The Landswoman June 1920 | Page 2

1 IIF L \\ n-..\\ O~t \ '\ ~"u ub.., 1 he ( '~tolt. ... ol j tlllt , Olton Pools. < .~orgia wh1te lloWCIS .un• n"' th<·rr :..tbl~· I<' 1;: ... , pllH k1 1 g' u 1 Ro .. 1 L ('\ i~">.tt..t By thun fro 11 1he dimb•ng lu!>C~ whrrh attach th_un· jOHN DRINK\\ ·\ThR. eh n. to tht: gardt ·, tr(;t!:, Ol the lt'n·-.t U~c NO\\ j unc walks on tht wat p:m·hi'd -.bore... of the (, u If of Btng ~I .t r LO\t't cd \ nd t lw cu~: koo 's la'>t f'll 1 l"rs, durin(T the n· \\ .th a beauttlui \\hlte ll)-.e, found P.t '~"' ft o m Olton Poob. c· wntllll'llf t> t> • • l <> l al-. 1n <'hi d \«·p.tUI, ,,hJie 1n \'a-.t t I w ' l {i ' th ~:tu rift R ... '.! .... •mpen·in n ... th}. In ll•·l.llld, ~o Hn·athi ng rmd..,untnt(·r rO!>t·-. tell.., us, a pi., ~o ~tt'tlle m vt!gctnl ion that .\ 110 'C) th('S ate W Cl With d~ \\', 111 -.omc parts the nall\ ·-.. .1rc ,ompdled to fu:d th( it hor es :lnd cattle ,m dr cd lhh, we find th\/ Ro ... a b i t not ~tra nge for C\'er rubig-ino .... l. with it..<·, "olitaQ, rup-,' tl d l hat, bowcrcd in this wonl und• r the :-nOW!> of . l that --~vt re«', the n:Ht\'1'::. :.'-ck~ng m1. s::.v• .md he 1cns I hat J un<' ancl the Junr wat 1 •rs fo1 th~~'ir rtind<>~er, tind Rv-..t ,111d, I th1nk, .\ nd b ir cl'> a nd dawn-lit Ro-..t embdba. Tlw Ro-..t maj.tJi, b a n r~ bt1 1 1lllll . roc::e., J ' \1 <' gospc·ls in l h (' \\'JI1d f"l)lnur :tnd of ...,,, t, t p -rfumc, and ,hi' a l-o t•nlivcns ' 1 h•• drl'.trint·-,-. uf :\on\ .t) and ':>\\~ n where in CHIY JJi...,t • ovPr Olton Pool~ ! kind of dimls . '' .Std " Wit/ • 11111 J h no '''~,;"!.,.-. for not h:n mg- .t ro'«' n .lll) g.tnkn, •'> \ c /If 1 ... ~tlll , ) hO\\t\'t'f' tin) . . \nd the pctfum, h '' wondttful 1t ''· .\nd t'\l'r) rus j, l t l nt, c·. dt indh idu.ll h.t ... h r O\\n IJ\O'L cxqui-.t 1 .,c 1 t. Ro ... otrC ofttn p:cl~ll( on tht brO\\ ..... !Ill in An Old Sussex Sheep-Shearing th( h.ltld-. Of ':l llh Whtl ,uff r \ mnrl\ HIOill fl r tht Church, nn1l it i ... ret ordE'd t 1 ~t. Yi~~.·c nt t at t 1• RF tl l f' ro~t·bud::. in J une and th~ \'iolt>ts are bed on '' hidt h~.: dt d ''. ... t._ r 1'<-d of tht m. \ t blowing, 1 ou!ou ... c the IO\'(' of till' rrench for ro~t ... \\a ... th\ .1) s I ht l bird.. . thE-y warble from ('\'t'r" sho\\ n in t lw •' '' ard of onC' of th se llo\\ < ... ,, tlw hough ; J gn en ~· -.1 JIOfJlt Otlt IHI .H. :1 public read ng-. .\u 1 g thl" 1 l e n ·..., the- pink and thf' lrlv \' ,.,. ') b.tntl.., \\ h,. ,J. pt on Lx,(.' p1 t.d ... , .uHI \\t ht ar uf t ne atllkt('(l \outh I o adorn a nd pt>rf um<' tlw swf'et meado"'s 1• 1 ] \\ ho t ould not ~1 p b (.tu..,., a pct. 1 J h::~d • I.H.' . . t. llld ... ou r br own jug, and 'ti-. fillnl with good 1 R(l-.f' t. ' tr•lt•n" 111 alc, ' par 1 "' '' f ~\\ • ttZ« rlan d . I, • I ~ O u1 tablP, o ur table, shall increasE' nnd not fail; · I 1 he 1. tlo\\'t r j, c uljltUT• d <.n th(' t omus o f gtr tn ur"'} • \\ h••rf' it ;, bt•Ji, \ t d t ll t· ro-r• cam e f ro n . We'll joke and we'll sing, ' [ ' nhornf'l, the tr.tditon b·lnv .', And danre in a rin,. h. . , tll"t .. \\h en h ,. lll:.tuc bl .... JOUnh' fwm h•::\\'en thf' ... we.u th:H fell f \\'hl'n thP hearing-'<; over and th<' hnn·t"'t h <. f< Jt hr ad hlllt mtd from tht"' ~''lrth 'ts I 't rom In l' · · 1 · h . < • • \\ ll ~' ro-.t ..... draws nigh, ' I ... a t If' rug• ~-~Zin . . to ..: n . :. \\.!• '11 pr<'parf' for thf' fi<>ld .... our <;(renl the· I honh I ,.,·, 1 t I .. I • I • ' ... I ... ) .... lrt':t ... t :l 1 1d The Daisies. '1 11 11 111J.: " ' l.>loud «•\ 1 r t h,. 1 )( 1 .t • 1 "· C' 1 I .t n u ,.d ' t l ' r l " I 0 tl< I , ,If! ( I 1'\ 1 11 lltl\\ t hr• J'c· 11 o ll u BliSS C J\RM.Ii'll. • r ' :lll tr .., \ (llJ th· t I 'PH" " .l~llllht ,I th,.rn th 11 I 1 a H \ ' ER lh(' ..,Jwuldt•rc; and slopf's of the duiH' .Ill nil{ht to \\ nr .. hiJ» llld t• .'' ma ~ "' kt pi :t\\':tkP . l " :n\ thf' whitl' daisiP.., go down to tlw sr:t, 0 S l ll g' . 1\lld SIS h • • I I 11 ri.J'o•• n "P 111-.h ,. hur-.t f \ ho~ t Ill tlw -.un..,hinf', an ~rmv in J urw, () { I ... rom ·, JU( I to J,lpom P. smg~, n•· ~ r ,,. lt g « nd~ of th r> Cnw' t .~ . I h(' pc·opl .. < ;od "<'lld.., us to our he :ut c; frrc. r., .. ,. Ol ('o•T r!•· h J I IX on n IOH' ' tht• !"> ' • n ... t (• f> ·m t 1 I ( ro\\ 11 of I horn . • to .. en for th~ 'JJ!,. hohoi.rnk.; r.tllir-u th('m up from tlw dt•ll, . I hr 1111 d liii,JI u-. of ro'" " I hr- onoJ, . . ., whi<.tlf'd them out of th<' wood' .. thr- J .. no\\11 h -.ton of th I' ,...or... n . . b~wk :l o; \ n,J :rll ,,( tlwir <>.n ino- \\'a~ " J•arlh it i~ wdl! ,. P nnr. Hut 1 \ ll< I all o f th1 ir · dancing f'> • ' I ,.. 11 'Oil llll•t• ·dthou~h r I lll ust not wa.., • '' T.iff', thou • ·1rl , ... le• t• IJ almu; tlw rl)~" •·n •• not told hnlf then• g ood ! " · • HI Song. 0 .,;t -- I ..... (" The Open Road.'' Mf'l1lltNl-)