ do with 1.1nd garls, ha:. become reall} urg{·nr, 1s at la-.t lt> come trut> • and we have found a nt•,, homE' wh('r(• I can havt• a cow and a pig and a. thitken, and a n extra <.'Ottage for some land I{Irl", "o th:n \\'1' (an all work togetht"r, ~omctime~ ~~t of d, rach ont• J>ear- g he nanw of one of nn !f'tter friend~. \nd 11111111 1111111111 A richnc · sc- . .,, a punty · a fla\·our that all the time and' c·\ery tim~ c OnH·s as a ..,urpri~e and a delight. A sheer • JO) to the <'Onnoisscur! Of Cvn fecltotttrs ,jrJ.; - . ;i' ,. MJerywhere. ;;; JAMES ?ASCALL L TO, LONDON, SE ( T, o/so Puctl/1" Blt14r-SwuiJ • • Cil«olaus). then whPn I am old and have bobb\ curb I c:ln ">it lhPr~ in ll1J OathCh:tir and think Of all the jOil\' !1 ttt•r... we u ... ed to writr· to earh other in thr r, {or ev('n n1orr dPiightful .r.< ad"'r'.! I will tn and gin· ~ou a photo- g'l.:tph of I hf' l'non , Orp11tg ton, on thb,.. Ilt"\t month, l>ut don't .tddrt ~.., \our lettPr ... tht r• until } t1·1l )OU. Shopping Club. On1• of oor n•ndcr:- in a rcmotP. countn vill.tge ht>ard of the wondl'rful quality and value of thf' (.;o,·crnmcnt linen, which ha, been offere-d to th~" general puhlic lttcly in !.-ttch large quantitie~. ~h" wrot<' to a .. k us to ~nd her pattern .... , and sh•· ".•~ .. ) pl.-.a~d with th(:m that we have purchased for h··r O\t'r £J \\Ot'th of thi,. m:\tf'Tial in various qualiti~. \\'c• h.w.• had a varif't\· of !>hOpping jobs thi<> m<>nth, and it .ah\ .I\., .tlltu-.t; ... n\e when I think over all the diffl"rf'nt ... orh. of th nJ"> \\1' h,\\1' bought for )OU ~incf" tht• ~hopping Club fir..,l ... tartc' false throat, or a four-guinea \\atrh t1) d.untv ribboned und'"" ~ \\ <' h:\\'~ \)(·,:11 a ... k('d to .,, 11 h.air '" hich ha.;; brt-n bobbl'd and in thP ... anw pv;t h.t\1' <"01\\(> rt>quf''h for n•nwdi<' . .., for all wrt-. of ill.;, for folk "lw t .tn '1 .. 14·q, and foa· th< >;(' who'i p mo hm~. <-.pc ri.tll) 111 tlw morning~ 1 We h.a\'<' bot11~ht I hopt• 1\) th•· ... tli-.f..l<- tion of tlw final n·cipi•·nt-w('(lding-, hirthd.t\. ~md t Ill i . . tma .. pr<·-.(>ll!o., and 1 ... hIll ·tlw.l\.., rf'nH ml~ r ( I.'W f.lithful n•Hd•·r who tru ... t4 d lh to hll\ a ~·t·rv '1)(: 1.11 pr 1 "t·nt (of' motht r. and ~lOW .111\:tvu., " ' ' \H·n·, htc•r- . 1 11 holdin•r t ur hwalh, till ,,,. ht- tnl th lt nwtl11 r \~,\ .. • \ "' • ' .. • I 1 >l"gll\ . t '? l h 1 ~ l k " ... imph ddight£'d \\'llh 11. ')o tho~t whl"n we <;t>t our!>eh·cs the ta ... k of makmg Jafe • • I 17 •