The Landswoman June 1920 | Page 7

.... dcll<'r" Jwow, ue<.ausc of th• brn fk al . t1 il h,,.., UJXln our plantf>; a nd il lt helps ;h :'" ucn<:e , .., ·ut• dl} it wdl benefit us. cm, most 1 Hul 111 ... t of .tll, to take th~ work for tllr .1 1 · · mont 1 1 · IIH golul n ru t• IS to 1 ( for the· , .,011 . J.,..,,, :.owing- 111:1} b(• lll.ld< of dw;,l f I· 1 , 111 h \ "0\\ 1111{ may ,d.,o be m.tdl:" of runnt \\.tit h fol blm k ny .in·.llls, and pinch ~~t toP' whr 11 flow• r., 1Jr·g1n to ... N. Bt 1 1 • \ 01111 g- pl.lll Is -.hould lx• protP<. kd from b•nJ., tiH'Y Ion th1 lw• t folt;tgl·, and will utl• rl} d 1 • .,(, n\ whol• <.rop .... ( WlWIS nwy -.tdl br• '>0\\11. Bt:\\arc of fly. ( nun mtty now be·• rl, \\ at• ring and ,fl,Hhng ltotll ... un .1 frw cl.t} aft1·r phmting. _ ('u utut::Rs. Conltnual attention to th(JSC in {1 ,Hilt''· RIJ)( .• b Ct ll<; m:.y be plantPd out. t.r1 Jll< J.S -\Nt> Ro\OIH'>II.-Sow a littiP uld h.1vl' ..,o,tklllg of liquid m,tnurr-.. Por UOI" Continue ('arthin~ up 1<; rcquirf'd. ' I o\1 \TOJ., m.n l>< pl.mte · mrlllllrf \ tl ~~ \RI rnav 1)1 pl.1nt1·d ('it her in rnanurt• pih or tnoutHI ... , or on bank ... , or on the kvE'I \\'I~ 1 LI{ (iRHF...,.S.- 1 hes<' arc mo~t important •• Jild "hould hP plctntrd out in showery weather. (,Pt thrm well LSlt fir.,t alwavs lt avc :.mallE'r o~u to ~row .md h<'l omr la r g('r, thr.., kf"I'J>'> up a cont10uou., p1ck· rng-. \!11 o,.., m.t} be IL·rtt lisPd to ensurc a good set of r, Uti J l ,.., Of''-otr;tb lc to ... et all fruit<; togcthf'r -.o ,,, to ha\ r thrm ,tll sw('llin~ and reC'eiv'ng c;anw ltc .lltnN1l, oth<'rWt"e tt 1s ho{X'k"" to attempt mdon- grow~ng. Pl \Cilc" and P 1 c~~ mu't be thinnt>d. ....,, R \\\ IH·RRtP.<; <..howing fruit must be <.'OVM'<' rd in b~lc:, allowmg 1 ~ fl'i•t f';Wh "'·" : tho<:f' in hou'"" r<'qurrE' g1·f'at cnrt- arHl alt••t1tion . t 'lltn "''' liiPMt' \l ~ mu-.t h,l\ t' 1h<. it llnal polt111g'. D \1111 '" m.IV .-;till tw pl.1n!l'd, and if gi,·en gt·n~r- 011"> tn·ll,n• nt wi lt tlo\\ <'r "1 ll. Keep a look-out N • f',\1 \\'lt;''· '1 HE 1..\~0~\\ 0\J ':-i • The Piggery in Early Summer. HOW TO C O ~t8 .\T )IJ L K FEVER. \[0\<,~l.•he probl m:. which fa•e the l)ig- kf'eper 1n the c.1rly swnmer i-; th•• evil of m 11-: fev"'· lL 1.., an ,tnnoymg • ..nd hf••hl) ,tJ.,. 1 our.tgtng di'~":•"~'· '1 he plg-k~"<--p.•r m.ty t:'nv<• hu·n f. 1 u~tJ,..,~ •n 111-. •n.tnn~t·nwnt of til1· 1n-pig ~ow, l.tkii~J{ 1 wry 1 Mf' to g-uilrd h1•r :1g.till'>t cold ,oml Ulhllll.tbl~ food... . 'I h•· liltt r ma} ho~H lu•• n strong ·IIHI nutn,.rou", .tnd ) Pt thr milk fc ' ' r totnP~ a Ion~ :uul po b tho• wh•'l" outlook, oft•·n rt'JHh 1111g 11 , nnt·-...., If) to h.tnd-rc·,lr the yr>ung.,tn:.. ~om•· "ow.., .trl' pt onf' to mrlk fl'\ ('t bu~ thnt dor" no~ •n• :m that tlw lroubll" rn I} 1;\ll f"rif'nt•• h••fotf". .\s a gt·rH rul< how- 1'\11, 1!. h thosl' h(':tV} mrlking ... \,,.,.,, \'.trn1ng a goorl. llll of cond 't ton, whi olllllllal-. h~l\1 -.hort lc·g... and loll!{ uddt"t .. , \\ ith t••.ch 111111 li1ng th .. l{ruund. ~u< h """., "htl\lld ah• .t\" '" ' • .,ro fulh watt h•-<1 .tftf'r th••\ h.n 1• Jo\\1 d, f, r in tn ilk f1•\l·r ~., in lllo't oth• r di-.ea."""• 1he trouhlf' i-; :tl\\,1) " tnlHh nll>t<· -..toutly op~lO""d tu 1 ur..- Whf'n rt h t" h<~ 11 Of'g'if"l' t•·d or lt-t run on too l·mg. \ ... .,w . . ufff'ring rrom mi lk fc ... , r will df., • pl.c\ .tn unwontt d Ji.,tlP'""'''' ~ \\.I akh 1 ondll1nn, nod a" .tlmo-t 1otnl Ios ... of a1 p•·tite. c;1 f' will nlso lw ba•lh• con . . tip.tlt'cl , I in~ nn h,.r d1 -.1, .ltld 'hf)W· in~ cl tli ... t till H) unmnth• rh di ... n ~.crd for h('r ) ounL:". wh11 \\ ill liml it IH 't to impo-.,1hll' to '~'\llll' milk r rom h(•r tr ,lh Prompt ell tivn .,h,luld b•· lIollh ar1· m.cnilo· lPd. [ hc· ~>ig-k 'PfW r -,hmrld tr~ tn ~f't a ... rnurh milk aw.l\ from th<' ~lnnd-, .~ ... p3-.<· or treat 1<· nnd ... mrarPrl on tht tnng-ur atHI hp.;;. I.Pt th1 -.ow out in a gra ...... JXtddt'l k for 1'"\l'r(hf'. and r('f d hf"l' (ltl ... !,lppy l:t\.ativ(' food .cnd a ~uod ,1l10\\ ..till'(' of ~rf"{n·t~tT 1r nnt t•atin~ do nnt atlrtnpt to drf"nrh h··r With ~rut I, f"h'., a., .tbc;•· from £0<<1 or ~hort COU_J· m on~ j., t hc h"t thmg for hr·r ....,uW<; rarf'ly dtr frnlll thi.;; dl.,f':t.,l•, but the milk riOf'" n0t {Otnt> in p1 Ot><'riV, -.o ont> h:tc; lo hand-n ar tht' pig-.... Pi~lin~s rl'quire to be f,..~ for thf" firo;t fe\v days :thmt rvt rv two hour'. g ..-1ng onl~ a small quan- tit'' at n timl'. The young"'trrs c:.oo~ net uc;- hHnfXI to tx-in~ frd out of a bnb' ' fel'dln~ ·bottl~. \ l.{Ood rni\.tur~ whi(h nearly approx nut!'-.. sow c; milk is mndP t,f warm cow 's milk 1! p' nt', two r. 1 w pg~'· and on~ to t\'-'0 tcac;poonsful ('f <;ug:\~. If it <':\ll"l''i diarrhn~a u..,c le~s s.ugar •. or rf 'IH''~1· p·ttion int·r,~a-..1' it c;ow'" mtlk 1<:. tW1CI' ,,., rrl h .. .., C':>w\ milk. having total c:.olid, 17.63 pn 'Pnt., whkh inrlud1'" 6.4-l of fat. 6 ()() ,tlbuml'n, 4·0-l .;, A 1 oh c:n!H. ~ 0 ,,.., ~~~~l . 11 [tc whidt :HP ntnntn~ out . at<' not. k . 1 1 hut f. 1 t, c;,hort-lPgg(•d twr . . lwrt t~f fO<)J till ... ,,. u. . . 111« l l IC'flll ' row<;, •