The Landswoman March 1920 | Page 24

T il l L \ ' D ...., \\'0 .\ f\ ~ 'l' Farms and Gardens, Ltd. • 1 G u ... h.rn•Th<.~m P aLtce Ro<~c.l, ~ \\ • 1• ' I b I ' J kn '' n . .h " I• trrn anJ L ardu h , L L< ·, '·'" , , ntl} n 1x nul for 1 he ::klle of all hul~lc-g-r~J\\ ll r .duct: < ·r-.•ll 1o th(.; publk .J l pn)ou ~;er ::. pnu~ . .., , 1t• rpr ..,,.. 1 lu gtl! the ' ' vrk of :\Ir. a nd :\Ir,. J k r n, \\I, for "vm~ ) c:u-::. past ha~e ~L't.'ll con· ullin,.., l\\o lar::,c fruit and tlower farms 10 ~out 1 I psfurc · the·•er of the:.e known a-. t 1c ·• \\'ar ash' Fruit Co~npan~, Ltd.," of ,, .\l r_'· .\tkin n h • .mannging- dlr<.:ctor, and il h.1~ IJ.c< n Ill , ,: :.tenC(' fM 111.111\ '• ar !>. During the \\ hol~ uf ,h \\:lr .he ..,tall un.thtse g-ard f'ns , .. a .. -.c•ry 1nt11 h ltplf't•!d, a-. •\'fr~ lll .. t ll undt:r 5" joi1wd tht for<• "· I he a .... :,, rnc~· of JlH \\omen·~ Land .\ nn) \\' .. Is Jll .. hop ' fa a concentrated Food Extract, dellcloua in fl:avour, with the maximum vitamlne element. MARMITE la incompara.bly superior in case of malnutrition to any other food extract. m 1 t '· lu tbl•·. ruhl ollP ol th•• girl.., is s till rt't .wwd o 1 1 f m11. :'\, •trh :ill tho• grounJ dur ing ~~~--HH7 \\a~ dl\<1l•d. !o th"' growin~ of \lil') 1rg qu.mliti c; of \f'tif'tablt:s for the uoop' under I, 1\f'flllll< nt COlllntCl. \t th• 'on tn .... ton of ho tiliti• ~ tlw tllf'n l~t ~all 1 r j 'n th · f. nu, and th· Ho.trd of .\ !-:'1 i( ultur c i \ tf 1 tl C "p 11.} to ~\e tr.t nmg- to t\\0 ( '-· fi r un • r lht• I H \ rnmr nt tminin~ -.rhemc. 1 11 , tr 1 ,.!' l ( I MARMITE imparts strenath and flavour if mixed with othn food ~. h makes a success of any soup. stew, sauce, or ara\ y. '' ntJ, m'-• (' •m••t nt f(J 1h ir trainin~ in \ per) nd "n th n ll• (~ mpam h.r-. furni ... hl'() .1 1 t• n s a cluf, utd is nO\\' tr.tining- 12 rll I MARMITE Is the epitome or strength and owlnl! to Its ~ oecialatimulntina properties it is more eully dlaested and more complelely assimilated than aoy o1her preparat ion. 1 king (, n ~ j.., . g·, n · rh ur cl r ~1. " ' ' 1 • g " H \ 1 Ohtai11ah/e from all the /eadi11~ Stores ottd (rroccrs throur:hout the COU111ry. rough utd ( nm· 1it-hn ''og-, m<"~rkt>t m tht• open. \ tr routin is .cl o Sole Manufacturers: The Marmite Food Extract Co., Ltd., 59, Eastch eap, London, E.C.3, given , together with packing, grading, fruit-bot· tliog I .tnd j.tn1-making. At the of th1• p< 1 ioc.J of 11 .tining tho~<. otlicer::; who wish to t-.k<.· ·• po . . t u ndt r the Company's scheme of ~:;ontrol of l..rgc P' 1\:ltf• pl ~.ll<., arc :.f'nt out as sub-agf"nts and .m• \ i ... ittc.l from tirw: to timt· by ~lr. or ~),.,, .\ tki n . . (ln. · 11)(• produce from the gardens under the Com- P·lll(:, control is sent for sale to z, Buckingham l'al.tcc Ro.ld, ':).\V. 1, and the scheme is <'ntirclv < o-opcra t H. "I he scheme has proved such a sue· << ..,s th nt th e opE.'ning of further shops is under fe>r.n a k1 I'll hortiu1lruri..,t fur ov1 r 20 \r•ar..... During tht> tinw <.he ha' },e('n m.rn.tging din< tor of thf• \Var-;a<;h Fruit Co .• n l.trgP nurnl,. r of rtwdals have b< <.'n taken at l>h<>"" both ~n London and thC' provinrc•c; for all vnr i••ti1.., The \ of fru1t and • I" bottln, 21·: l'uhn (tr,am) 1/6 f)/ ( '""'"''· u~ . '"''"" ,,,, NOTICE Boo* ut "Hand• and tlttlr Cor1" ~ost f,, from Mr~ IJO\Vf'r'i • --- . J..if,. i-; a con.,tant !-.unri ... ~·. whi~ h d1•alh t .ulltol llllf·rrupt any morf" than the night