TilE 1.\'\D...,\\'0\l \\
Srm~t• . horti• ulturieot<. ~;rv•,JI.:
t C"iall\· (, 1 r h
• 1
.tru \ olllOU.l '>.
hall t.c forr· putting tiH
p!..tnh into th.-1r
Sur~·ly \W' mthl h.tvc · a <':trt•. Hlinclh to follow su< h
J \\' may nf'IHJ, on tiH oil, thr· itu:.t-
P ... ~~JJ s .\~0 VIOL\S ~hould ')(> plantr d cl t th·· n~ :dir,· 1 ,: thr g-arnth: t'1• \ will do mu• h lwtt• r th:tn if tilt"
\f;rny th1ng' can lx· dlJIH in :t "'"' ltr·H·d u, 1 rdt·n ,, ith
pl:rnting- j., dd1 rn·;l 'Uiltil .\lay .
• 1 !-•ullfh a:1w1 I, \\ hi1_b 1 11111o1 J,.. :ttt 1 ·n~ 1 trrl on ; 111
~111H 11s may be planh·d, trnl•·....., "' ttlu
,md .. i / 1
c•,po-;o•d \\' !lld·"'~vr•pt Jlll ,., •• o f lnnd f, l( i ng :\ n rth.
.tr< dn.
l•y .111F"> lll:t) I.Jc• plantf"d, hut h·.t\1' tlw J.>tlll l illg • f
11"\'t r tht~ug-ht of hr fon·
thr> llum.rnit\ of PL 1 nt J.if,. d ,, ad trlot·~ until f·nd of month or tir .. t w1 ( k in .\pril.
- tlw pul'<' of lif(• which throhs in th•: h1·11rt d <·:H h
:-," Lhl Pt\S . ·-~lakr• a .. owing outdo< r ... in clumJ~.
1:11\ -.r•Ptl. lr WU pmf("r.
\Ltrd1 l11· :t t olcl month with ::1 trr·ac·h~·ruth Ea ... t
FrH 'J r.-·1 ho-,.e who havt· pt ach or :•prin)t tr• t ... on
wind hi )Win;.!' ~'V 'T\ cl.t) - mtJ wait until
th,·ir wall-. ruu ... t prc.tc<:t tlH bt.-)<;~Om lrom bircls ;tn(l
th~· Wt·ath~·r i., .t litth • \\':tnn•'f lh•• <.;(·NI will g-~r
frn-.r - a littl4 Jl\LJlolin, ti-.h twt , or tiff.111v will v.ith ">l"'· <':tn hi' .;own 111 hox"" f'oH·n•d with c. littl<·
l'i,ult ( •f .. \!HOLl''> :tl tlH' I'll() of till' IHOIHh.
tiw• 'oil; and ag.li1~ on tlw lop of th:H plw1 a pif•t<•
\·r;•,J I \Rf.I.O., ,
' r ~I"" row·n·d Wtth a ..,Jv <·t l'r: thi ..
J 1 I< V~ u 1.~1 .\ H1 H 1101-;f.s m:n !..w- pl.tllll d, .rl!rm in~
\\ill h• lp tlw ..,, ., tl f(/ g-t·r,ninatr· qui< kh . Th" <'lt\N- ont· foot bf·t \\'<'I'll t hf' -.. ·t' cllld ~ IH \.tTI) bd\\ <'«' 0 tht•
ing- lllll'il lw lift1 •d f'\rn• clay , .IIHI th•' ... oil unrl•·r-
n<>.tth kr pt moi ... t. J>in·dl\' .tll\ ,j~n of tlw littlt·
Prn uor.o., ma~ lw pl<.~nt1 d, putt in;.: in ),JI• sort.,.
, ,.,.d-. pu-.hing th(·iJ w.t\ ·11p thr< ug-h tlw "oil i-.
:tl>ftUt th" midd!r· of tO.• month .
nut h ul, rf'lllt \'f' th< ~h ... .; ;tnd p.qw1 immt diatL•h. ;, ...
Rllt ' II.\RB ,\'\11 s, \K \11 m:n I
for< 1'<.1 in th• · I J>l Jl
to rt•nJ:tin in th•· tl:tt k \\ill Wt•:tkPn tht" -.N·dlin~..,
~n und il \Cl! h:t\f' .m~.
( ' o1.1 r tlw <'ro \\n-. \\ i l h
tii"Jll'lldou-.Jy. Ci\'1· tlv· littlf· plant ... all tl}(' lig-ht and
h 1X< -., or ... tnt w .
. tir po ....... ihh', kr·f·p th(' 'oil ju-.t 1110i ... r-not t< •> ,. f'(
...,11 \11 (J ro., -.ho uld h .. plan I• d .tl !lw brg-inning- o f
IJI in~ th<'m up ... turl.mt king-dom ,
tlH; month. not 4uitl· <'O\,.rin~ th•·u1.
'I h•· row-.
.tlld wlwn thP \\'(·,ttlv·r ~ hang-•·-. tlw\' w;n J,.. r• ·ach
.. h,,uld lw 0111· foot apart. o~nd ) ou c:ul nt.tkr· ·' ''•W-
to pl.illt t>Ut-.id<· into thr·ir p« rmanr:nt quart• r-.. Tf
ini-:' u f \.iLtori.t -.pin,u h lwl \\'t·•·n tlw row".
the "'' atlwr i .. fn '') .th\:t)' (()W·r IIH· })().._, . ..,at nig-ht
B" 1 <,n • J u•ll , \OU \\hat \O il t n t . \ '"~u ott/doo",
\\ith .1 pi1rr· of ppaJ:>~r will -.1) \\ .tn mu ... t \'i ... it )Our -.('(·d plot..: ~v"r~ da~ . othN\\ i-.s• bin! ...
prirwipal fr·alun of n·<·d~rn tlowc·r ~arfkn..,, n«'('()
and mit·.· will hf'lp tlv·m-..t•h·p ... fn·Pl) to tlw ''""d',
llll:th :tttr•ntion.
.\ 11 d• ad growth fn,m lc.ht v·a . . cn
!,.-« au ... l' in PaC'h :.<:I'd th<·r·· j, a ..,tor'(• < f apJ)( t i-.in~
(i[ not aln·ady ('Ut down) mtht bo at one.-. tHnOVI'U
f< •..:I, and, l!'f>i dally in tht• c·arl~ ~,prin~ wh••n thc·n
and burnt. :\ n~ plant.; ~ ou w.tnt to in<·rr•;.~-.r· may 1-Y- i" littl•· f'!...,. to Pat, bird-. will -.t)On d1 ~~r ,1\\'ay :tll
vour ..,<·•'(!. To pr•·vc·n t t hi-., prl>l· ' 1 ~ <•u r plob .. it hf'r
dug- UJ>, lh<' rooh cli\-'id<-d a.nd rf'p):tnt('d.
with m·lting- ()r blarl..: t'<>ttoq
.\.t• r \OU huw• -.own
R <>Ck("rif><:; OltlY ha\'(' aw•ntion ; plant" ( ' ,11) \)("
dividNI, nl'W pla~11" hou~ht and pl.mt~'d; try if p<>"- and ~'0\'• rPd with "oil. du..,t -.•mH <,Qot mix(•tl with a
littl•· r\)ad g-rit or a-.h•.., { \•·•· th<· \\holP plo t. Thi-..
,jbk to huv planh that will bloon\ at difT,•r('nt
m.tkc-. the ... oil dista .. tdul ;-tnd k•-. P' ,1\\ ,ty -.\ut{' :ITld
-.4 a"on .... o f th<' \f>:lr, so that \OU will alway-; havf
. . omf' Oowf'r..; in- hloom, sofl1(' hit <,f joy to W<'!conw otht·J· JW"'h· .\ ft<'r .. owin~ p• :1-. or l)l'an-., ,rhva~ . .
bait :1nd -.et a fn\ hou't('hold 1111 u--1· tr.\p'- on th•
\ nd in plnnting--do pl.111t in clu:np .. ; the
old-fa-.hic 1wd \\'a\' of pl.tnting- in lin•· . . (-.o man\· p),,t ... ; thi-.. co't' littl·· .m, Wt" lllllt'T f'• ' flllllfing-
onlv ha\'f' .. ix walltl ower'-', or ..,jx g-•·r.wiu·lh, < r ,j,
BtW,\1) BEA '\S, (';tr\y longpocl, in drill.., .) to 4 i ndws
forg.,.t-nw-nPh, plant thPm in .1 dulllp all in 011 1'
!•·w \(
C \IOtOTC:., short horn-alw.tv ... du'-l .t littl< -.out .tnd
Rrmtli'G P r \'\1<..-Cuttin~..; m;t' no\\' lw in ... •·rt. d
" ' <)(} a .... h or ~rit into th(' drill .. .
o: Iol)(•lia.;, gl" ranium,, ant•pt-r..; '111:1) h" lookt d of ltnd .
1\J:.\'>.-Sow ) inrlw" dr·r-p: lll rlk" ,, '-(I\\ ing of
F.vt:R<.IHESS.-E arh in th,. lll<>llth '' a good tinw
~pi n ath or radi ... h•-s 11CtWH·n tlw 10\\ ...
to t ranspl.mt PVI"rgr<"t'll", but it ... ~ould nnt \)(' uollt'
Tl'R'Il'~.-Sow Hilnn f'.trh • in 1h<' month, choo in·
wlwn rold • dn· wind.; Ml' blowm~. P runt' o\'t'r·
a moi..,t, CQOl spot.
g-r own plant<; in to ... hap<'.
'-\.\L\l>l'>:C.s.-E\I'Jl in th•· ... mall• -.: ,,f g.ti'C4'll plot-.
F'gR'"·- Thos<' who hav<' fr-rn-. 1n the· hou....r•, and
,,·ant tlwm to contin u<' tit and t!r;~·.n ..... hnuld n'-r~ot a . . owin~ of 1.1~11\'l 1:-. " .\11 1 h·· '•·.n· R4'UIIlt " \ ' I'
•· E:trh \ l nrkct ''--<::lll h•· '"·•O