The Landswoman May 1919 | Page 25

THE LANDSWOMAN d vou C'an t r~.kc my .word !or it, JudRr l'etol.'r rarteret. would d~ wMt he thought m;ht if he had to pay for it a thousand . ~ " tl~r1 .hcar h~>'s been offf'rt>d ten thousand dollal'!'l hy tht> SfRel After the PI cutatiou nt U llhrriug nddr tt) thf' girl• !C al " }l()kc. • an '[ru<~t to ~··t the ~~rcc men oon ... icted, to give them a club to hold 0 ver the U nlon'~. " TMt'at a lie-a false, wickPd lie," Cectlia CTi('d. .. Bravo 1 " Gal ne<~ ~Id. " Our gracious bo;;tec~ wi he& to ive the' df'vil hfc d UI'." 1t After that onthurst the drifted to more lmpef!onal 11 ubj ccte and t~hOrtl y ('~cilia led them over to the blf{ hou•e to 11110 w them h<'r ~tudio and f he murals. The di!ICUR'Iion of the th,.me Rh<' had chO'y brokl." intQ groups asraln, and wandM('(l lnto t h(' wood <~. Ccdlll\ <''t()"'Ct~' d thC' .r udg<> to app<>ar any momPnt. ~o chl' rxcu'll'cl h<'r~rlf from joining th£>Jo. She wi>~hPd the JucJ~" mlltht be clt'l:tl ned and not come. Now that shP had h<'ard hrr old frlr nd'l t '\lk t~hr r~>nll'll'd how wretrs.~ lt was t.o expect thrm to undrrnt.nnd l1irn. Hhr remembered how unfair her O\\ 11 judqment of him had l)l'·en n few monthy hc<'lllllfl con-cMoU!I of (',~>cilin, he r~ and facPd hrr. "You I Xot you I " Cccllia. whic:~ red. (T o be co wt>re w1tn ~ed In th~ ,tr<•et<> of AyiC!Ibury on bat urday aftem()()n on the IX'~ 10n of a rally in connection with thr Bucki Women':~ Land Army. Over 200 of t h<' land1women who had been award'!d badlle)' prc.~ented a s mart and bwin~<~like appearance in the1r lllo•1ch hats. smock.~ nnd breechM. There WM also a good mtbter of women tractor driven~ in their serviceable khaki unifonn~. l!any of t he girls were of <~plcndld pby~lqul', and mo;t o! th~>m looked tho p icture ot health. T hey gathered fn the afrernoon at the '!'own H all. where t he bnd gM t hey ha ot thu 3[arquls of ] ,tncolnihir<'. I lbb; u' }( Mls.$ 1 albot gave a ' .-; llltt and J dy '" n LIDS. Rally at Canterbur;y Q '< Satunlay, llarch ljth, a m0<1t 1 J r•laoo in thr. brantiful old dining ~en gf ~re~ony too~ 1 ~V~~~·~ ~~~c~~;~h~~~~~!!, ProdTallXlt,. Din"(:tQr·G~~en!J~f ~h! vvu uct ro n !)f) pa rtmcnt p l"t"!!" n t.<> d st n$ttll hed ·en-i~ B3rs and 240 Good ervl~ J'lbl to rn~>mbcr.l of th~ WomPn'$ Land Army. ' IOn tl tree Dl J The day WA~ on~ of the ~unnle!lt pos"ibl<' an1l the girls with their tannf'd !ace3 and well-knit ngure~, so ~.PI"ntildly t:t ;JIT by thl) ma.rt umforrn ut the T.and Army, were tlu1 hl~t Jl(K" trl,hut.c ttJ the hMlth(ul ~ork thi'y w.-re ena:a'lf d l n. The Tlfm , ~N. R!(·e. Chairman ot the Ea:ot 1\t'nt Women' \\itr .\ f(rirultural (Muru•tt~. p~ld~>.d. Mr-. lt•<=!· ~n intruducmg !Ill Talbot, welcomrcl the ~.till .. to St. Au.~tHtnr; ~. and poke of the very iruJ.>Ortant part they hlld takPn ID helpmg to win the war. lii ~ Tal bot, in a 'ery able and lntewting "perch .-r\ld t11at at the hl'glnning of tht! war \\'OIDPD had had to CODtl'nd with many ltitnculti"", ehiPtly m tr\'in~ to brP-ak down natul1ll rrr· jutliN"' on thf> part of the fanner.;, but tht\t now tho \\omen' I.and Army "a.'l one of Ut~ m,.t falJli)u bodiC4 of fK'Ople not ontv in J;nqlantl but in other c.ountrie!! as wen In London ,h,. hnit h,atl lnt~rviP'II with and k·tten! from J&Jlftn"'~'• Amrrlcan~. frPnch nnd ltaharY~. She had two ltttle Japa~ ~!inH.el"!! In her otr1cc the other tiay, anti hP only hoped thry onder;tood a httl" more of what he ~1\lll to them than ~he undrl"'tood Qf '"hat thr.y ~aid to hl'r. But thl"\4' ministers wen' ·o ~:reatly wt•"'~t·~ In the Wom~n ·~ T.I\Dd \rmy that they rul.flJD 16tf'd on tn!.ing away a ample Amllrt and bad~ and any llt~'rnture !ihr hn•l j;:nt. awl 1n onler to att-ty thPm a. ... t(• 'llltl&t a Land \rmy 'lli'Omao lookcrt Iller., Ill' had 'nmmonffl. )!f"'t. Hus.!h'"", Editor f•f TR£ L.\~DSI\'OY.\~. who w-a• al'I\AYI' 10 uniform. :m Talbot then pre;entr!l Dt-tintrol! hM. :-, l"'"il'f! na~ to th" .\ll-es Worthinlrton. GamPtt and K.Jate Lind'!A)\ n111l "'P~·C'tl the ~treat plc~ ure it ~a'c h~>r to be ahlo to pro.qrnt Ulls hhrlt award to th~ E:~.•t Kent ~tlrk conclu~ion o! the pw.l'nbtt•m c•·J"I'mCJU\', \OtCl of th~nk~ to }{h, Talbot, :'!IN. Rice. ani\ vanou'\ hclpcn; ""re pmpo;£d bv the Rt. Hon. J.,ord XorthbournP, lli~hop Kmstht, l!r. :'it<'phi'n :-.winfortl and l!N. Prenti~. in all of which m ut ton WM Tlll\d~ of tht' l!i pl·•nrlid work done by t ltc W IJIUen ·~ Land ~ r m~ In E~'lt Kf!nt. On the • Healthy ' and Happy The Land Girl who va lJes her health and happi- ness wears the '' L iberty Bodice." She knows that its comfort is the result of its correct design-she appreciates t he support without constrain t that ·~ it g i v e s- she likes t~s hygienic, porous and ph- able material. • " K01tted Fabric e n a b les the w<..~ght of the garme;ts to be p roperly d is tnbuted, a nd removes all u n ue strain . Fo r Yo un g La d i es' and W~ m e n size~. f~r rt C~ 1 ~.~=~ aook For prices a nd ll:trt u: ula u wri te for free OLR tbye Y(D pt 40} ' 'LI BERTY BODICE " :FACT e • (deep-fittin g). M a le in 13 MARKET HARBOROUGH Pleate mention TBE L AMDSWOWAM J .. • .., • • ietm IAJt.. • New Help dooe her fint Ploughinr Farmer B rown • 3 wire" writi"t 11 Advutrsers. 12 ,