The Landswoman May 1919 | Page 4

- THE There i to-dny a my:-teriou~> do\\ n htll tunn<'~ in the Strand which 1s the entranc~ to Adclpht Ar<:hes. Few ordinary Londoncn; have explo17d It, and still fewer country folk, but if you follow 1t, tt "ill lead you down t-o what wn" once part of the hargt' and halfJ)f'nny steamboat wharf, and to the pot where oncl' Rt<>od the "Fox under the liJll .. Tavern. Ht-re, on the balcony, on Sunday morn- ing,.,, the tradelJmen u~ed t<> m<'ct, compan• the1r hulldogi'l, and go<>sip. The tavern ~recinct-. JlOR • !', m tiC h t\ ~ lirnitu) nnn. 102 t7tC ay, 1919 LANDSWOMAN 0 f the water ..,upply of old Lon don was · ed from the Thame~, the H olborn \Io!>t undoubtedly r~cn~ut that. Aomo w<'lls did exiRt ~~ or the Tybu 'urvival of tho nam<'s of Clerkcnwcll 8 proved tht? 8 , ... • ell ' Bridewell. Il olywell, Sad l<•r's or the hJ: prtes "<'ll~. ctc: 1 ~treet and Wormwood St~cet r<'minoo f<·<'t bron.d, tho na m" of was an op~·n - which, H oundij· di teh, VIvidly H u gges~ tho un- ~:wou ry nnturo of i t.'i oon ton t.'i. J t HI s t.range t o rccoll<'ct that ouly 140 yea rs ago a. man wi th a telescope uqed tostat ion himself in L o i c os t e r .I<1elds, which is now Leicester Sq uare, and offer to passers -by. at t he <'hargo of one halfpenny, a peep at the heads of tho Scotch rebch1 which adorned the sp ikes on Temple Bar. How d elight- ful it would be if Kensington, Brompton, .Pad- dington, Dal- ston Islington , where the bailiff's d aughter lived , Edmonton, the scene of .John Gilpin 's E>xci tmg ride, s till re- mained the country Yill agf's whirh they were in the days when a coach took t hree hours to run, or rather to fl ounder, from t he vlllage of Paddi n~ton to London, an d when IA>rd J:tervey tt!>Nl to r<'tiro t<> his country house .at Kensington wh<'n hC' war., bored with tho excitements of town. And whet fun it woulrl be to wah'h th!' tour- nam<'nt on London Bridge, or perha ps from th~ t. bal<'ony \\ hi<'h wa.<~ et'(>dcd a t tho corner of Qu!'<'n ~tn·ct. so that the qucen'3 of England mig_ht ( nJoy_ the Rp~ctacle of the tou rn<'y~, which on ~< pf'm nl Mea 10n3 were hl'ld in Cheap~idt>. But nt?'t of all. l long at tht~ mo m<'n t to go nnd a:athcr pr1mroses on P ri mro. e Hill . roun< mtmN T •