The Landswoman May 1920 | Page 19

'! HE L.\~DS\\'0:\f.\N THE " GODDA~D" COMBINED PO~TABLE HAMMOCK=BED pRICf OF BE!O 55- , Rainproof Cover and pttUng• 35/- carrying Sack, 6/6 extra. carriage & Packing, J /6 extra. - For Home, Oarden, Camp, on board Ship, or a nywhere in or out-of-doors. Open In use 7 ft. by u Patent No. 21562. Re'd No, 655936. width. In•. Non-Rusti ng Framework a nd Rot-Proof Canvas. Can St and In Damp Grass, or Even In Water. Can be erected or packed up in 2 minutes. Is I as eas~ to carry as a golf bag, and is no larger. The Stll}plest, strongest, and most comfortable Collapstble Bed ever made. No mattress required. Folded length .. only 3 ft., weight a8 lb. To be Obtained from all the Principal Stores or direct from: GO DD A RD 'S PATENT HAMMOCK BED CO., (DEPT. 2), 146 & H8, BOROUGH HIGH STREET, S.E. 1. long groups of blue-hooded fl owers. The l ~>aves a r <' \<'r} much cut up. I t h exceedingly poi ... onou'> ..,lownes.., of rh<> pul ... e, a nd gulping-like movPnn observed. Stimulantc; mu-,t '"' gw en . 'J HE Ih.m.o<. K'>. - 'l he watf'r lu•mlock and dropwon, ..,pott"d hemlock and fool\ parslPy, are the pol'>on- nu' planh iu thi' famit~ . l'hf' !Paf ~talkc; havf' a ... hf';~lh at 1 twi r ba'it''>· Thl' ttower.., ar£> a• rangf'd rn a r.l(liat<' rn.uuwr (rompound umbels), the C'utr-r Aowt>1.., !wing thP largl'<..t. The water dropwort j, ''E'r) rommon in d~ ke~. Its stem is grooved. 'I hf' "potted hcm lork ic; ('quallv common. Its stem j, 'POtted (mwu la t<>), growing several feet in hE'ight lt i ... hollow, and hac; a m ouse-like odour. "vmptom'1 -~wt> ll i ng of the head, sal.i,a (ro 'l tlw mouth, \('t\ h igh trmpE>raturc of bod,-pn- l>.abh 10; df'g- Fnhr ~ith('r diarrhooa or con..,tipa- !IOn, brl'.lthltl!t \\ ith d ifficulty .... taggering, tnd f<~.ll­ mg to thP ground After dE>ath the <'area's \'ll 1 tt' ·' moc;t <~bomi n abl<' odour. . Trcotmc11t. - A qu n rt of lin~Ped oil ~nd half :l Jl•nt of brandy nwv b<' given to :ln ox. FomPnt hrlh·, Oc\tnwnl gruel, etc. R epeat brandy in h.tlf- do..,ec; 1'\'f'n two hourl;. - " C'altl<', Sllccp awl Pigs, " by F. T. B.\R10~. 'LR.C'. V.S. [Jarrold-..] . Nova Scotia. D\..\R L· I)ITOR She \\a-. a Land Girl and c;ht> {('lt that was too <;matt for ht>r ~ft<"r ht>r rountrv n<'E'dl'd her • <:;o, \'"lg"UPh h,.arin~ (,f a job i•' '\o\,1 ~<:ot1a-through c nt of thf'..,t• kindh so< j, ti,...., 111 London- forth <.h•· ft rn timr to hf'lp pkk tht late applf .... ,\nd thPn tlw "int~·r <'anw. Such a wintr·r! Bliuard ... . md ... no\\ .tnrl \\inds that rut on~' likr- a hundr<>rl klllw~ But ... h, -.urvn•Nl it-milking, fr•('(ltn~. and '"·'t< -JJlg- tlw ... to• k, \l.tth ()l,'('a'iomrl Jf\U m"' t(• lh~> wt'Odt- f•n tim- bf·r. \ nd tiwn thf' blt·-. ... td '>prmg "'u• h .,un .. hin~>. blu•• ..,Jd•· ... , .111tl finch ., ''n~ill!!, th• \dnt~'t '~"~'tlll'tl • ltttf'r ll l ~'lllllr\ I tr hr•hind. \\hat thou~h thP' be mudd~ ! \\ hat though the h"if"r' f''l .lpt> 1nd lraci h••r, t'ur-;mg, over ploughl'rl liE> Id ... , through roaring torrent-., do\\ n rock' ~orgf'-. ! "'rnn~ j, in th" atr. '\o lon~,.r ... no\\ wd ..,un .. hitw and bhH· ,Jwdo\\', h 11 I rt" n fu•(d .... brown tr~-. -innunH ... had~· .. of bwwtt · and < 'wt>r all tlw brilliant .. b. with whitP doud,) r..tdng fast hdor•• tlw "ind Pt-upl~· .. tan· ut hf r in wond< r - the who d 1n ... to do m m·... \\'<;r k . where tru..,tv nwn an h.1rd to find, .tnd labour ..,till j, ..,( arcf' fhO'il' mighty boot'> ! ThY of rm: LA~!)'> \\'0111.\ ' ' C:llhlng nw Jll~l11) .rhurkl~,, nnd wrrking m<'moric' {ragrJnt a-. ..ln J<..nglt .. h "-PtHlg-. J f \ ' h. Ilo~. \ln 11 • \ ylesford, No .. a S(Ottl'l . 4pril 4· tQ2