11IE LA~Ib\\0\t\~
1>1 \ll 1 •1~1. .... , - \ ou h,,,.,. dtt'i(kd tlw fntP uf lto.
L~"ll!'t\\0\1\-.: with JH) um~"'rt.tin \Oil''·
ll ...,, 1 h
th.tl \OU <.111'1 do without .1 pag1 of it! P<• .... tt.trd!>
.llld I~ ltl'r-. lt.n:c pourc-<1 in for thf' !.t..;t thltt' \\T!'k-.,
,lfld up to rlw pn '''Ill \\'f' h~tVl' on I} h.ul t•n•· \'oil
in f.tvow of l(' :u c
,, f,.\\ uf th1 ll'llt r-., nul b} any lll<'an-. thl' llHht
-.up< rl.tth t' : -
.. I >on'• hhght our }Ollllg" llVL'i bv rulu1 ing tlw
.. ii~f' of 'J 111 L '"""WOM\N. B\ ;tll lll<'~Ul:- lr>t u-. ha\,.
I o I"' v dou "l' , for hone· .... I h; i l 1~ worth l h.tt for
H•ur !.pit Hcltd J, ttu ~tlonl'. \Vhr>n 111} 'mn~.' nrriw,
I nr.trh :d\\,t\'s hr nk <'I rul nnd ,,.,,d it .tt hr•.tk~
f.t t tillll', :Jnd rt'ad a)OUU \OUT )('ttPr, tor it f
P·''""d it on for the ot!H'r-.. to· read J <-houldn't h'''l
.a look in am\\ hf'r,.. ! ''
" I .un wrilin[.! to ... a~ even if our mng ..... lwuld
< "I 1
wr• lllUo;t h.avt it, and e\'Pn mor.-• I don't
I hink Wf' cc.uld C'V<'r p:n too much for our ' old
rn.tf.! '! \\'" '>h<•uld be lost without Jt.
" \ft~ r I ha\'f~ comf\ in from work and thinJ!:. hav<.'
not been n~ well ac; tht>y could have been, my good
I11Hll:uh• hnng-, my lett<'r.;, and th(' fir: ... t to ca1ch mv
~''~" "·" h month i<: mv mag. '! \nd what n topping
Chth Pngt" WP h:'\Vt. How could we do without
<:rt•inr:- tho"C' WC'I' niggt•r girl<: marching along hNld·
ing- our pngt"?
" T nwsr>lf think th 1t Tur L\:-:ns\\ n~l\\. -.; ju.,t like
,, good tonic, it do,..; 4 buck one up. ' "
I c;;n ft)t the ' lo\P of :\Iikt"' put tht" price
up rttthPr th:111 Wl' c;hall lo<:4" anvthing- bv such a
triflf' t\'i 1 0. c\ WN•k I'XIrn ~
I'm ur;- th" oth•·r tf'ndc>r-.
~~\·'~\~~~ · - -
'''ill s '" th~ .... ant<', and if
~~, · \\\~
... .~.,
th,..v d m't, why, th<'n, thf'v
, ~
don't ll• 'rw• to gf't it. •·
H \fcl\'
of u-. who t'ould allv~<.l th<' C.ll.t t .t -.ub ... u•ption .d-.u
1 '"')
. .
ttl\\ ,ud-. thl l'oU b :.t npttOil
U f t I 10'> ~ W O M AN
.u1d what<·ver ) ou do don't <.hPa t U!> out of ll J1 1
Club 1\tg<' Lettl'r."
" I 'm !>l'nding ) ou this card to >:>ay
I he doubl<' price I 'll gl.t cheap at a ny pr ice, ,
lktaU"<' it is SO V<'r y rll Ce. "
•• I>un 't , plra~', don ' t reduce tt. \\' hy, it j.., not
half big t noug-h now ; a nd hov. t .tn we man.tgt
without our C luh P ag<:? That is the p ng<' I turn
to fi,,f
\ou '> <'<', d<'ar Editor, )OU ~ay such "cry
nit( thing-... to us (and about U!>) on that p ag<', ;wd
it makb u-. a ll feel that w e know you per!;onally
"h<'n 'ou t;tlk to us in tha t Wtt\ e ach month.
1 {O\\ } ou cnn call tha t page unnecessa ry I do not
know ; .\nd think how w e s hould m i~<; those dc>light·
fu l V<·r-.t>S a nd q uotation~ that are s<. atten~d through
thP pagP . .
" I m a} tell } o u that I a m not the only member
of rn~ family who t>n j oys our • mag. , ' as I send it
ftrst to m y ... i ... tc>r, who i<; a nurse in a Birm ing ham
ho.;;pital, a nd thC"n to my brother, who is stationed
in India.
'' "iic; ~av-; it i . . lik<' a breath of pure country air
to n·.td it. :tnd my brotht'r ..,ay ~ that by thr tilllf'
h·· clOd h i ... m at('<; have fin i-.hed w ith it it j<: quite
unr<'adabk, and the} one a nd all look forward
to it."
'' T do ... o rm1rh lwpr t ho~ t
it will b able tl• mntinuf'
it pr<>-.f'nt o;iz(', !>('( au~ ro
those of uo: who ar~> in thf'
townc; it i., on" of our
b 'c .. ,.ings I \Vh<'n tar l cut
out n 11 1,.. lilT<''> • nd , ven ~
thing ttnd ~o to Kf'\\ nd
f, ac;t ( n g-r('(>n tr,.,r... .and
O wo'"'. '' hich
.... ~
[Reprodua d by sp.:cial permiJsion <'I tile
Proprietors of '' Puuclz . "J