The Landswoman May 1919 | Page 14

c7«ay, 1919 THE LANDSWOMAN • • SPECIAL OFFERS! \ These (,arments are excellently made from Mrong reliable materials and <1-re cut fully to allo,, of ample freedom I Tho~e who ~rcurc them Tn 1: full•,_wlog illci!l~>nt bappene --nfcty pin att~chrd. It '' In that e'tr.lordlnarv rr.anner-wht'tl•er the CO\' 1~ troublcrl lik<'wi~c 1-. toubtful! flw hnn~c l'f diet hM nfJt yd prO\'ed fntal ! • 1mrchase COAT AND B REECHCS ~s ~ketch .1t nght (F 0. 416) in stron" Bedford cord. Jrab shade. Ll~ual I IICC spe . :ial Przce The End of a Perfect Day FANNY was a. Land-girl, Had servNl her countrv '""11; • In ~mocks and knickerbock<>r::. \\·as voted quite a sw<·ll. at the~e Sp<'CtJI Pt ICC'> w11l ha\c anwle r e.1son for deh"bt with thet r 49/6 39/6 t • Her armlot bore a. diamond, The round green badge h<'r hat; But s till "be was not c:atisfied, And wi~ llOd to add to that. ~o from hl' l' work camo l •'u.nuy Ono da.y to town nnd bu-.tle. To rccei vo her G.S. Ribbon li'rom tho J>ueJw.,.s of ~Cw<'asth·. ft was a thing of beauty, This badge of grcrn and gold, .\ trophy to be proud of, And trcu.~urc wlwn ~rown old. COAT So back iuto the cowshNl She broua:ht her tren.surc rare. To how it. to the cowman \nd all h•' r dumb friends there•. 42/ Sf>ecial Price • BREECHES 6 2 8/ CF.O, 412) at left. i IC>ngth, broad ribbed, beav} Corduroy. Fawn shade. 38 or 40 in. Usually 55/6 Usual l rice 37/6 Special Price ---··············· ···· lf•n. Double Twill. bound Tan Lt>atherctte. Usual P r ice 10/9 Spec1'al Price HRBRODS I TO Ill , • •••••••••••••••••••••••• Woodman' urbidge Managing Drreclor 8/11 · LO"DON SW ) n