The Landswoman March 1920 | Page 16

.\f fiYCh • 19 20 •Ill 1.\'\D"\\'0\1\~ Home Curin~ o£ Ham.--{_( t>ut111ued Rabbit Breeding." ,.1, 111: ohj et-- of thi .... l<>allct arc to gi' r a ... on wh~ \\ho ha-- t h~ rabbu ...... houJd be kept b) C\<'f}OIW • 1 f r t •• rlrlll" =-> thi'lll • H'':l'1 •• n kN'pin~ of r..tbbtt' na~ I>< (',m m'c-,tlh .tnd 'll<'Ct ,,full\ carrkd Hn b~ :un.\t,•ur' • • • • tlwm • \\ ho have h:~d no pn. \ (>U-. , xpenence m rear j ' ,,r h \-. ind'c:lting- thP- amount of food \\hie~ ma) he l rociu d b) rearing rabbit-. for the table, 1t ma~ l>f m ntioncd th.."lt th"' tc•tal '' cigl . of the prog''"Y pro- duced in rh<> two br.,c-ding "t-a--on-. bv a healthy dtl(> n :ttrd "ith a hl'altln buck is 1 ll )(' ...... than ' <''' ~ · l urth rmOr(' it ... hould be born•· in mind th.t1 rabh1t tle<>h at the' prP,(·nt tim j, a p.trti<.ul.trl) 'alu.tbJ, food. b<-.. .tU"-'' of it' rkhm ... .., in nitro~··n< u-. • r llt -.h- forming ... ut ... tnnn '· 'J h· <. nh dr,l\\ b,J,( k to ,.,Lbir llt -.h ·'' .m .trtidt• of I'•, in th<' rellli\t'l~ . . m.tll t{ll:tntit) of a whit h t • ont ,:n..... l·vr thi.., rc·a ... < 11 th(' lx-.t < c ur'1 ~;,Ill b · f IIO\\f d '" .11l \\ ho arl' .tbk to :tdopt it j, to <.'Olll· · (' r.tbl>it k~·,.ping with pi~ k~pin,... f, r thl'. fat pr( dd· b} th< , 111 ~• prl '' 'nr.... tilt' mtw- ~· 1 < th food ... uppJi, d h~ IIH otlwr. R.•hhit ll• -.h •• nd 1 11 n tog-• th('r ''ill ... upph ,, nw 1 ,., 1 in !i)()d ·'' ... tW'(·f or mutlon. For f -...11nplf', 1 lb of r.tbl>it tlt•-.h '' l tlh. of IJ tLOil \\OU!d pr0\id1• 1111 n· nino~• 'llt u . . • nd t \ f<)l. I th.ut j, pn1\ i<.lt>d h~ 4 I h. of I . On•· of tlw gr•·.tt• · ... t ad\ .••.., o. ,,,hoit k< ''ping ''t-- ... rn.tll ('()St O f .tll the• fcK)(l-prolucin!.!' ~'.ught. IH)Ulcl not 1'\:t '" d 3d. p< r \H'Pk. :\o tllll' nc 1 d I><' d• t•·rrl'd from k<><'Jllllg' r.thhi r.. 1)\ ltc J, of t•:x p n knowl"dJ.!I', fc r b\ . ol!t \\ in•r thc· ·• \'k• h( r«' !!i\1'11 :trl\<'ur -.hould ))I' .tbl(' to ~~ .tr r.tltl>l t.; f, r th1· l.thl1•. 'I h•· .unat<•ur ... houlcl bt·gin dth. \Otlllf!'"t' r-., for tlw I.H·• din~ of rabl h p·1lfito1)h r• 'IUJrt •o., J..:" car ~: , ,tnd ..,}lOulNi(•lls 01 T\flll R \Bill'"' - 1 lw bn·• d ... \\ h'c.h ar" o h(· d.t ... ~' o.;hortht tinw at th 1 lowc -.t cc ..,t, tiH·rdotl' th1• " point.. '' of a fir,! < 1 ....... t,1blc- rahlut .•r•• :- ' · ll .m(int.,., of corhtitution. .1 . L'rulifi1.n :""· (I hi.., d<~.., not nw.w o,;o llHI<.h tht• prouu<'lton of l.trg• htt .. r . . a ... th•• ahilit\ to n·.tr u l..rgc• numbc r of stroncr ·wd Jw tlth · ,. f' ::u 1 ,. u~:tlllrJI) • •· ,.., • • ) \oung.) (qUick grow('r-.). · I· f.1o11 nuc fr ,'llrn:J.IlS vinegar, pour 1t over t lf'lll, turn th!n\ <.luh lor twtnt)~tght d,t)S, rubbutg th, pitkl{' ,-.di into them c\ t'ry ttme .rnd changtng th,·ir -.iti(l, .tnd kE'~'Plllg' thtlll l11:htly tO\N1. '-llH·I<•-<1! thl'.,~· h nms mu ... r b<' ~lh} :·ndc'e them· nu"\. to;.:-ctht r I~ lb. ol <'oar-.c "ll''•'' ~ ~ 1 lb. ot onlin~H) ..,,tit , ~ Ol. of b.t) '-~tit, 2 01. of hr uJsl·d -;.tltplln' , anti tht> c;:Ulll' quant i1) of whit 1• 1x:pJX:r. ro\C r th<' h .. m.... '' ith ttw-.t tngr<.:d "nt', sub thtm \\'I'll into the meat mormng i.y morntng loa th•1·c· da' . ... , and turn the ham., d:u h. . t ' t Ea:,)t .luglian Way. ~<'IH't t\\0 11nm::- of about IJ lb. C~l<.'h, ruL th,.m "tlh lO nmo . . aft, han~ thf'm up b) tlw bor11 to dr llll, anti n IM at I he prorC~!'> .ltter the lap .... • t ''"' nl' ·four hour-.. \l1x J. lb. of brown moio:,t sugnr or of ... alt, 2 oz. of cru~hed saitpctre, ,Jtl<; ! pm of rehn<·d \·, rub the 111('at thoro,rg-hh '' ith tlw pt(·, and turn the> ham .... at ugul,ii ir'lln. t . . of fony-C'aght hour ... for thlrl)' d.t)" bE·fc re 'l·nding th"m to b<' ... mokt·d O\t r a '"ood f•r,. tm .tt l1 .t ... t thrX'e weeks . 1 h.\\· lx:tn a ...... UJ!d b) thO'><' \\ho haH· pro\f'd th<• e\.pcrimtnt tor tlt<