The Landswoman May 1920 | Page 15

llll 1.\"'"' 0\1\ IF YOU WANT BABY TO GROW UP into a hardy, vi&orous child you must ma e sure ~ou are feeding him properly. Baby should be fed at t"te breast tf possib'e-and tbt • wdl arwaya be m•de euier if the expectant mother "" 1 1 Prepare herself br ineludlnr in ope of ber datiJ mea 1 t a bowlful of Ncavc'a Health D et. But wben Baby has to be put on the bottle, extra care must be taken in the choice of the food. N eave's Food has nearly a ee:nury's reputar ioo, aod many e minent doctors upreu the opi n loo tbat 1t ia tbc beat tlteroative to mot ber'a milk. Dr. - , L.R.C. P., L. R.C.S. (Edi n.), .~.F.P.S. l Glas.), etc., Leeds, writes:- You r Neave'a food la suitinl: our youo~ter admit· b a for WDich we are Ycry thaolr:ful . Sbe wu not dotoz weJJ oa cow's milk and water al one." !Y· Babies thrive on --- fl I '"~~''" \OU :Hld • \lilt kn••w 111 • \ nd hot h <,f u .... cou Id 1 J, <• rh • '"t • \r d '' ith an innt·r ... ight tli\ itw I h1 tllf'.llling of }Our h(':•rl md min•·. 1 'm . . un· that ,,.,. '' cmld rlilf•·r I• ...... . \nd ' '·'"'P our h.tnd . . in {J i. ndlin1 ... ~. • The '\ArE Food Sold every..-here i n 1 8 & 4 2 Tins • Also 6d. Paekcte ,\!\0'\. I I I Unfettered E ase I hat gtott\>lh f•·c ling of unfNt<'n·d • .t ... l' j ... onh r \J){'r it·tw• d h) tht> land ~al "ho " ar ... th• Libt•rty Hodil c•. '-,he .1pprN i.ttt'"' thP nntur.d fr·rt·dom thh•· h~ gieni(, pli tbl1 ·tnd porou" gar- mc·n:"' !_!hP lwr. Suppl<' ) d tirm, un!r;ullnll'lit·d Yt>t .... uni{icnth "upport£'d, . . h(• find., h••r \\Ork a hc·alth givtng pl<'a . . url'. • 11.\\'E plc.ughc·d nn l,, .. , h n~ tUtrO\\ in thf p 1ti nt fri• ndh -.oil, I h '' • brou~ht hom• t.oth Ill) lt.>r ... r .. n '' th• ~ \ l dorw tht·ir l·m~ da\ • ... toil. I h.,, •.•· th·m bf·d ... of '' li<;\\ ''r·"'. 'd :!"' n • thf·m .,,\, ft ha', \n I've bru~h•-d th ir ... ilk) <'C).•t~, .uHI put tlw h<.trtv'~" all :r w,l\. For th•· ... un h,.., g"l'"Ot I~ -.unk lv hind 1 he d trk r m of tre world . . \nd ;.~!read\ in th£ \\I .. t thf' ... t.~r .... thfir I.Mnnf r ... h,,,, unfurl~d : 'llw J>f .t•'(' >f l'\' ning r< i~rh -,upn n •. thf' ltbour<·r· ... b• ·n -.on, .\r. • l I I