The Landswoman May 1920 | Page 17

'I Ill~ I (;'\JWJ,:\ 'J J,k.S. {CrmliiiUcfl from f'IIJ:r ' ~ 1>~\\ '0~I \~ lf)(l,) 'I hat w.,., .1 < uriou., < h;•pl•·r in thf· h;.., 11 'Y 1 f ,., . r 1 d' popu- t,tr raJ:C\ .~ ... ll< 't 1., < hh<' <(>;(' '" lht· ,, Tulip .\lanin ,, of Ifollanu 111 I l<' 17l <•nt~ll y. R..rto fitr,ain.., V.<•r•• •mid for n(•,tdy a ... rnu< h, \V \',trJf'li<•o., · ' ,,.., \\I' )J,I\'' ~lllH' p.ll< of (ht)<.:m. J ) ' lW \\:1-. giVI'tl. ~()101' IIHfiC .!{lOll IJf lht I•Xtt V ~ I ,, ·•· ,,.,HIH' of g"rO\'w('f'> ,JIH '-JX·rtli IIHt'i m:t V I!{• found 1 · 11 ,.. I hrln..lS.., ' lot" I 0 ( .. 'I f 11 • l)l I 'I' ,. I • > I>I'l "'PN'ulatlon 1n tulip<' nft<-r thf' hulh < f 1 h• \ tP rov h.,d l.)(:<·n ,,,Jd for four thouc;,wrJ 1 hr,., tlwnHIIlh ·'"' '!lllr.h ~ 1 .., guihkrs. But tlw rt .tl Iif'' an~. P''r:.un,tl.ity of th• tulip W<• w·l frorll I kvon J hf I 1'1\1(''• h.lVIIl.g no othl'r ( r, ; 1 nI' we<· cr.., fold€d :1\\ w 1n tht· .... ~tin "ups .tnd o.,winging in th< Pf•dumf'd lm~ zc·. 'J he fairies, watchful, but <,('l·ing that ~he· wi ... hNJ thl'tn w('ll, rcwardt>d. h(·r goodnh.., by ("41U<>ing th( rubp-. to take on bnght colour-;, and smc·ll sw••c·t ltk•• th<' rose. IIeoce that bNiutiful red and or:tng; tulip that <,mc·ll-> ... w('Ct~r than any anc.l wrll only grow to perf<'Ction in the cottage gardens of De'ion . Th<· f.tirie., blessed the woman and }J(·r cottagt• o;() tlwl :-.he had luck and happinhs as long ,;., .,he !iv('d. Wh('n the womJ.n di<·d, hov,wv pr'(,ple, and <. V('t'\ night, wh<'n it fell d,trk, thf•) would troop out of thE' wood and dan<:<' vn tlr H'J{t· t.tblec,, a nd t<'ar and hack at th<'ir root-., and lhr<,w dtr...t into tlwir blos ... onh ..,o that nothing thrt\•·d un that land for )Car,;-and the pc1r ... l~·\ \t l\f's gn w fringed and raggffi a-; y<.u '><'t th('m no' But the grav<• where th<· woman wa-. buri•'(l th") k. pt gn'( n U'> in colour. "\'-' •t of ... md\, and th<'-.e bloomed long .tft~'r all othe•r tltnw•r ... had faded. I am qu ite sur<' the fairi<·-. put th("ir l.:tbics to W in the tulip"> in Ill) gardt·n lh~ ~ arf -.o vcn • t.:.1ll and beautiful I wonder if the\' • do in \ 1.. urs. • IJundr• d and collections of VEGETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS 1 hn·•· E R. \f. A liberal supply of the finest varieties. 1/- From ts. to £1 Particulars on Application. SEED CATALOGUE FREE. ~ SONS, The King's Seedsmen, READING. SUTTON " 't.~ . tl What Allotment Holder and Gardeners say about ·'~ 1 ..._.- ..... -' T111 RITO Smiu. J", n. tlful J ~tr t \\ ,, • l:t d .. .. I \Hili" Ill .... ~ lhat I founJ Rl ro ' 1\ All,f nn 111111d to hu• •'::! ein n•·'t I'• .tr I "" not !or~ t t lrll m• I ·•' about RITO " ( " dl \R l'lll'R \'HI 1'\' '1~11''0'\ CANARY GUANO HI'() YOUR GROUND NEEDS NUTRITION Denial of this ml'ans poverty of Gunno '' is nppliNI (an tnc;y lll'-k) ·t<~ults. l( the r\11 yegt>tablt and fn1it rrop at the1r he:lvlc"'t· Flowtrs bloom in ~r('a~t'r profuco1on, n1,t.l law.ns bo"Ct•!ne r"~ with 'crdurl' Quaht} too, ~~ "'tiJ impro,•ed if h.- u~NI Thi~ wondt>rful ('()Ill 11 trat<',l fl'rti jz, r cn11 tx obtain• d from 'lr ·d~nv•n in cnrton' • /· t'arh: b:~gq l (>, si·, Joi-. :zo'·, and 30. rach. or ~hrn:t frorn tht' ma kl'r' ll' nte /o·dtl\' tor FR EH "(an~n (;ulllo " l>nr>/.ltt -a:Tudt C(UIIOitiS tX P•'rl ,,Jt·ta tllt till I(Mdrmug wltjtclt Chemical Union Limited, IPSWICH. ltr (Oio/nurro: '""'' 111/ "'•• /., "'" fllon '' ( r•o \lolrCS t'IC uf 1/r, fr•'lr•·••'lll~ ""'CS I 1 ,(I (oH nn1/t'f~ lfl li, ,,,,, lll 1 ' •lll 1• 111 1 • (rrrlllll$ 11111 zrl . ~ ''· qllt Tu t•'' /,,•/\, ' \. ;11• , I : 2 'lo 1 ~fit