The Landswoman May 1919 | Page 21

.$J( ay, /919 THE LANDSWOMAN COMPETITIONS.-:s~vcral readera oi Tu U:'\ os Land Army g1rb ttwnll>clvcs, have recently 8,.0 t ~ntri~o~.1~, towardi the prize fund, and lt ts duo to tb~>ir ((~'nerMit t~ Ion.• have b4'en abl~> to give consolation priZI'-' ctc for the nfedl ~ wk~ coml)('titlon. ' ' P.~or Thi>i monUt a rarutM hM otlered o. priz.· of ou~" gumea to th IJlnd workc•r wlw hn.' been on ODP. farm for th~ Ion t ~~~ 1 ~~ 00 May 1st, 101 !). This fMmer rcnllsea that thr ({lrl u'!elul on n mrrn Is the on·· who settt.-~ dQwn and rt:o~olly bel th cau~o of rood production by n•rnalnlng m onC' place ln_. 1 J~d 0 ~ 100 vJng about. Coml)l'tltora, who ne~>d not h:wc ~>~'~'n LA A s nil tho tunt- th"Y havo bt'l'n on the land, hut rotut be ~m~nti of thr Lnnlr nam~ to thA Orgnnl-lng St-cretary ln thl\ county In wh!l'h the> working, togpthl'r with the dat.o on whlc.h thl'y took up u!~c prMcmt .-mployrncnt. r The &J>I'ndld reapoll.S(' to the February oompehtlon has uwlo roo reallr.o more than ncr that TK£ tANMWOlf:A:'{ 11 C'~rtal nly the link which binds ll• ~11 togpther Wt ~e all mcm.ber! of a great big fn.rnlly working for our common mother En~3Jld Jn every part of thf' country, and we ao 11eldom see ~>ach other thatltnlrn~Mtsccm'i at tlm "'\tosom~> of tu M 1 f matt I)Utte alone, with no one to care whether "c work Wl'll or not. But oncr o. month we meet round th,. famlly table of TH£ LA~WS· WO'H~. 1\nd tell each othc>r all that wu have don~ dnnn~ thP f):l,t four wee la!, and wish each other luck for our next month's work ~o roatt<'f where v.·e are workln~. Cumb!rland or Cornwali, Durham, Denblgh or D.-von, once o. month Wl' are nil r•·l\dlng the saroo llttl(' paper with it:J yellow oover, ~rhaJX huntin~t feverishly through the G.S. Ribbon it ti kJ •t'P 1f our name~~ tht:n• or longing !or the day when our photogrnph &hall ap{>" In Tus: LA.::o>SWOllAN portrait gallel)', So you •r•· how lmpor-..ant 1 t 1 thAt every land girl t~hould be a regular .:.ub,crllx>r to the llagazlru· '!O that shl' may not br absent from our dl'hghtfnl month!\ parties or leavP a I(O.P In tht> l)l'rfE'ct cirdP of onr 1..\SD!IWOli:A ~ !"ho . . rPadc~. Exchange Column to S,.co~,•. to ;'lui.-E. JW\\e, clo Orgaru-lng Secretary. C're!to ... nt Hou~". Bury St. E1ze: £3.-lli John~ton. ::>t. Chnqtopher·~ Coll~>ge, Blackhratb, :s.E.3. WlU anyone v. ho ~ fancy nef'dlcwork communicate witll Ml~ Ull'l'ch Deardley, Rare"ood, Lt'.ed•? ~cond·hand lady·~ btc:vele wanted.-\\rtuo D. Aoodall, Skid· more Fann, w .. Roll\!le) \fl ", !:St. .\ndrew's, Brldpntt, w11l sell any artlrh• 111 luutttn({l. HtocklDffJ a "ped.Ailty. Hand·pt.lnltn~t on any fabric and parchmE>ot lamp and candle shad.M Bcadwork ID latest JlVVtltloa. l!ot1l! a.ud h&lr bands. Prlca on appl1C3tlon. Landworktr se,.,ks a partn(·r~ucatcd woman, about 30 Prtf~m-d-to ~tart in am~ll 11a.y on the land. llu~t te k~n energetic, exJ:)I:rtencett. I..abonr expen-cs and proftts shared e(pally.-B. L .. 9, P~pect Plai"C, .81ll'lt Htll, Su;;acs:. Wanted --cheap gpcond-hand turntture for landwork,.r',. cotta.g_, contammg one I>Pdroom and kitchen. AJc;o declt gard~>nlng and carpenterln!! to li 1n good condttion.-.llits L Ga.lopo,l .ranu, Plumpt, raln· proof, wrll cut Ilt>tght, ~ tt. 9 m. :FI\"C guinea.". Al»o four unworn cotton nl~htdrcsse.<~, sant~> hlZI", hand·made. On approva.: -~~~~'$ J. , Gallo~ Fann. Plumpton. su.-~·'( I•1-bel BrowDI', I•arlt I..ane, Earl~ Colne, E.'~'C. would be gla.l to corrl'! pond 1\Jth any ~tlrl \l'ho c.•n ~n·P her lunts on ~oft chee-.e makmg . ,.. • ~ • . \ ltibb ns were pres('nt~d to 81 L.A.A S. in the Y.W.C.A. room by M.r<~ . Hlcl.. , the wlfe At Lincoln on April 2nd Good Sor':lce d ~ Hughos addressed the glrl'l, who afterward." marrh,•d do\\"11 to tllA) re"taurant, ot the Bishop of Lincoln. Mrs. Qu1rk an •1 rs afternoon they att~nded a free clnt•ma IX'rfornlanoe, and l'nd<'d a IX'rtect. dn)' wbcro ~ spll'ndid luncheon was Rcned. 1 n t le '' 1th ten. at the Lincoln Heudqunrtt>l"'. It 9 •