Tfl P. L \'\D~\\ 0\l \ '=
Something that Begins with "T."
By Kay Cleaver Strahan.
CHAr· 1 ER Os:a.
if you do .t'll be mostly d ·scription, and 1 hatf'
H 1-.i\ l told all of Ill) famil) th' morning dr-.r ription."
.tt breakfast I wa~ gotng to use the
I lookf'd coiFII}' on nll of m}' family.
Our bigge:.t
lt dger, go.lllg to writ~ ·• story .in Jt, the ~mnounn· quarrds ha' nnnch.tlant, unvb ... erving-,
th ) rt l h.Jd not g1vf n murh thought to th. 1 t (J ff r nd,.d.
p.trti< ular p:trt of IL .. It willlw cl Vt·ry littl•· stor),''
" Sf'f• ht n, old ~p<~rt, •• broke out all of nw •
1 p~tt ric·d.
Lunt!), " \\ h; not m.tkf' it .thout lndi.uh and pirates
·• In that gn nt big hook," {lbjf'Ctf·d ,,11 of m~
.tnd - "
•• p,, {.lr) ! "
r .• m il).
1 lw troublf' 1s that the hook j, btg, as thick o"
" Oh-r :tlling
all of my
tnd as larg•· '" a h ._,,id .. h~ thought [ might lik,. it to k• "P f, t.,; p ....... ion -" hc'1'e in J)('rCh-i'diticl' until 1 'm fair!) -.:ick
in or rl'ttp(·-., or :-.Otn('thing u-.~ful. ~lw did not of 't·nl, all of '(•Ill, th{-111 ~nd tht·ir... And 1 have
1\( w r l ()mpl.tinrd.
Old Rr-d Roi~tf'r hac; gm\\ lt'd
1 n t it IH'r-.Ptr, .. hr> t>'\plain~d. LJ, c.tu.,,. c;hf' dirl not
c. 1 n· {or wrlling I was ~otn~ to re fu._,. it, hut I .1hout thi ... rOtuck full
of hi-. V flit,. :md I've m \'N obj• rt• d . .\ nd now,
111 ind<'d m: mann<>r-. in tim• , n lll<'lllbt rE> '"h"n foJI,._ 11 ird to give tht·m,
wlwn I \\ant a -;tory of my own, u girl _:-.tOr). with
a nd brou~ht it home with
nv. S111C< tlwn it ha._ h<-<-n
• •
1 r<.•uhhng, 1n-.1.,t mg upon
be lilt{ ll"'('4•r
or \b('-. ju-.t :-.ill't t•nough
to lw u·mptin~. L ,1-.t ni~ht
" ''• tlH
INI!.{<•r and I,
< ompromi-.f'd on thi-. -.wry
Hk~. •· ~ot a dian, mind
}Oll ," J told it, " bc·~auo..('
diari<•-, arc -.i 1 h thlll!~s.
Ju~t a -.tor) about us."
"\\'ell- " so 1 answer{'(\
\lt of m" famih ·~ obji'<.' -
tion-,-" it is going to be
about us, mo .. tly, and \\<'
are not very big, -.o I
think the -.ton • can't be- "
" .\bout u-. ? '' qu<'...,tion( cl
.tll of my (,unil). '><'t' ptically.
" :\nd perch-edificl~, and
the tr<·e-., and thl' ~k'
much about th<' c;
ll<'arly neighbour, and \1~~
\Ji,er and--oth<'r thin~ ....
I fini-.h<'d lameh.
" ~lay bc," '>nid all of
., f.lmih, " tna)•be 'ou
<.an make :-ome kind of
'>tory .\\.>out that " -1 could
not tell wh<'th<'r the accent
on the pronoun was a con-
Witton Sheep Fair.
·1 ht- old· t ime drover at wa)., carried a stick, but the land girl !:>Cem-; to
l<'mpluou-. accent or a com- •
manage very ''ell wtthout one.
accent-" but