The Landswoman May 1919 | Page 12

t7lt ay, 1 9 19 THE LANDSWOMAN COMPETITI()N Needlework First Pri~. £3.-l::l•iP Gilliatt, LindsE>y, Ltncotu ... hirr, <'m hroldered linen baby'~> frock. . ( r!XIIa Priu, 10/·.-R. Hutton, Wamekshlre, o.trlp of lhw crochet for cloth. Con~rdnt\On PrPt-!, 5/· eacb.-W. W. SamJ)'>on, Dor-ct, tmy cluth; Lily Hamson, DcYon, tray cloth wlth G.~. Ribbon lli"' In crochPt; C. Gorton, West Riding, Yorlc-, camisole; Jt. Will~ and M. Dodg,on, DeYon, baby's coat nnd cap Bighlv Comn~.-F . .A~ton, Kent, tray cloth : D. Watkln· ·on, •'Ottls, camtl'loie; D. Wflkimon, (la.t~) East Suffolk, towrl w1th knitted lace edge; E. Greenfleld, Surrey, crochet afternoon dot h.; R.. Rolfe, We>~t Suffolk, Land Army mnscot..'l; M. A. f'ook, GlouCXJSter, child's frock; L. M. Baln, Dorset, <'aml'lOIP; "'· M. D'Arcy Evans, Eac;t Kent, child'q frock: S. M. Palk, Dorset, embroidered handker<'hief and knitted doll-.' clothM; .A. RaphaeJ, Gln.morgan. crochet lnce. Commmd~.-M. Smith, Lines, tmy cloth ; - Fro,!tll<'h, Ltnca, crochet; D. Raper, D.S. B., Xorth Rid In~. '\ nrk,;, e:unl~ol~ ; S. M. C'arr, ~P.rfonPth, camisole : C. -'L Roe, Hunt-9, table ~ntre : M. Hownrd, Hunts, caml<~ole ; H . ?r!. Howf'll, Denbl~n;;h!n·, ramls(,Je : E. Phlllips, nenblgh hilt', tea cosy; J.. l[. Saunt, Dol'let, embroid~rr : M. Com- "'all, IJ ert.-., baby's bon- net : B. l->hlrlt!y, F.a."t K~>1 t !Iatin roses. colour drawing, hr:\d. water· dog's q _ J. Dnw6on, Ilcrr· ford, hlre ; S. ~[. Palk, surrey. M nnhthomablc blackness. I ltstcned. All wns Ycr:.· qulrt stn·e 1 or an occnslonnl t~ott -,IJJver whl<'h scrmcd to JW'~ through tho hon'le. You <'OUid not all lt wind for it had 0(1 br•'llth. 1 frlt uneMy. W11..'1 I 111 ? ~V a.<~ somi'OJlC els~> m ne<'d of me ? What WM hap{lt~nlng ? Thl'n I felt the pres<'nce. It was near me ; it \Vt\.'1 abou t me: , 0 mething unutterably c.'\lru, ret no human prcsrnoo. T he relkt wa-. !"('at vet I felt still a faint kind of curiosity. In ~he ~tillness of thr night thr clo<"k struck onP. The sound 'l . ~ 1 unll y(>t clrar and of a ~ignlflc:~nce. Had this great \\ ' ' · · presence it8 touch upoa everything nenr me ' I felt curiously r latcd. W ith a stArt l rats~d myself In h<'d , b ut, com- Ing back to ev('rydav life, I q uite- t!Uddl'nl\· felt cold, and so pulle(t Second Prize : When the Swallows Came l:Mt Rid in~. York~ ; R. Harrh.on, £ac;t Krnt : J. I hy Jn my bNl thr <~mnll room wns (lf yet window. \\"fth a ru'lh all the old fMHng or th" night came back to mr The pre'lence had not left me-my mystnlou.; frlrnd WM everywhefl.• -had come to "h~­ the snow l anrl ink drawing, !!hep- hl'rd and -.hcpherdcAs. 1/, 'lhbt C'ommtndd.- r.. 1'\hll'P• D.S.B., Wc'!t K.-ot ; llunty Daniel, l.:m~ ; R. And(ln, nervy ; -- Youn~. K S11 !IX:; ?tr. Uarrlson, Wnmorgan ; P. PCMf', J )tJrsf't ; unn!\~?r:~ d~rk night,\ itb no moon, and th;~'lk; seernl'd to'})(' hke s!IH.'r, though w('nt off to ~ lt>ep. The morni ng WM ftnr wh('n I nwok<', but from my bed I couJd only se(' the '\ky-a curious soft grry. It WM <'arly, but -.omcth lng drove me out of bed to look out of th•· Strrmd Prize, 10,·.- \f. .t •. I.nnl{, Rant.<~, pen • nr,·er woke~ ur at. mldnl~ht \\lth the .1..s of soinrthinll happrnln~ ? It t8 a fnlrly common expc- ri<'~~;~ and yet whi'D- ithnp{lf'ned to me a s hort tlmr ngolt seeml'tl T ~ then- am·onr who M..<~ bedclotltes rountl about mr, and \\Jtlt hardly anot h<'r thought ('If my my<~t(lrion<~ triencl F"•l Prize, £1.-L. Do~r.t, ESSAY First Prize : The Night Visitor the Drawing sannt, was a glorious dn~. 1 1' warm and no wind Gart,Jde. and th(" !iky wn.-. mist) blue. I t seemed as though it were of thl' ~oln~, Comm~n,. tr ~"'~' b ll'(' ; ~ ,1o; , lt<'dgC5, J,Je of \ \ I I!Cht palf'St blue, with a veil of grey mist in front of it, and yet. the air wa.s so clt>ar. I was ln a hollow, Essay nnen.rthlns; a IMngel Drawinc-Fint Pr izo-L. SAt'NT, r •. A.A.H. nck. That In lt<.elf is n. I irtt Pril,,£1 -"Car· thing of joy, :1. • rtot lull." Ea.'t Sust-f)X. of gorgeous t"nlourmg-;. "'cona Pnu, 10/·. -B. E. Jefrrll~, L-.1~> of \\-lght 'rhl' ground wa" "tretcbing upward'\ In a curve till .it 11eemcd lllr;My Commnzdrd.-:\l A. Geden, l.A'irc~t<'r; C. ' .. mtrhdl. ahn~t M though I were in the hottom of a bowl. "' df ; ){. Woolnorth, Bucks ; "l'tp, " Cumbi'llnnll: A. l'arr, . Pnrt oi the Jlround wa.-; frecthly plou~h(;d, and prut Wt\S g~cn West Stl ... <.(·:ot. wtth young wheat, with yet another ~>trip ln grn...c;s. But JWt r.n•lltMIIIful. -ll. M. ~alt<'r, Buck..;; r .. E . Thollll)',OD, Woktng. oppO!•it., mt:' was a strip of cop~P, not wry wide but rN\Chinf( to the top. Thero were some pines o.t tho bottom, and everywhere Poetry. wns n carpet of pl'imros.-'l;, anr·monr.s or wlnd ·flowcll!, nod biu('· Fu1t P~e • .£1.-E. Dcnnt:', Hants. bell~. It Se<'med an ordinttry Rprh~ day n.nd yet the re wus 1\0mt:' St!ttJ1l1l Pr;~e., 10/· -I~ggy Bellson, Bucks. tnclettnable thing In th~> air. Though the!'(' WM no wind ~et, t ht' lli,lhlV Cotlllll.nulni. - L. E Gan\OOd; G ;\I 8:.~1tor, Burk'l · plnr<~ w<'re '~hi'>Pt'ring, ancl tho bluebell!'~ and the wlnd-llower:. Hodr.ct-, 1>. I~~>chman, .lkdiord; .U. Heward, <:hl'khire, R "'<'IX' nodrllng cxctU>dly a.~ thoup;h soml.'th ing Wl"re going to Unrlt \~, Hn<4t Kent, h~P[)('n. The plgeom wet'(' coolnS~: In llWih<'d ton<'~, as thOugh rmitlll'ndt rf,-" Pip." Cnmbrrl.nnd ; L )f. ('h!hl, ; ! hf'y wert' afraid to bn>ak the spell which I'UDg over everytbl~g. \! j{IIUMIIIII, wm, ' J Wor-wick. rhen t-uddPnly, M though thev c3me from anoth<'r world, O\er the rim of ttLe bo\\1 thf'y a.p.P<-ared-thc tll"l\t o f t be <~wallows, Everybody's Prize, £3 :t1 ti10ugh actlnp; as !:rout~. ~wooping. twisting nod turning. •hrtm~ hither and thither. and vrt tl)e main bodY of tbrm 1 tlll \\on ll\" n. TRf'riHll'l 0, Bedford . • ~tolng sll"",light on, thctr gm<'t'ftil TIIO\emrnt~ so ~\qui~lt•'. the u: 1 • r o •