The Landswoman May 1919 | Page 3

MAY, 1919 Vol. JJ., No. 5 The Journal of the Land Army and Every Country Woman editorial Office 1 Stone Pletcf, Ktcfbrook Grove, Bfackhcath. S.E. nnHI!IIlffillliDnlmlllllll lmnllfiJ 'l'llffilrli'O llllll I 1 11 [ Ill ~·~ JCJ' llm::Jl I I :J:ll Advertlslnt Offices' W. H. Smith 'Z) Soo, Stamford Strut, S.E.l "'7 1 " I I • 'J l!i!lillll!l r Rural London • • Trafal~ar Squaro gg Land gtrl who comes to London ne.od nov<.'r fN•I u. complcto strangor, for many of the oamNJ of tho atrcots hero will romind her of the country sho has loft. Who <.•ould \vi8h for auythin~; more countrified than Coruhlll, Roso ru1~ry, 1St.'s-in -thc· D'ielda, Bothna.l Ort'<'n, Cold bath Fields, Haymarkot, or l\1ilford Ln.n<'· Thoso rural nam<>s recall tho days, hundred~ of yettrs ago, when tho City of London wM tmrroundcd by fil'lds in which tho citizen8 could tako plcalinnt walk~ with their wives whilo th<'tr ohildron clambered O\'Cl' Goodman's Style in Goodman's VtC'Idl!, or. on rare occasions. went nuttmg on Nutt1ng or Notting H1ll . Tho!i<' W<.'r<.• tho days when a wm~t London<'<'t, whir.h'dsso crowd<'d with people, that younlrnoc:t htW<' to fight your way along tho footpath, wa<~ 1\t ono ltm<' th<> favourite s1tc for the residcnc<'s of thf' groat nohiC's, llll(l must luwc prcllelltNl. at. th · beginning of th<' ~('vcn«-<>nth cf'ntury. the o 1 )pcu- anc<' of n conhnuou 'l lin<' of palaces with ~ardcnA slop1ng down to the silvrry Thnmc~. T'"o of the br~t· known hotel~ in London. the ~n' oy and tho C\ <'il, both in tho Strnnu, oqtond on tho ground whf'rc forml'rly c;food tlw mnn- ~•on'l o( Potcr do ~twoy uncln of tlw qncf'n of Henry CII., and S1r Roh<"rt C{·etl. ~on of lmd Burlcigh.