The Landswoman May 1919 | Page 17

.:M ay, I 919 THE LANDSWOMAN North Riding, Yorkshire H. Arni~'On, A • .Biythmnn, L. Be:lumont, l l Cad • :Fergu"oo, ];, Guy, E . llartley, J . Jol\Mon M K:..e · lru\n, 1 • J . McCrYJ; tAt, :\1. Scott, J>. Thomp<~on, n. wb.ltt~k. lr\~~t: · Hampshire E. Artbur, L. Aullrt•\\ , X. Adaiil5, S. Am1r-tron~: A BlrrJ 0. Ballty, E. n ond, A.Jlutll'r, P.. Bl>nbarn, E. Bohtho, lf Ball .. .' \ • .Hatch In, llarl't'tt, I . Blakt>, .A. BurgM!!, E. Bur~es~. N &na' p. D. Jloxa.ll, F •• Drag~. H . Brunton, K . Cart<>r K . Cballis F eo Mrs. Al. Cro<'kf'r, H. Ca.rt.PT, F. Clarlc, E. Crisp, i. · Col,.:· .R. Clarl,, E. Cox, E . C'owd~>ry, M. Dlgby H . Daniels R Dlt ' D. Dllvl~. M. l>evcr('ll, F. E Downr.r '(; Dowdell' D . E ~m, D. Ellt11, E. Englelleld, G. Ftan ('l<~, M. Ford. A Fudg; v' F~tr 0 ' ~[. GlbboOc,, 11'. Grt'gory, E. Guile, 1.?. O~ttllner J' G~ant ;· Hul-,oop, M. HuJcoop, H. Harriaon, J,. Hutcbl~.· HouiVlkm; L. Hou11o, L . J ohn.,on, K. J effr·ry, E. Jonl'l4, E. J ohnson M. J"oneo~ E. J ohn11tonP, B. Ing.-., E. I rwln, I. Kent M KJrby j Knight' H . Knight, E. J. Knight, II. Knight B' I..& we!\ y' Lawes lt' Langdon, E . LltehflPid., I . Langma~. L. Lock. G J.oveif'llll .1.<~. Luca.'l, M. Mlllab, G. Mlntrum, D. MlJ\t, E. Offer, Ml"8 o 4 man' :M. Over,, M. Owen, 0 . .Pa~uwr, ~[. Paimer. B.. Parker, M. Pca~on: J>. Pett~, L. PPtty, R 1 ond, A. Pope, Ir. Pott~r. A. Quenn('JI, C. Rakr, A . Raa .. om, l\1 RAinf'y, A. Rce·•t', .A. RI-A:w·"· A. R.ogPN E . .Ru, h , D . Sankeoy, I . Seooreo, B. 8h1Pr, L. Sit)!!, I. Tan,.ocl4 K. Thornc, A. Tnylor. K. Waterrne.n. i\t. Webb, £. WlgmfJI'P. C. Willlam.<~, G Wllllnm<~, C. WillmPnt, A. Wingham, R. Wlnd:-or' C. Ylf'lrll ng. • a: Isle of Ely .\{. Ruo;<~ell, Y l f nntly, B. On.:f'u, L. GOdtre,. L. l!id\\lnt,.r, I ... Srnlth, C. Shdl", L Harper. . ' carnarvonshire Draper's Ladies' FIELD BOOT For Land VVorkers 25/- Carriage Paid. W e have a speetal permit from the Dtrcetor of Raw \fatertals to cont,nue the manufacture of our well- known ladtes' •· Field'' Boot with its high uppers-made ort~tmallv for farmer•' wives and dauchteno-and to sell them to women who art> engaced in national work on the land. Further. to those who have never seen this famous model we make the following special offer. Simply send us your full name and addr~s and we will send a sample boot for your personal tnspectton and fitting, on four d~ys' free approval . SEND NO \fO!\EY until )-OU have seen the boot for yourself, then. and only then, tf you are satisfied remtt the 25/- anrl the fellow boot wdl be &ent at once. On tbe other band, return the boot to us carefully packed and be free from obhJCation. This popular model for country wear h.u withstood the most severe test sn the hardest weather, and is nntver· sally recogntsed a s the finest "bad weather" bard ~earln~ boot obtainable. At our "All Bntish" FACTORY price you will make a d1stmct c:ain in both money and quality. Mns. GPrtrudP. Thomp.;oo, M~. lfargnret Oi'ck Gwl'n Pritcbard. l!ary D avies, J t>nnie Robcru, Hannah HuiJru;, Xellle Hugbe. J~1n, lleta Whllrt()o, Annlc Blllln~ham . Ash, Wrotham, Kent .: " -N Frlda~·. .. March 14th, we had a splendid party m .A! h • ' Paris h .Room. Tbo Vtllago registrar ana other lad.i~ kindly n.uue d elicious cak~ and other magnificent fare for our tea. I mu:st mention the nature of the party. It was held In honour of the Women'!\ Land .Army girl~ now working in Ash. Old scholars from Ash School now engaged in agricultural work, w1•re invit~d. and ml\ny lad.ic..; honou!\'d us by being present. It was a delightful party of smiling la& and l~e.> who sat to partake of the bounteou~ tea. After everybod) bad :.ati~fl~>u th"i r wants tbe room wns prepared Ior gnmes. ·• Mu~ lcal chairs " provided excellent sport, and breatble~., c xcltement ensued when only two persoa, were left to fight for one chair. " Blind man•..., bu1f" wa.-. another sporting feature and proved very amu-.log. Other game.~ of vnrlow natu~ were p layed, all of which contributed to the making of a j Jlly ''Wning, and when we ended a joyous Umc e':ery gu~t 111"1\3 full ot a dmiration for the chArming time so splendidly enJOYl'd. Our \\arroc t thanks go out to e,·eryone lll"ho !.>O J.:indly hf'lprd t<1 pro\'lde our party, and our deeJ)Ctlt gratitude wil_l be Ion~ ~clt a. ... we look back with a gave a Land Arm:>: party at !h•• O Vynf' to all L.A.A.~.'s m thl' Ba..~ingstoke dhtnct, mcludmg )I N. JJ on~e W .L.A. Training centre. J'hl'rt" W<'re forty-one girl-. pr(·~ent. ::>ome of . them bicycled an_d ... omc came ln cnrt...:; kindly !l'nt br tht>Jr faq;nel"', tlle ftr:;t party arrivln~ jt!.St after 2.3n. The~· "ert• wt•lcomed by Mrs. Chute, Mi s<~ Waller, the \\t>lfurc "iuporlor .Mh<~ Wolmer White who had snpervi»t>d the training (If m0<1t ~f thl' girls pre~cnt wl;en the> were at Rill Hou~e; a,tqo )flss RawRtonc who M:liste· had n "Jlll'lln in the d irung room. wlu•re tl e tahles looketl charmlnj.! li('l'Omted \\ lth flowers and cra('ken~. _ 1 The gl rls t h!'n ,ang -.on(('\, ('arol'l from the <'h~istmas LA~~"' "o'r \" (a copy of \\ hkh h!\d bt'f'n gh·cn to each gul), nod rectt d, \li~ W oodward and )[1 .. )> W t'bb, nidf'd l'Y n dummy hor~c, ~:\Vc a mO!It a•nusi ng skct rh. . · . b Soll'cwhat. later In th" month blmilar parh<"' werE\ ~Fn r~ Y 'lrs. Raw:.tornt> at Roche Court. for the girls In the • are am Dl ~trlct, and by )(i !I \\ oolmt'r White, at Soutblelgb Park, for the f:tlrls In the Ha vant dl •t rlct, nml wt'r(' much appreciated. tllt' girl'J n.t thl' Hill Please mtnlilll 1in LAMDIWOWAM Carriage Paid to your door SPECIFICATION Stock No. 1236 The uppers are of a magnificent quality of bide- smooth. stout. and exceedinf(ly pliabl~. Its durability is extra- ordmary, and the ~htching and workmanslnp tbroushout are of equally high grade. Tbe "le~" is bi~h cut as tllustrated. there tS a watertight bellows tongue reachmg above lace holes, leather lined quarter. carefullv machine-stitched ancl wdl r~n/orc ed-enabhnc it to resist heavy strain. " Field cut" pattern. with adjustable s traos as tllustrated. The soles and heels are of extra stout solid leather of the very best quality, nailed flush with steel slugs. which enormously incre " All-British ,, Works, Northampton. 115 •